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Niklas Frykholm edited this page Mar 6, 2015 · 1 revision

String Table

This file implements a string table for string interning, i.e. converting back and forth between strings and int representations which we call symbols. This can be used to compress data structures containing repeated strings.

For cache friendliness all data is stored in a single continuous buffer. You can move this buffer around freely in memory. You are responsible for allocating the buffer. If the buffer runs out of memory you are responsible for resizing it before you can add more strings.

See example code in the Unit Test section below.



struct nfst_StringTable;

void nfst_init(struct nfst_StringTable *st, int bytes, int average_string_size);
int nfst_allocated_bytes(struct nfst_StringTable *st);
void nfst_grow(struct nfst_StringTable *st, int bytes);
int  nfst_pack(struct nfst_StringTable *st);
int nfst_to_symbol(struct nfst_StringTable *st, const char *s);
int nfst_to_symbol_const(const struct nfst_StringTable *st, const char *s);
const char *nfst_to_string(struct nfst_StringTable *, int symbol);

struct nfst_StringTable

Structure representing a string table. The data for the table is stored directly after this header in memory and consists of a hash table followed by a string data block.

void nfst_init(struct nfst_StringTable *st, int bytes, int average_strlen)

Initializes an empty string table in the specified memory area. bytes is the total ammount of memory allocated at the pointer and average_strlen is the expected average length of the strings that will be added.

int nfst_allocated_bytes(struct nfst_StringTable *st)

Returns the number of bytes allocated by the string table.

void nfst_grow(struct nfst_StringTable *st, int bytes)

Grows the string table to size bytes. You must make sure that this many bytes are available in the pointer st (typically by calling realloc before calling this function).

int nfst_pack(struct nfst_StringTable *st)

Packs the string table so that it uses as little memory as possible while still preserving the content. Updates st->allocated_bytes and returns the new value. You can use that to shrink the buffer with realloc() if so desired.

int nfst_to_symbol(struct nfst_StringTable *st, const char *s)

Returns the symbol for the string s. If s is not already in the table, it is added. If s can't be added because the table is full, the function returns NFST_STRING_TABLE_FULL.

The empty string is guaranteed to have the symbol 0.

int nfst_to_symbol_const(const struct nfst_StringTable *const_st, const char *s)

As nfst_to_symbol(), but never adds the string to the table. If the string doesn't exist in the table NFST_STRING_TABLE_FULL is returned.

const char *nfst_to_string(struct nfst_StringTable *st, int symbol)

Returns the string corresponding to the symbol. Calling this with a value which is not a symbol returned by nfst_to_symbol() results in undefined behavior.


#include <assert.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <stdint.h>

#define HASH_FACTOR (2.0f)

We must have room for at leat one hash slot and one string

#define MIN_SIZE (sizeof(struct nfst_StringTable) + 1*(uint32_t) + 4)

#define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))

struct HashAndLength
	uint32_t hash;
	int length;

static inline struct HashAndLength hash_and_length(const char *start);
static inline uint16_t *hashtable_16(struct nfst_StringTable *st);
static inline uint32_t *hashtable_32(struct nfst_StringTable *st);
static inline char *strings(struct nfst_StringTable *st);
static inline int available_string_bytes(struct nfst_StringTable *st);
static void rebuild_hash_table(struct nfst_StringTable *st);

Structure representing a string table. The data for the table is stored directly after this header in memory and consists of a hash table followed by a string data block.

struct nfst_StringTable
	// The total size of the allocated data, including this header.
    int allocated_bytes;

    // The number of strings in the table.
    int count;

    // Does the hash table use 16 bit slots
    int uses_16_bit_hash_slots;

    // Total number of slots in the hash table.
    int num_hash_slots;

    // The current number of bytes used for string data.
    int string_bytes;

Initializes an empty string table in the specified memory area. bytes is the total ammount of memory allocated at the pointer and average_strlen is the expected average length of the strings that will be added.

void nfst_init(struct nfst_StringTable *st, int bytes, int average_strlen)
	assert(bytes >= MIN_SIZE);

	st->allocated_bytes = bytes;
	st->count = 0;
	float bytes_per_string = average_strlen + 1 + sizeof(uint16_t) * HASH_FACTOR;
	float num_strings = (bytes - sizeof(*st)) / bytes_per_string;
	st->num_hash_slots = MAX(num_strings * HASH_FACTOR, 1);

	int bytes_for_strings_16 = bytes - sizeof(*st) - sizeof(uint16_t) * st->num_hash_slots;
	int bytes_for_strings_32 = bytes - sizeof(*st) - sizeof(uint32_t) * st->num_hash_slots;
	st->uses_16_bit_hash_slots = bytes_for_strings_32 <= 64 * 1024;

	memset(hashtable_16(st), 0, st->num_hash_slots * 
		(st->uses_16_bit_hash_slots ? sizeof(uint16_t) : sizeof(uint32_t)));
	// Empty string is stored at index 0. This way, we can use 0 as a marker for
	// empty hash slots.
	strings(st)[0] = 0;
	st->string_bytes = 1;

Returns the number of bytes allocated by the string table.

int nfst_allocated_bytes(struct nfst_StringTable *st)
	return st->allocated_bytes;

Grows the string table to size bytes. You must make sure that this many bytes are available in the pointer st (typically by calling realloc before calling this function).

void nfst_grow(struct nfst_StringTable *st, int bytes)
	assert(bytes >= st->allocated_bytes);

	const char * const old_strings = strings(st);

	st->allocated_bytes = bytes;

	float average_strlen = st->count > 0 ? (float)st->string_bytes / (float)st->count : 15.0f;
	float bytes_per_string = average_strlen + 1 + sizeof(uint16_t) * HASH_FACTOR;
	float num_strings = (bytes - sizeof(*st)) / bytes_per_string;
	st->num_hash_slots = MAX(num_strings * HASH_FACTOR, st->num_hash_slots);

	int bytes_for_strings_16 = bytes - sizeof(*st) - sizeof(uint16_t) * st->num_hash_slots;
	int bytes_for_strings_32 = bytes - sizeof(*st) - sizeof(uint32_t) * st->num_hash_slots;
	st->uses_16_bit_hash_slots = bytes_for_strings_32 <= 64*1024;

	char * const new_strings = strings(st);
	memmove(new_strings, old_strings, st->string_bytes);

Packs the string table so that it uses as little memory as possible while still preserving the content. Updates st->allocated_bytes and returns the new value. You can use that to shrink the buffer with realloc() if so desired.

int nfst_pack(struct nfst_StringTable *st)
	const char *old_strings = strings(st);

	st->num_hash_slots = st->count * HASH_FACTOR;
	if (st->num_hash_slots < 1)
		st->num_hash_slots = 1;
	if (st->num_hash_slots < st->count + 1)
		st->num_hash_slots = st->count + 1;
	st->uses_16_bit_hash_slots = st->string_bytes <= 64*1024;

	char * const new_strings = strings(st);
	memmove(new_strings, old_strings, st->string_bytes);

	st->allocated_bytes = (new_strings + st->string_bytes) - (char *)st;
	return st->allocated_bytes;

Returns the symbol for the string s. If s is not already in the table, it is added. If s can't be added because the table is full, the function returns NFST_STRING_TABLE_FULL.

The empty string is guaranteed to have the symbol 0.

int nfst_to_symbol(struct nfst_StringTable *st, const char *s)
	// "" maps to 0
	if (!*s) return 0;

	const struct HashAndLength hl = hash_and_length(s);
	char * const strs = strings(st);
	int i = 0;
	if (st->uses_16_bit_hash_slots) {
		uint16_t * const ht = hashtable_16(st);
		i = hl.hash % st->num_hash_slots;
		while (ht[i]) {
			if (strcmp(s, strs + ht[i]) == 0)
				return ht[i];
			i = (i+1) % st->num_hash_slots;
	} else {
		uint32_t * const ht = hashtable_32(st);
		i = hl.hash % st->num_hash_slots;
		while (ht[i]) {
			if (strcmp(s, strs + ht[i]) == 0)
				return ht[i];
			i = (i+1) % st->num_hash_slots;

	if (st->count + 1 >= st->num_hash_slots)

	if ( (float)st->num_hash_slots / (float)(st->count + 1) < HASH_FACTOR)

	char * const dest = strs + st->string_bytes;
	if (st->string_bytes + hl.length + 1 > available_string_bytes(st))

	const int symbol = st->string_bytes;
	if (st->uses_16_bit_hash_slots) {
		if (symbol > 64 * 1024)
		hashtable_16(st)[i] = symbol;
	} else {
		hashtable_32(st)[i] = symbol;
	memcpy(dest, s, hl.length + 1);
	st->string_bytes += hl.length + 1;
	return symbol;

As nfst_to_symbol(), but never adds the string to the table. If the string doesn't exist in the table NFST_STRING_TABLE_FULL is returned.

int nfst_to_symbol_const(const struct nfst_StringTable *const_st, const char *s)
	struct nfst_StringTable *st = (struct nfst_StringTable *)const_st;

	// "" maps to 0
	if (!*s) return 0;

	const struct HashAndLength hl = hash_and_length(s);
	const char * const strs = strings(st);
	int i = 0;
	if (st->uses_16_bit_hash_slots) {
		const uint16_t * const ht = hashtable_16(st);
		i = hl.hash % st->num_hash_slots;
		while (ht[i]) {
			if (strcmp(s, strs + ht[i]) == 0)
				return ht[i];
			i = (i+1) % st->num_hash_slots;
	} else {
		const uint32_t * const ht = hashtable_32(st);
		i = hl.hash % st->num_hash_slots;
		while (ht[i]) {
			if (strcmp(s, strs + ht[i]) == 0)
				return ht[i];
			i = (i+1) % st->num_hash_slots;


Returns the string corresponding to the symbol. Calling this with a value which is not a symbol returned by nfst_to_symbol() results in undefined behavior.

const char *nfst_to_string(struct nfst_StringTable *st, int symbol)
	return strings(st) + symbol;

static inline struct HashAndLength hash_and_length(const char *start)
	// The hash function is borrowed from Lua.
	// Since we need to walk the entire string anyway for finding the
	// length, this is a decent hash function.

	uint32_t h = 0;
	const char *s = start;
	for (; *s; ++s)
		h = h ^ ((h<<5) + (h>>2) + (unsigned char)*s);

	struct HashAndLength result = {h, s-start};
	return result;

static inline uint16_t *hashtable_16(struct nfst_StringTable *st)
	return (uint16_t *)(st + 1);

static inline uint32_t *hashtable_32(struct nfst_StringTable *st)
	return (uint32_t *)(st + 1);

static inline char *strings(struct nfst_StringTable *st)
	return st->uses_16_bit_hash_slots ?
		 (char *)(hashtable_16(st) + st->num_hash_slots) :
		 (char *)(hashtable_32(st) + st->num_hash_slots);

static inline int available_string_bytes(struct nfst_StringTable *st)
	return st->uses_16_bit_hash_slots ?
		st->allocated_bytes - sizeof(*st) - st->num_hash_slots * sizeof(uint16_t) :
		st->allocated_bytes - sizeof(*st) - st->num_hash_slots * sizeof(uint32_t);

static void rebuild_hash_table(struct nfst_StringTable *st)
	const char *strs = strings(st);
	const char *s = strs + 1;
	if (st->uses_16_bit_hash_slots) {
		memset(hashtable_16(st), 0, st->num_hash_slots * sizeof(uint16_t));

		uint16_t * const ht = hashtable_16(st);
		while (s < strs + st->string_bytes) {
			const struct HashAndLength hl = hash_and_length(s);
			int i = hl.hash % st->num_hash_slots;
			while (ht[i])
				i = (i + 1) % st->num_hash_slots;
			ht[i] = s - strs;
			s = s + hl.length + 1;
	} else {
		memset(hashtable_32(st), 0, st->num_hash_slots * sizeof(uint32_t));

		uint32_t * const ht = hashtable_32(st);
		while (s < strs + st->string_bytes) {
			const struct HashAndLength hl = hash_and_length(s);
			int i = hl.hash % st->num_hash_slots;
			while (ht[i])
				i = (i + 1) % st->num_hash_slots;
			ht[i] = s - strs;
			s = s + hl.length + 1;

Unit Test


	#include <stdio.h>
	#include <assert.h>
	#include <stdlib.h>

	#define assert_strequal(a,b)	assert(strcmp((a), (b)) == 0)

	static struct nfst_StringTable *grow(struct nfst_StringTable *st)
		st = realloc(st, st->allocated_bytes * 2);
		nfst_grow(st, st->allocated_bytes * 2);
		return st;

	int main(int argc, char **argv)
		struct HashAndLength hl = hash_and_length("niklas frykholm");
		assert(hl.length == 15);
		// Basic test
			char buffer[1024];
			struct nfst_StringTable * const st = (struct nfst_StringTable *)buffer;
			nfst_init(st, 1024, 10);

			assert(nfst_to_symbol(st, "") == 0);
			assert_strequal("", nfst_to_string(st, 0));

			int sym_niklas = nfst_to_symbol(st, "niklas");
			int sym_frykholm = nfst_to_symbol(st, "frykholm");

			assert(sym_niklas == nfst_to_symbol(st, "niklas"));
			assert(sym_frykholm == nfst_to_symbol(st, "frykholm"));
			assert(sym_niklas != sym_frykholm);

			assert(sym_niklas == nfst_to_symbol_const(st, "niklas"));
			assert(NFST_STRING_TABLE_FULL == nfst_to_symbol_const(st, "lax"));

			assert_strequal("niklas", nfst_to_string(st, sym_niklas));
			assert_strequal("frykholm", nfst_to_string(st, sym_frykholm));

		// Grow test
			struct nfst_StringTable * st = realloc(NULL, MIN_SIZE);
			nfst_init(st, MIN_SIZE, 4);
			assert(nfst_to_symbol(st, "01234567890123456789") == NFST_STRING_TABLE_FULL);

			for (int i = 0; i<10000; ++i) {
				char s[10];
				sprintf(s, "%i", i);
				int sym = nfst_to_symbol(st, s);
				while (sym == NFST_STRING_TABLE_FULL) {
					st = grow(st);
					sym = nfst_to_symbol(st, s);
				assert_strequal(s, nfst_to_string(st, sym));

			st = realloc(st, st->allocated_bytes);
			for (int i=0; i<10000; ++i) {
				char s[10];
				sprintf(s, "%i", i);
				int sym = nfst_to_symbol(st, s);
				assert(sym > 0);
				assert_strequal(s, nfst_to_string(st, sym));



Performance Test


	#include <stdio.h>
	#include <stdlib.h>
	#include <time.h>

	int main(int argc, char **argv)
		struct nfst_StringTable *st = malloc(128*1024);
		nfst_init(st, 128*1024, 4);

		char s[10000][5];
		for (int i=0; i<10000; ++i)
			sprintf(s[i], "%i", i);

		clock_t start = clock();
		for (int i=0; i<10000000; ++i) {
			int sym = nfst_to_symbol(st, s[rand() % 10000]);
			assert(sym >= 0);
		clock_t stop = clock();

		float delta = ((double)(stop-start)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
		printf("Time: %f\n", delta);
		printf("Memory use: %i\n", st->allocated_bytes);
		printf("16 bit: %i\n", st->uses_16_bit_hash_slots);
