A persistent object cache backend powered by Redis. Supports Predis, PhpRedis (PECL), Credis, HHVM, replication, clustering and WP-CLI.
A business class Redis object cache backend. Truly reliable, highly optimized, fully customizable and with a dedicated engineer when you most need it.
- Rewritten for raw performance
- 100% WordPress API compliant
- Faster serialization and compression
- Easy debugging & logging
- Cache prefetching and analytics
- Fully unit tested (100% code coverage)
- Secure connections with TLS
- Health checks via WordPress & WP CLI
- Optimized for WooCommerce, Jetpack & Yoast SEO
Learn more about Object Cache Pro.
For detailed installation instructions, please see the installation wiki page.
By default the object cache drop-in will connect to Redis over TCP at
and select database 0
To adjust the connection parameters, client, timeouts and intervals, please see the connection parameters wiki page.
The plugin comes with quite a few configuration options, such as key prefixes, a maximum time-to-live for keys, ignored group and many more.
Please see the configuration options wiki page for a full list.
To use Replication, Sharding or Clustering, make sure your server is running PHP7 or higher (HHVM is not supported) and you consulted the Predis or PhpRedis documentation.
Please see the replication & clustering wiki page for more information.
To see a list of all available WP-CLI commands, please see the WP CLI commands wiki page.
Head over to the Docker Development wiki page to spin up various Redis setups.