Master :
Format Markdown in emacs using markdownfmt
The recommended way to install markdownfmt
is via MELPA:
M-x package-install markdownfmt
or Cask:
(depends-on "markdownfmt")
Run M-x markdownfmt-format-buffer
to format the current buffer.
For convenience, you may bind it to a key, such as:
(define-key markdown-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-f") #'markdownfmt-format-buffer)
Alternatively, run markdownfmt before saving markdown buffers:
(add-hook 'markdown-mode-hook #'markdownfmt-enable-on-save)
use Cask for dependencies management. Install it and
retrieve dependencies :
$ curl -fsSkL | python
$ export PATH="$HOME/.cask/bin:$PATH"
$ cask
Launch unit tests from shell
$ make clean test
Using overseer :
Keybinding | Description |
C-c , t | launch unit tests from buffer |
C-c , b | launch unit tests |
C-c , g | launch unit tests with tag (find, regexp, ...) |
- Tips:
If you want to launch a single unit test, add a specify tag :
(ert-deftest test-foobar ()
:tags '(current)
And launch it using : C-c , g and specify tag : current
See here
A changelog is available here.
Nicolas Lamirault [email protected]