Follow the instructions here to install awestruct:
Install NodeJS and libxml. NodeJS is required by the JavaScript compression module.
sudo apt-get install libxslt-dev libxml2-dev nodejs
Get the source code. Development code is stored on the develop branch.
git clone
git checkout develop
Install required gems
bundle install
For more information about Awestruct refer
If needed build and run a web page for a preview on a local server
awestruct -d
Clean all unnecessary junk if required
git clean -d -f -x
Build deployable web page. This will generate the production web site.
awestruct -P production
Upload a web page to If everything went ok, web page will be updated automatically.
rsync -Pr --protocol=28 --delete-after _site/* [email protected]:www_htdocs/jbosstm/
If you did any changes on the development branch. Go back and push them to GitHub.
git push origin develop