Great links related to this talk.
Most of the material in this talk, along with a bit more, is available as a notebook here:
I should also say that many of the things I will talk about now were covered some years ago in a great blog post by Chris Rackaucus, Type-Dispatch Design: Post Object-Oriented Programming for Julia, which is linked in the github repo for this talk.
Tom Kwong also has a (relatively) new book about Design patterns in Julia which is helpful, Hands-On Design Patterns and Best Practices with Julia.
Old Peter Norvig talk about design patterns in Dynamic languages:
It's mostly about Dylan, which is kind of a legacy language, but in many ways it is a close cousin of Julia with a very similar feature set. (It's semantically a Lisp, but it has "normal" syntax, very much like Julia) For this reason, many of the things he addresses in the talk are applicable to Julia as well.
design pattern:
- A formal way of documenting a general reusable solution to a design problem in a particular field of expertise.
- To destroy quickly and efficiently.
- (computing) To pass on for further processing, especially via a dispatch table [...]
Julia is a different kind of programming language. Most Julia users come to the language because it combines the intuitive, high-level abstractions of dynamic languages like Python or Matlab with performance that rivals statically compiled languages like Fortran or C++ in some cases.
However, while this is Julia's "claim to fame", there are many additional qualities which distinguish Julia from more mainstream programming languages. Specifically, Julia's type system looks more like the type systems found in functional programming languages---taking influence both from Common Lisp, as well as, perhaps to a lesser extent, from ML-style languages like Haskell and OCaml
Perhaps the most striking thing for users coming from a language like Python, Java, or C++ is that Julia has no classes. I feel that what Julia has is much better, but for programmers oriented towards objects, Julia's approach can be disorienting.
I'm pretty active on, and one of the most frequent complaints I see there (and elsewhere) about Julia is that the lack of classes makes it difficult to use for large software projects. I believe this is because many of the most widely taught software design patterns presuppose the availability of classes in a language---though of course many are just complaining that you can't inherit data layout from a super type. I would remind those people that inheriting data layout breaks the principle of dependency inversion (i.e. one should depend on abstractions, not concretions)
The good news for the former group (those who miss their object-oriented design patterns) is that Julia's high-level abstractions provide a built-in way to eliminate many of the problems these design patterns were originally intended to address. A classic example is the strategy pattern, where you may want to use one approach to a problem in a one context and approach in another context. In a language like Julia with first-class functions, different "strategies" (i.e. functions) can simply be passed around as function arguments, so classes are unnecessary.
This is just one example, but if you want more, there is an old Peter Norvig talk called Design Patterns in Dynamic Programming where he discusses these things, as well as patterns that emerge in dynamic programming languages---almost all of which are applicable to Julia. (The example language in the talk, Dylan, is one of Julia's nearest neighbors in terms of design)
slides here:
In this sense, Julia "dispatches" many traditional design patterns by providing flexible high-level language features.
However, the main thrust of this talk about design patterns that emerge specifically for Julia and how create fast, flexible data structures and interfaces in the Julian way using structs, methods, abstract types, and parameterized types---design patterns based on Julia's unique approach to method dispatch.
For me, the best features of object orientation are the ability to encapsulate complexity in a simple interface and the ability to write flexible, polymorphic. Julia is one of the best languages out there when it comes to flexibility and polymorphism. It has good parts and bad parts when it comes to encapsulation, but I want to show you how to make the most of the good parts.
In Julia, the data layout of objects is defined as a struct
. This is
like C and many other languages. A struct
definition looks like this:
struct Point
It's a block that has the name of the struct
followed by a list of
field names and their types. The types of fields are technically optional,
but this is one of the few places in Julia where type declarations
make a big difference for performance. Unless it's a case where
performance absolutely doesn't matter, you should be putting types on
your struct
fields. Later we'll come back and look at how to make
these fields polymorphic without sacrificing the performance.
Defining a struct also creates a constructor:
julia> mypoint = Point(5, 7)
Point(5.0, 7.0)
Attribute access should also look familiar:
julia> mypoint.x
One thing you may notice if you're familiar with more strict object oriented languages is that there is no privacy for struct fields in Julia. For better or for worse, Julia, like Python, relies on the discipline of the user not to rely on implementation details of a struct. I personally would like to see some form of enforced privacy in a future version of Julia, perhaps at a module level, but this is what we have for now.
To package authors, I would recommend using the Python convention of prefixing field names of private attributes with an underscore, and to library users, I would recommend never accessing struct fields directly unless invited to do so in the package documentation. Relying on code that is considered an implementation detail by the package's author is a recipe for pain.
On the bright side, Julia's structs are immutable by default, which I suppose is a limited form of access control---not to mention, it's a guarantee that the compiler can use to preform some interesting optimizations.
If we try to change an immutable struct in place, we get an error:
julia> mypoint.x = 3.0
ERROR: setfield! immutable struct of type Point cannot be changed
This is often a good thing. In the case of a point, it's a way to designate a fixed location. However, perhaps we want to define an entity that can change locations:
julia> mutable struct Starship
julia> ship = Starship("U.S.S. Enterprise", Point(5, 7))y
Starship("U.S.S. Enterprise", Point(5.0, 7.0))
We can now "move" the ship by changing its location:
ship.location = Point(6, 8)
Let's say we don't want to to use the Point
constructor explicitly
every time we create new ship. Adding an alternative constructor for
an object is as easy as adding a new dispatch to a function:
julia> Starship(name, x, y) = Starship(name, Point(x, y))
julia> othership = Starship("U.S.S. Defiant", 10, 2)
Starship("U.S.S. Defiant", Point(10.0, 2.0))
You override the default constructor for a struct by defining a
constructor inside of the struct's definition, using the new
to access the default constructor internally:
julia> mutable struct FancyStarship
FancyStarship(name, x, y) = new(name, Point(x, y))
julia> fancy = FancyStarship("U.S.S. Discovery", 14, 32)
fancy = FancyStarship("U.S.S. Discovery", 14, 32)
This could be used, for example, to insure that initialization values fall with a certain valid range.
In general, you don't want your user to have to care how your starship is implemented. You simply give an interface for how it acts. If someone wants to move their ship, a function should be supplied to allow them to do so without the need for extra math.
function move!(starship, heading, distance)
Δx = distance * cosd(heading)
Δy = distance * sind(heading)
old = starship.location
starship.location = Point(old.x + Δx, old.y + Δy)
Then we can move our ships like this:
julia> foo_ship = Starship("Foo", 3, 4)
Starship("Foo", Point(3.0, 4.0))
julia> move!(foo_ship, 45, 1.5)
Point(4.060660171779821, 5.060660171779821)
This may be so obvious it goes without saying. Where it gets interesting is when we start adding multiple methods to functions for different types. Yes---in Julia, methods belong to functions, not to data types. However, methods can still be defined in terms of types (as well as number of arguments).
As a very basic example, let's compare a struct for a square and a rectangle:
struct Rectangle
width(r::Rectangle) = r.width
height(r::Rectangle) = r.height
struct Square
width(s::Square) = s.length
height(s::Square) = s.length
We need to know the width and height to define a rectangle, but for a square, we only need to store length of one side. However, since a Square is also a kind of rectangle, we want to give it the same interface, defining width and height functions for it as well.
We use the type declarations here to show that these are different function methods for different types. The compiler keeps track of this information and will select the right method based on the input types. Note that type declarations on function parameters are not used to improve performance.
Once we have that basic rectangle interface, we can define an area function that uses this interface and does the right thing for both squares and rectangles:
julia> area(shape) = width(shape) * height(shape)
area (generic function with 1 method)
julia> area(Rectangle(3, 4))
julia> area(Square(3))
Because methods in Julia can be defined in terms of types, they can do everything methods can do in a language with classes---they can simply do other things as well!
Polymorphism in programming just means that you can reuse the same code for different types. Julia is really good at this.
In the previous example, we defined an area
function that would work
with any type that provides height
and width
methods. This sort of
"free" polymorphism is very common in Julia, but sometimes it can be
useful to organize interfaces in a more constrained, hierarchical
way. To do this, we would use abstract types. In Julia, abstract types
have no data layout. They can only used for sub-typing and for
type declarations on function methods.
Continuing with shapes, let's define our first abstract type:
"""Types which inherit from `Shape` should provide an
`area` method.
abstract type Shape end
Julia doesn't currently provide a way to define interface constrains for subtypes, so I've added a doc string that explains the required interface for anyone who wishes to subtype from this abstract type. Now, let's give it a method:
combined_area(a::Shape, b::Shape) = area(a) + area(b)
Now let's define struct that is a subtype of Shape
and provides the
necessary area
struct Circle <: Shape
radius(c::Circle) = c.diameter / 2
area(c::Circle) = π * radius(c) ^ 2
Form TypeName <: AbstractType
is used to declare that TypeName
a subtype of AbstractType
in the context of a struct definition. In
an expression, the same syntax is used to test if one type is a
subtype of another.
An abstract type can also be a subtype of another abstract type:
"""Types which inherit from `AbstractRectangle should
provide `height` and `width` methods.
abstract type AbstractRectangle <: Shape end
area(r::AbstractRectangle) = width(r) * height(r)
Here, we make an AbstractRectangle
type which is a subtype of
, and provides a function for computing the area of a
rectangle. From there, we can once again define our concrete rectangle
types from earlier, but this time inheriting from AbstractRectangle
struct Rectangle <: AbstractRectangle
width(r::Rectangle) = r.width
height(r::Rectangle) = r.height
struct Square <: AbstractRectangle
width(s::Square) = s.length
height(s::Square) = s.length
Using this approach, we can combine the areas of different shapes in arbitrary ways:
c = Circle(3)
s = Square(3)
r = Rectangle(3, 2)
@assert combined_area(c, s) == 16.068583470577035
@assert combined_area(s, r) == 15.0
Julia's method resolution algorithm can find the right execution path for each shape, even though the exact code is different in every case. What's more, in cases where the code is type stable, this polymorphism has no runtime cost. Cases that require runtime polymorphism do, of course, have a cost.
One possible downside of the flexibility of Julia's approach to defining structs and methods is that it doesn't provide an obvious method for code organization. Methods for different types can be defined anywhere. Sometimes this is useful, but it isn't necessarily the best way to organize your code. I've been working with OCaml a lot recently, and the way the language uses modules to encapsulate types got me thinking that a similar approach might be helpful in Julia. This should pattern should be seen as somewhat provisional, since I haven't observed it in Julia code in the wild. Nonetheless, here it is:
module Shape
abstract type T end
area(shape::T) = throw(MethodError(area, shape))
combined_area(a::T, b::T) = area(a) + area(b)
module Circle
import ..Shape
struct T <: Shape.T
radius(c::T) = c.diameter / 2
Shape.area(c::T) = π * radius(c) ^ 2
This approach is obviously quite boiler-plate-y for a short program, but I think it may be useful in larger projects and libraries, because it makes it explicit where the struct is implementing the interface of the abstract type, and it is also more friendly to tab completion (something people sometimes complain about in Julia), since the methods specific to a certain type are in the type's module.
This is just one suggestion for how one might approach code organization in the absence of classes similar to what some other languages use. I'm putting it out into the universe to see what happens.
Parametric types (known as "generics" in some languages) don't really give you dynamic typing, but languages like Haskell and OCaml that use them everywhere can almost feel dynamically typed because of the flexibility they provide. Julia is already dynamically typed, but type parameters give extra information to the compiler to help it create efficient code without having to pin down specific types at dev time.
Coming back to the Point
example from earlier, one potential
weakness is that it only works with Float64
types. However, we might
want it to work with other types as well. What we can do is declare a
struct as a type constructor. This isn't the same as an object
constructor. This is an incomplete type that takes another type as a
parameter to complete it. Here's an example:
julia> struct Point{T}
julia> Point(1, 3)
Point{Int64}(1, 3)
Here, struct Point{T}
shows that we are declaring a type constructor
for concrete types where the type variable T
is filled in with
another type. T
could be anything. It's just a convention.
and y::T
shows that both x
and y
will be of type T when
the value of T is known. The types for type variables can be specified
manually with the constructor, but it is normally inferred from the
input arguments. Here, we use Int64
s as the input arguments, so
becomes the type parameter. Now, because both x
and y
specified in terms of the same type variable, they must be the same
julia> Point(1, 3.0)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching Point(::Int64, ::Float64)
Closest candidates are:
Point(::T, ::T) where T at REPL[2]:2
If we want different types (which would sort of be unusual in the context of a point, though perhaps there could be a good reason), we would use two type variables in the struct definition:
julia> struct TwoTypePoint{X,Y}
julia> TwoTypePoint(1, 3.0)
TwoTypePoint{Int64,Float64}(1, 3.0)
One thing to keep in mind about the type variables we've used so far is that they are unconstrained, so they could literally be anything:
julia> Point("foo", "bar")
Point{String}("foo", "bar")
Obviously a point with strings for x
and y
is a pretty bad idea
and breaks a lot of assumptions about what a point is by functions
that might deal with this type. We probably want to limit the
constructor to only working with numeric types. We could do this with
an absract type:
julia> struct RealPoint
julia> RealPoint(0x5, 0xaa)
RealPoint(0x05, 0xaa)
This works, but it doesn't insure that both x
and y
are the same
concrete type, and much more importantly, it makes it impossible for
the compiler to infer the concrete types of x
and y
, meaning it
cannot optimize very well.
What we can do instead is constrain the type variable:
julia> struct Point{T <: Real}
julia> Point(1, 3)
Point{Int64}(1, 3)
julia> Point(1.4, 2.5)
Point{Float64}(1.4, 2.5)
julia> Point("foo", "bar")
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching Point(::String, ::String)
Using this approach, we can make reasonable type constraints, keep good performance, and still keep our point from being limited to one concrete numeric type.
Parameterized types are especially useful for defining container types that are meant to store all kinds of objects. As an example, we're going to define a linked list. This is not really a very practical data structure in Julia, but it's easy to define, and it shows the kind of situation where type variables are really useful.
# the list itself
struct Nil end
struct List{T}
tail::Union{List{T}, Nil}
So the empty struct, Nil
is to signal the end of a list. The list
itself has one field which is the value the node contains, and a
second field which contains the rest of the list (which is either
another instance of List{T}
or Nil
# built a list from an array
mklist(array::AbstractArray{T}) where T =
foldr(List{T}, array, init=Nil())
Next, we implement a function that create a list from an array (for demonstration purposes).
# implement the iteration protocol
Base.iterate(l::List) = iterate(l, l)
Base.iterate(::List, l::List) = l.head, l.tail
Base.iterate(::List, ::Nil) = nothing
Finally, we implement the iteration protocol on the list, which what
loops use internally. I don't want to cover this specific code
in too much detail, but this is a common theme in Julia code: If you
want to override part of Julia's syntax for your specific type, there
is usually a function somewhere in Base that you can add methods to
for your type. You have to look through the documentation to find
them, but I have a link specifically for the iteration protocol in the
The important thing here is that we have a basic implementation of a linked list here that is as efficient as it can be and works with any kind of value thanks to parametric types.
julia> list = mklist(1:3)
List{Int64}(1, List{Int64}(2, List{Int64}(3, Nil())))
julia> for val in list
julia> foreach(println, mklist(["foo", "bar"]))
One thing I don't love about Julia's design is that types can only inherit from one super type. Julia's types are strictly hierarchical. This doesn't always map well to real world problems.
For example, Int64
is a type of number, while String
is a type of
text. However, both things can be sorted. In some languages, like
Haskell or Rust, you could explicitly add an Ord
trait to these with
the appropriate methods to implement an interface that allows
ordering. They can implement methods from multiple traits for a more
flexible interface.
Julia doesn't have a language-level feature like this, and you could argue that it doesn't need it. You can simply add methods to support any interface you like without needing to say anything about it in terms of types. However, it still can be useful in terms of mentally mapping how different types in your code are related. In practical terms, it can be useful for dispatching to different strategies for different types.
The trait pattern, sometimes called "the Holy trait" after Tim Holy,
who suggested it on the Julia mailing list, emerged to address this
usecase. It is now used a fair amount in Base
and the Julia standard
As an example, let's use our newly created linked-list:
julia> map(uppercase, mklist(["foo", "bar", "baz"]))
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching length(::List{String})
Closest candidates are:
length(::Core.SimpleVector) at essentials.jl:596
length(::Base.MethodList) at reflection.jl:852
length(::Core.MethodTable) at reflection.jl:938
The error message reports that this doesn't work because List
doesn't have a length
method. This is true, but it's not the whole
story. In order to be efficient, map
tries to determine the length
of the output in advance so it can allocate all the space needed for
the new array in advance. However, this is not actually
necessary. Julia arrays can be dynamically resized as they are built
up, so there map
could still theoretically work without a length
method, and indeed, you can make it do this. Simply add
trait---in this case of the type
. The funny thing in Julia is that the default
julia> Base.IteratorSize(::Type{List}) = Base.SizeUnknown()
julia> map(uppercase, mklist(["foo", "bar", "baz"]))
3-element Array{String,1}:
Now, everything works as expected.
What's going on? If we look at generator.jl
in the source code for
, we will find these lines:
abstract type IteratorSize end
struct SizeUnknown <: IteratorSize end
struct HasLength <: IteratorSize end
struct HasShape{N} <: IteratorSize end
struct IsInfinite <: IteratorSize end
This is the beginning of how a trait is implemented. Just descriptions of different iterator sizes with no data layout. These traits exist purely to give the compiler extra information. If we look down a little further, we find code like this:
IteratorSize(x) = IteratorSize(typeof(x))
IteratorSize(::Type) = HasLength() # HasLength is the default
For some reason, the default IteratorSize
is HasLength
. This is
great for efficiency if your type actually has a length method, but
leads to a rather unfortunate scenario if your data structure has no
length, like if it is a generator, since the error you get gives no
indication that there is any fix aside from implementing a length
Anyway, you can use traits to efficiently implement similar patterns. This is a simple case where there are no sub-types of the trait.
struct FooBar end
# default case: error out
FooBar(::T) where T = FooBar(T)
FooBar(T::Type) =
error("Type $T doesn't implement the FooBar interface.")
add_foo_and_bar(x) = add_foo_and_bar(FooBar(x), x)
add_foo_and_bar(::FooBar, x) = foo(x) + bar(x)
The downside here is that there is no way to tell if the type actually implements the required interface:
julia> FooBar(Int) = FooBar()
julia> add_foo_and_bar(3)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching foo(::Int64)
We could add a registration function to ensure a registered type has the correct interface beforehand:
register_foobar(T::Type) =
if hasmethod(foo, Tuple{T}) && hasmethod(bar, Tuple{T})
@eval FooBar(::Type{$T}) = FooBar()
error("Type $T must implement `foo` and `bar` methods")
julia> register_foobar(Int)
ERROR: Type Int64 must implement `foo` and `bar` methods
julia> foo(x::Int) = x + 1
foo (generic function with 2 methods)
julia> bar(x::Int) = x * 2
bar (generic function with 1 method)
julia> register_foobar(Int)
julia> add_foo_and_bar(3)
In some functional languages, you can define different function definitions for different values. This is how one might define a factorial function in Haskell:
factorial 0 = 1
factorial x = x * factorial (x-1)
That means, when the input argument is 0, the output is 1. For all other inputs, the second definition is used, which is defined recursively and will continue reducing the input on recursive calls by 1 until it reaches 0.
You can't do exactly this in Julia (actually, you can if you encode numbers into types, but that makes the compiler sad). However, in practice, this feature is often used with tags that allow functions to deal with different input types. Because Julia functions dispatch based on types, that usecase actually is possible.
One of the places this is most useful in Julia is when dealing with abstract syntax trees of the sort you interact with when defining macros, since you will often want to walk the syntax trees in a recursive way:
macro replace_1_with_x(expr)
replace_1(atom) = atom == 1 ? :x : atom
replace_1(e::Expr) =
Expr(e.head, map(replace_1, e.args)...)
Here, we define an idiotic macro that replaces all instances of 1
with x
in the code. Because abstract syntax trees are a recursively
data structure composed of expressions containing lists of expressions
and atoms, we can define actions on the nodes we're looking for while
passing all the sub-nodes of an expression recursively to the same
replace_1 function.
julia> x = 10
julia> @replace_1_with_x 5 + 1
julia> @replace_1_with_x 5 + 1 * (3 + 1)
julia> @macroexpand @replace_1_with_x 5 + 1 * (3 + 1)
:(5 + x * (3 + x))
This approach is also useful for intercepting other types of nodes in syntax trees, if you want them, and can be helpful when traversing any kind of recursively-defined data structure. The linked list from above is another good example.
julia>, nil::Nil) = nil
julia>, l::List) = List(f(l.head), map(f, l.tail))
julia> map(uppercase, mklist(["foo", "bar"]))
List{String}("FOO", List{String}("BAR", Nil()))