Implementation of the PHP Content Repository API (PHPCR) using a relational database to persist data.
Jackalope uses Doctrine DBAL to abstract the database layer. It is currently tested to work with MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite.
For the moment, it is less feature complete, performant and robust than Jackalope-Jackrabbit but it can run on any server with PHP and an SQL database.
Discuss on [email protected] or visit #jackalope on
This code is dual licensed under the MIT license and the Apache License Version 2.0. Please see the file LICENSE in this folder.
- php >= 5.3
- One of the following databases, including the PDO extension for it:
- MySQL >= 5.1.5 (we need the ExtractValue function)
- PostgreSQL
- SQLite
The recommended way to install jackalope is through composer. You can of course do without, but then you will need to resolve the dependencies manually.
$ mkdir my-project
$ cd my-project
$ curl -s | php
$ ./composer.phar init
$ ./composer.phar require jackalope/jackalope-doctrine-dbal
$ ./composer.phar install
Set up a new database supported by Doctrine DBAL. You can use your favorite GUI frontend or just do something like this:
Note that you need at least version 5.1.5 of MySQL, otherwise you will get SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1305 FUNCTION cmf-app.EXTRACTVALUE does not exist
$ mysqladmin -u root -p create jackalope
$ echo "grant all privileges on jackalope.* to 'jackalope'@'localhost' identified by '1234test'; flush privileges;" | mysql -u root -p
$ psql -c "CREATE ROLE jackalope WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD '1234test' NOINHERIT LOGIN;" -U postgres
$ psql -c "CREATE DATABASE jackalope WITH OWNER = jackalope;" -U postgres
Database is created automatically if you specify driver and path ("pdo_sqlite", "jackalope.db"). Database name is not needed.
For further details, please see the Doctrine configuration page.
There are a couple of useful commands to interact with the repository.
To use the console, copy cli-config.php.dist
to cli-config.php
and configure
the connection parameters.
Then you can run the commands from the jackalope directory with ./bin/jackalope
NOTE: If you are using PHPCR inside of Symfony, the DoctrinePHPCRBundle provides the commands inside the normal Symfony console and you don't need to prepare anything special.
There is the Jackalope specific command jackalope:init:dbal
which you need
to run to initialize a database before you can use it.
You have many useful commands available from the phpcr-utils. To get a list of all commands, type:
$ ./bin/jackalope
To get more information on a specific command, use the help
command. To learn
more about the phpcr:workspace:export
command for example, you would type:
$ ./bin/jackalope help phpcr:workspace:export
Jackalope relies on autoloading. Namespaces and folders are compliant with
PSR-0. You should use the autoload file generated by composer:
If you want to integrate jackalope into other PSR-0 compliant code and use your
own classloader, find the mapping in vendor/composer/autoload_namespaces.php
Before you can use jackalope with a database, you need to set the database up. Create a database as described above, then make sure the command line utility is set up (see above "Enable the commands"). Now you can run:
$ bin/jackalope jackalope:init:dbal
Once these steps are done, you can bootstrap the library. A minimalist sample code to get a PHPCR session with the doctrine-dbal backend:
// For further details, please see Doctrine configuration page.
$driver = 'pdo_mysql'; // pdo_pgsql | pdo_sqlite
$host = 'localhost';
$user = 'jackalope';
$pass = '';
$database = 'jackalope'; // $path = 'jackalope.db'; // for SQLite
$workspace = 'default';
// Bootstrap Doctrine
$dbConn = \Doctrine\DBAL\DriverManager::getConnection(array(
'driver' => $driver,
'host' => $host,
'user' => $user,
'password' => $pass,
'dbname' => $database,
// 'path' => $path, // for SQLite
$factory = new \Jackalope\RepositoryFactoryDoctrineDBAL();
$repository = $factory->getRepository(
array('jackalope.doctrine_dbal_connection' => $dbConn)
// dummy credentials to comply with the API
$credentials = new \PHPCR\SimpleCredentials(null, null);
$session = $repository->login($credentials, $workspace);
To use a workspace different than default
you need to create it first. The
easiest is to run the command bin/jackalope phpcr:workspace:create <myworkspace>
but you can of course also use the PHPCR API to create workspaces from your code.
The entry point is to create the repository factory. The factory specifies the storage backend as well. From this point on, there are no differences in the usage (except for supported features, that is).
// see Bootstrapping for how to get the session.
$rootNode = $session->getNode("/");
$whitewashing = $rootNode->addNode("www-whitewashing-de");
$posts = $whitewashing->addNode("posts");
$post = $posts->addNode("welcome-to-blog");
$post->setProperty("jcr:title", "Welcome to my Blog!");
$post->setProperty("jcr:description", "This is the first post on my blog! Do you like it?");
See PHPCR Tutorial for a more detailed tutorial on how to use the PHPCR API.
If you know that you will need many child nodes of a node you are about to request, use the depth hint on Session::getNode. This will prefetch the children to reduce the round trips to the database. It is part of the PHPCR standard. You can also globally set a fetch depth, but that is Jackalope specific: Call Session::setSessionOption with Session::OPTION_FETCH_DEPTH to something bigger than 1.
Use Node::getNodeNames if you only need to know the names of child nodes, but don't need the actual nodes. Note that you should not use the typeFilter on getNodeNames with jackalope. Using the typeFilter with getNodes to only fetch the nodes of types that interest you can make a lot of sense however.
Jackalope supports logging, for example to investigate the number and type of queries used. To enable logging, provide a logger instance to the repository factory:
$factory = new \Jackalope\RepositoryFactoryDoctrineDBAL();
$logger = new Jackalope\Transport\Logging\DebugStack();
$options = array(
'jackalope.doctrine_dbal_connection' => $dbConn,
'jackalope.logger' => $logger,
$repository = $factory->getRepository($options);
// at the end, output debug information
You can also wrap a PSR-3 compatible logger like monolog with the Psr3Logger class.
Note that when using jackalope in Symfony2, the logger is integrated in the debug toolbar.
By default, Jackalope uses the UUIDHelper class from phpcr-utils. If you want
to use something else, you can provide a closure that returns UUIDs as option
to $factory->getRepository($options)
See doc/ for an introduction how Jackalope is built. Have a look at the source files and generate the phpdoc.
Jackalope-doctrine-dbal is integrated with the phpcr-api-tests suite that tests all PHPCR functionality.
If you want to run the tests, please see the README file in the tests folder.
The best overview of what needs to be done are the skipped API tests. Have a look at ImplementationLoader to see what is currently not working and start hacking :-)
Also have a look at the issue trackers of this project and the base jackalope/jackalope.
- Christian Stocker [email protected]
- David Buchmann [email protected]
- Tobias Ebnöther [email protected]
- Roland Schilter [email protected]
- Uwe Jäger [email protected]
- Lukas Kahwe Smith [email protected]
- Benjamin Eberlei [email protected]
- Daniel Barsotti [email protected]
- and many others