file-encyptor is a small standalone tool that lets you encrypt/decrypt files using AES-256. The tool is used on the command line. An installed JRE/JDK is required.
To build from source:
mvn clean install
The executable jar is called file-encryptor-[VERSION]-shaded.jar
inside the target
To run the tests:
mvn clean test
Minimal encryption example:
java -jar file-encryptor.jar -e -i path/to/input.file -w
Minimal decryption example:
java -jar file-encryptor.jar -d -i path/to/input.file.enc -k <key>
Usage: file-encryptor
-d,--decrypt This flag sets the application to decryption mode
-e,--encrypt This flag sets the application to encryption mode
-h,--help Show usage instructions
-i,--in <arg> Input file
-k,--key <arg> Encrypt/Decrypt using a key. Must be encoded in
Base64 when read from console.
-o,--out <arg> Output file name. If this parameter is not given,
the output filename in encryption mode is just the
input filename + '.enc' or '.dec' in decryption
-r,--remove Remove the input file after the operation is
-t,--verbose Switch on verbode mode
-v,--version Show version information
-w,--writekey <arg> Write the key to the console (or a file) once
operation is complete. The argument is optional. If
the argument is 'yes', the key will be written to
a filename generated from the output file name.
Alternativly a filepath can be provided.