A Flask wrapper that implements SAML Service Provider (SP) functionalities. A marriage between Flask and python3-saml.
pip install flasksaml
For SAML SSO to work, you need to set certain parameters, particularly regarding the SAML SP & IdP. These
definitions are set in settings.json
and advanced_settings.json
. For more information, please consult
the documentation of python3-saml.
After you configured settings.json
& advanced_settings.json
, set the location of the directory
containing those 2 files in the FLASK_SAML_SETTINGS_PATH
environment variable.
Create your Flask application using the FlaskSAML class as such:
from flasksaml import FlaskSAML
app = FlaskSAML(__name__)
# Set a cryptographically secure secret key. This secret key is used to sign session cookies. Failure to
# to do so might enable tampering of session cookies
# https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/1.1.x/config/?highlight=secret_key#SECRET_KEY
app.config["SECRET_KEY"] = "so-so-secret"
# Comma-separated string of URL paths that should not require authentication
# Default: "status,healthcheck,health"
FLASK_SAML_WHITELISTED_ENDPOINTS: "status,healthcheck,health"
# The location of directory containing settings.json & advanced_settings.json
# Defaults to current working directory