Jørgen is a bright designer working at Good Morning. He wanted some fancy hover effects on links on a certain page, so I decided to make and release a small and extensible jQuery plugin that lets you do just that.
I am no seasoned jQuery plugin developer, but I've tried to make it work well, basing it on Chris Coyier's jQuery Plugin Template.
Check out index.html. It should give you a decent example. Also, Robert Bue made a jsFiddle example page where you can play with the script: http://jsfiddle.net/nitech/wph34/
// apply hoverLineGrow to all a-tags
// I've only implemented left-to-right animation.
// But check the source. It's easy to implement more.
variant: "left-to-right",
// default easing is linear, but if you include jQuery easing
// library or similar, apply whatever easing here.
easeOver: "easeOutQuad",
// Duration for the onMouseOver animation.
// There is also an durationOut property.
durationOver: 100,
// the easing for the onMouseOut animation.
easeOut: "easeOutQuad",
// how to style the underline. 1px solid makes the
// line the same color as the link.
style: "1px solid",
I'm adding a border-bottom to a inline-element, so you
don't actually need to position the line statically
like I've done in this example, you can just control the
padding from the text to the line.
padding: 1,
// In this example, I position the line 17 px from the top of the text.
top: 17
Contact [email protected] for any comments, questions or suggestions.