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Webapp for LIU IT Department to get, post, or patch a database of all departmental printers on campus. Built with React. Firebase and MySQL versions available in 'branches'.

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LIU Printers Database - MySQL Version

A full stack React app that displays a list of printers on Long Island University's Brooklyn Campus pulled from a MySQL database. For obvious reasons, the printer database is not included.

Combines many React practices into a webapp for the IT Department to utilize.

This is the 3rd version of this full-stack program. Firebase and JSON-Server versions are in the branches.


Main Page

Screen Shot 2022-08-03 at 10 56 31 AM

Printer Details Page

Screen Shot 2022-08-03 at 10 58 08 AM

Add Printer Page

Screen Shot 2022-08-03 at 11 00 11 AM


MySQL, Express, React, Node Stack (MyERN?).

React Paradigms

  • useState
  • useEffect
  • useRef
  • useParams
  • useHistory
  • Separation of pages and components.
    • <Navbar /> is always rendered, with components rendered underneath depending on current route.
    • <Printer /> component is reused.
    • Passing children templates.
  • React Context and React Reducer to manage the global state of the theme (Dark mode and color).

MySQL Database

  • Connection to MySQL database running in XAMPP - virtualized Linux environment.
  • Efficient configuration of database.
    • Using PhpMyAdmin to create a structure for the database.
  • Handling returned data safely with Loading state and Error handling.
  • Search for printers in the directory.

Express Middleware

This front-end application communicates with the back-end through Express middleware. I've made that available on GitHub as well: LIU Printers MySQL Express Server

  • Set up API endpoints corresponding to printers in the database.
  • Allow CORS requests.
  • Set up HTTP methods to POST new printers, GET full database or single printer, PATCH and DELETE.


  • Mapping data for visually appealing table display.
  • User selection for Dark or Light Mode, and Color that apply to Navbar and all buttons.
    • Using dynamic styles.
  • Animated outline when hovering over a printer in the table.

Upcoming Features

[ ] "Copy IP to Clipboard" button.

[ ] Add a "Confirm" prompt when deleting a printer.

[ ] Update the styling on "Building" dropdown on the "Add Printer" page.

[ ] "Submit" button should not be touching the bottom the "Add Printer" page.

[ ] Add placeholders within the input fields on "Add Printer" page.

[ ] Add breadcrumbs as we navigate through page routes.

[X] Move "Delete" button onto the "Details" page.


├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
├── public
│   ├── favicon.ico
│   ├── index.html
│   ├── logo192.png
│   ├── logo512.png
│   ├── manifest.json
│   └── robots.txt
└── src
    ├── App.css
    ├── App.js
    ├── index.css
    ├── index.js
    ├── assets
    │   ├── darkmode-icon.svg
    │   └── delete-icon.svg
    ├── components
    │   ├── Navbar.css
    │   ├── Navbar.jsx
    │   ├── PrinterList.css
    │   ├── PrinterList.jsx
    │   ├── Searchbar.css
    │   ├── Searchbar.jsx
    │   ├── ThemeSelector.css
    │   └── ThemeSelector.jsx
    ├── context
    │   └── ThemeContext.jsx
    ├── firebase
    │   └── config.jsx
    ├── hooks
    │   ├── useFetch.jsx
    │   └── useTheme.jsx
    └── pages
        ├── create
        │   ├── Create.css
        │   └── Create.jsx
        ├── home
        │   ├── Home.css
        │   └── Home.jsx
        ├── printer
        │   ├── Printer.css
        │   └── Printer.jsx
        └── search
            ├── Search.css
            └── Search.jsx


Webapp for LIU IT Department to get, post, or patch a database of all departmental printers on campus. Built with React. Firebase and MySQL versions available in 'branches'.






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