Install Spring Boot CLI
Unzip/Untar it and add spring-1.5.7.RELEASE/bin to your path
spring init --artifactId=helloboot --groupId=com.example --dependencies=web,actuator --extract
package com.example.helloboot;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
* Simple REST call that says from where its invoked from
public class HelloBootController {
public String whereami() {
return String.format("Hello from %s", System.getenv().getOrDefault("HOSTNAME", "localhost"));
./mvnw clean install spring-boot:run
The applicaiton can be accessed via browser like http://localhost:8080/whereami
Simple curl curl http://localhost:8080/whereami ; echo ""
CRTL + C to stop the running application, if you have minishift running then do eval $(minishift docker-env)
to setup required docker environment variables
./mvnw io.fabric8:fabric8-maven-plugin:3.5.30:setup (1)
./mvnw clean fabric8:deploy (2)
Setup fabric8 maven plugin
Build and Deploy the application to Kubernetes
curl http://helloboot-myproject.$(minishift ip).nip.io/whereami
You can view the URL from OpenShift console, and access the application via browser
message.prefix=Hello! (1)
a simple prefix to the messages, we can then use this property for debug
package com.example.helloboot;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
* Simple REST call that says from where its invoked from
public class HelloBootController {
public String whereami(@Value("${message.prefix}") String prefix) { (1)
return String.format("% from %s", prefix, System.getenv().getOrDefault("HOSTNAME", "localhost"));
property fromapplication.properties
When we Deployed the application, the application will not be enabled for debug by default, to enable debug
we need to add an env variable JAVA_DEBUG_ENABLE
to the deployment.
Copy and paste the following content to a file called deployment.yaml
in $PROJECT_HOME/src/main/fabric8
spec: template: containers: spec: - env: - name: JAVA_ENABLE_DEBUG (1) value: true
Sets the Environment variable to enable debugging
ReDeploy the application with JAVA_ENABLE_DEBUG
enabled, once the application is deployed
successfully, run the following command
./mvw fabric8:debug (1)
This will do port-forward the debug port from your Kubernetes/OpenShift pod to localhost. The default port of the debugger is
. The default debug port can be overridden usign the Java system propertyfabric8.debug.port
./mvw fabric8:debug -Dfabric8.debug.port=6005
Now you can connect to the Debugger with your favorite IDE
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