Build HTML/PDF resume from JSON/YAML/TOML
# with Go
go install
# with Homebrew
brew install nikaro/tap/goresume
# on ArchLinux from AUR
yay -S goresume-bin
You can also download one of the binaries or packages from the Releases page.
> goresume --help
Resume Builder
goresume [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
export Export resume to HTML/PDF
help Help about any command
validate Validate resume against schema
-h, --help help for goresume
-l, --log-level string logging level (default "warn")
-r, --resume string path to the resume (default "resume.json")
-v, --version version for goresume
Use "goresume [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Export resume.json
to resume.html
and resume.pdf
goresume export
Use a custom theme for PDF output:
goresume export --pdf-theme actual
Export HTML to stdout:
goresume export --html-output -
goresume comes with a few embeded themes:
You can also use your own themes, by creating a themes/my-theme.html
next to your resume.json
. goresume use Go template engine
augmented with sprout functions.