Useful functions for working with jsonb in PostgreSQL like data extraction, validation & transformation
git clone
./configure --with-bonjour --prefix=/opt/local/pg
sudo make install
export PGDATA=/opt/pg
export PGPORT=5777\n
export PG_BIN=/opt/local/pg/bin\n
bin/initdb -D $PGDATA -E utf8
vim /tmp/pg/postgresql.conf # check port configure log /tmp/pg.log
/opt/local/pg/bin/pg_ctl start -D $PGDATA
cd postgres && src/tools/make_etags
cd postgres/src/contrib
git clone
cd jsonknife
..postgres/src/tools/make_etags .
make && sudo make install && make installcheck
Path for data extraction from jsonb document is encoded as json vector, where
- string means object key
- number - array index
- object - is pattern to match
//extracting by path:
["frends", {"best": true}, "name" ]
{"frends": [
{"best": true, "name": "niquola"},
{"best": true, "name": "ivan"},
{"best": false, "name": "avraam"}
// produces:
["niquola", "ivan"]
For more examples take a look at tests.