v1.0.2 Minor update release
Minor updates:
- Update smif app readme
- Bump babel and webpack major versions, update other npm packages
- Validate self-dependencies (between timesteps is okay)
- Add validation methods for narratives
- Make illegal parameters visible in narrative configuration
- Pass path to binary filestore, extract method to parent class
- Allow adaptors to be directly included in a system of systems model
- Provide useful error message when there are missing data in a data array
- Add profiling to some places in the program, provide summary at end of modelrun
- Don't read dimension elements through API
- Fix and test reading from timeseries, including zero-d case
- Fix API calling old store methods
- Pin libgcc as possible cause of shared library import errors
- Fix up test_validate to use conftest configs
- Fix react-icons imports, drop reactstrap
- Silence mocha deprecation warning.
- Ensure smif npm package is private
- Fix update_model method store
- Adopt fix for DataFrame.to_dict('records') from future pandas