This is a C++23 library for working with SI units.
- All calculation are possible during the compile step
- Dissallows some operations on different types
+ and -
, allows for generation of new types* and /
- Some newly generated types can be infered e.g
si::meter / si::second / si::second * si::kilo_gram -> si::newton
To use this library, simply download the header files and include them in your C++ project.
Here's an example of how to use the library to calculate the velocity of an object:
#include "si.h"
#include "si_literals.h"
#include "si_format.h"
int main() {
using namespace si::literals;
constexpr auto mass = si::kilo_gram{50}; //si::kilo_gram<int>
constexpr auto distance = m; // 1 si::meter constant
constexpr auto time = 10.0_s; //10 si::seconds literal
auto velocity = distance / time;
static_assert(std::same_as<decltype(veclocity), si::meters_per_second<float>>, "Types are not equal");
std::cout << "Velocity: " << velocity.value << " m/s\n";
std::cout << "Velocity: " << static_cast<float>(velocity) << " m/s\n";
std::cout << std::format("Velocity: {}\n", velocity); // >> 0.1 m s^-1
return 0;
The library provides the following classes for working with SI units:
base | kilo | mega | time | compound |
si::meter | si::kilo_meter | si::mega_meter | si::minute | si::meters_per_second |
si::second | si::kilo_second | si::mega_second | si::hour | si::meters_per_second_squared |
si::mols | si::kilo_mols | si::mega_mols | si::day | si::SquareMeters |
si::ampere | si::kilo_ampere | si::mega_ampere | si::CubicMeters | |
si::kelvin | si::kilo_kelvin | si::mega_kelvin | si::hertz | |
si::candela | si::kilo_candela | si::mega_candela | si::newton | |
si::gram | si::kilo_gram | ton | si::pascal | |
si::joule | ||||
si::watt | ||||
si::coulomb | ||||
si::volt | ||||
si::farad | ||||
si::ohm | ||||
si::siemens | ||||
si::weber | ||||
si::tesla | ||||
si::henry | ||||
si::lux | ||||
si::katal |