The molecular dynamics SS24 code base of Group F.
This is a Particle Simulation program, which outputs data to be then visualized using ParaView.
You can find the doxygen documentation hosted on
You can find a playlist of our simulations on Youtube.
To build the project, run the following commands:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
To build without doxygen and benchmarks run
To run the project (in general), run the following command:
src/MolSim ../input/<input_file> <program Arguments>
The program arguments can be specified as follows
-d, --delta_t=VALUE Set the time step (default: 0.014)
-e, --end_time=VALUE Set the end time for simulation (default: 2.8)
--epsilon=VALUE Set the depth of LJ potential well (default: 5)
--sigma=VALUE Set the Zero crossing of LJ potential (default: 1)
-l, --log_level=LEVEL Set the logging level (default: 3, incompatible with -p)
- 1 trace
- 2 debug
- 3 info
- 4 warn
- 5 error
- 6 critical
- 7 off
-c Specify that the given input file describes clusters
-a Specify that the given input file is of type ascii art
-x Specify that the given input file is of type XML
-s, --simtype=VALUE Specify simulation type (default: 0)
- 0 PlanetSimulation
- 1 LennardJonesSimulation
- 2 LinkedLennardJonesSimulation
- 3 LennardJonesDomainSimulation
- 4 MixedLJSimulation
- 5 MembraneSimulation
-w, --writetype=VALUE Specify writer type (default: 0, incompatible with -p)
- 0 VTK-Writer
- 1 XYZ-Writer
- 2 XML-Writer
- 3 Empty i.e. no output
-p Run performance measurements (incompatible with -l, -w)
-P, --parallel Specify parallel strategy
- static
- task
-h, --help Display help message
For more information about arguments and default settings, type:
src/MolSim -h
or read the man page
src/MolSim ../input/eingabe-sonne.txt -e 1000
See this YouTube video for our result.
src/MolSim ../input/clusters.txt -c -s 1 -d 0.0002 -e 5
See this YouTube video for our result.
Cuboid collision:
src/MolSim ../input/assign3.xml -x -s 3
See this YouTube video for our result.
Falling drop:
src/MolSim ../input/falling_drop.xml -x -s 3
See this YouTube video for our result.
Big Rayleigh-Taylor instability:
src/MolSim ../input/big_rayleigh_taylor.xml -x -s 4
See this YouTube video for our result.
Falling drop:
src/MolSim ../input/falling_drop_after_equi.xml -x -s 4
See this YouTube video for a result of ours.
src/MolSim ../input/membrane.xml -x -s 5
See this YouTube video for our result.
Rayleigh-Taylor instability in 3D:
src/MolSim ../input/reyleigh_3D.xml -x -s 4
See this YouTube video for our result.
Nano-scale flow simulation (base):
src/MolSim ../input/nano_scale_flow.xml -x -s 4
See this YouTube video for our result.
Nano-scale flow simulation (strong wall + rare thermostat update):
src/MolSim ../input/nano_scale_mods/nano_flow_stronger_wall_weak_thermo.xml -x -s 4
See this YouTube video for our result.
Nano-scale flow simulation (strong wall with nice profile result):
src/MolSim ../input/nano_scale_mods/nano_flow_stronger_wall.xml -x -s 4
See this YouTube video for our result.
Nano-scale flow simulation (with turbulence):
src/MolSim ../input/nano_scale_mods/nano_flow_turbulence.xml -x -s 4
See this YouTube video for our result.
To generate the Doxygen documentation, run the following command:
make doc_doxygen
This will generate the documentation into the folder doxys_documentation
To build the tests run:
cd build
make tests
To run the tests, run the following command:
Or alternatively with ctest:
ctest --test-dir tests
The benchmarks are run using Google benchmark. Build:
cd build
make benchmarks
If your system has clang-format installed, the target clangformat
will be created. You can then run:
make clangformat
to format the code.
To see more details on how to use the program, you can look at our man page. Enter the project root and then run:
man ./.molsim.1
The project is structured as follows:
Note that this is not a perfect UML diagram, but rather a visualization of the broad structure of the project. The latest changes done within the scope of assignment 5 are highlighted in orange.
- Any kinds of a simulations are represented as a child class of the
class - Any simulation instance defines the
function, which uses the I/O classes (FileReader
), thePhysicsStrategy
class and the model variables passed to it to calculate the simulation through time. - Child simulations extend their parent simulation with new model variables.
- Multiple simulation classes have been added to allow for the functionality required for each assignment. See the following table for all functionality
Simulation Type | Gravity | Lennard-Jones-Potential | Linked-Cell | Boundary Conditions | Analytics | Multiple different Particles | Thermostat | Molecules | |
PlanetSimulation | 0 | β | β | β | β | β | β | β | β |
LennardJonesSimulation | 1 | β | β | β | β | β | β | β | β |
LinkedLennardJonesSimulation | 2 | β | β | β | β | β | β | β | β |
LennardJonesDomainSimulation | 3 | β | β | β | β | β | β | β | β |
MixedLJSimulation | 4 | β | β | β | β | β | β | β | β |
MembraneSimulation | 5 | β | β | β | β | β | β | β | β |
Note on Run-time: Without the Linked-Cell algorithm the complexity scales in O(n2), otherwise in O(n).
- Strategy interface allows for interchangable / compareable implementation of the physics
- Realistically, velocities and positions are calculated according to StΓΆrmer-Verlet and are not changed (only parallelized later on)
- Interchangeable are the force calculations -> Essentially each simulation has its own implementation of the forces
- Template method class defining a common interface of different writers
- There are XYZ and VTK writers available
- Template method class defining a common interface of different readers
- Different input types can be specified (see here in section Input specification)
- Represents a cluster of particles that can be used to initialize the simulation
- Based on an abstract
class - Child classes include
- The MD-Simulation uses the linked-cell algorithm starting from the LinkedLennardJonesSimulation
- The algorithm scales in O(n) relative to the number of particles
- Assumes a certain cutoff distance after which the forces are neglected
- Used to cool / heat / maintain the temperature of the simulation
- There are two thermostats available
- The classical thermostat will reduce the temperature without regarding the mean velocity of the system, while the individual thermostat does
- Can be used to analyze the simulation
- It can produce the density and velocity profile of a simulation
- Can be specified with dimensionality
- Will log the progress of the simulation while it is running to inform the user about progress and ETA
- Will update after each percent of the simulation has finished
This section describes the folder structure of this project (see UML-Diagram):
βββ bench Code to benchmark simulation
βΒ Β βββ results Measurements from g-bench runs
βΒ Β βββ google_benchmark_plot Result plots
βββ cmake
βΒ Β βββ modules Files to find and load packages
βββ docs
βΒ Β βββ presentation The latex-files for the presentations
βΒ Β βββ report The latex-files for the reports
βΒ Β βββ res Images for the documentation
βββ input Input files used in the assignments
βββ libs
βΒ Β βββ libxsd Code for the xsd library
βββ results Some density-profiles to plot
βββ scripts
βΒ Β βββ batch-scripts Scripts to run our simulations on cluster
βΒ Β βββ paraview Scripts used to help paraview
βΒ Β βββ plots Scripts to create plots
βββ src
βΒ Β βββ analytics Code for ProgressLogger & Analyzer
βΒ Β βββ io
βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ argparse Code to parse arguments
βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ fileReader Code to read input files
βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ fileWriter Code to write output files
βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ xmlparse Code to parse xml input
βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ xsd Code for xsd (xml input)
βΒ Β βββ models
βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ generators Code to generate clusters
βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ linked_cell Code for the linked-cell data structure
βΒ Β βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ cell Code for the cells in the data structure
βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ molecules Code to generate molecules
βΒ Β βββ physics
βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ boundaryConditions Code to do boundary conditions
βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ forceCal Code to calculate forces
βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ locationCal Code to calculate positions
βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ thermostat Code for the thermostats
βΒ Β βΒ Β βββ velocityCal Code to calculate velocities
βΒ Β βββ simulation Code for the different simulations
βΒ Β βββ utils Utils code (ArrayUtils, ...)
βββ tests
βββ analytics Tests for the Analyzer
βββ data Input for the tests
βββ io Tests for IO
βββ models
βΒ Β βββ generators Tests for the clusters
βΒ Β βββ linkedcell Tests for the linked-cell Algorithm
βββ physics Tests for the physics codes
βββ boundaryConditions Tests for the boundary conditions
: Is the core file holding the main function
Input type vs. what can be specified in it
Clusters | Single Points | Ascii Art | Program Arguments (s.a. start, end, ...) | Different particle types | |
XYZ | β | β | β | β | β |
Cluster | β | β»οΈ | β | β | β |
Ascii Art | β | β»οΈ | β | β | β |
XML | β | β | β | β | β |
Note: β»οΈ means you technically can, but probably shouldn't
- A cluster file can only code for clusters. By specifying clusters of size 1, a single point could be created
- Lines that start with a
are disregarded as comments - Each line can specify one cluster
- The input can be written to a
file - The format is as follows:
# For Cuboid Clusters:
C <posx> <posy> <posz> <width> <height> <depth> <spacing> <mass> <meanVel> <vx> <vy> <vz> <Dim. of Brownian motion (2/3)>
# For Sphere Clusters:
S <posx> <posy> <posz> <radius> <sphereDimensions (2/3)> <mass> <meanVel> <vx> <vy> <vz> <Dim. of Brownian motion (2/3)>
- Where the specified position is the back, left, bottom corner of the cuboid or center of the sphere
# Sphere
S 0.0 0.0 0.0 4 2 1.1225 1 0.1 -30 0 0 2
# Cluster:
C 35 15 0 8 8 1 1.125 1 1 10 0 0 2
- An ascii-Art input file is a
file - It specifies a 2D shape of particles i.e. creates particles in the shape of ascii art
- One can use any character in the ascii art as long as it is listed
- The format is as follows:
<posx> <posy> <posz>
<vx> <vy> <vz> <mass> <spacing> <meanVel>
<first char to represent particle> <second char to represent particle> ...
0 0 0
0 -10 0 1 1.125 0.1
+ . : - =
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- :+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- :+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- :+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- :+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
........:++++++++:........++++++++- :++++++++:........:++++++++-.........-++++++++
.++++++++. ++++++++- :++++++++ ++++++++: -++++++++
.++++++++. ++++++++- :++++++++ ++++++++: -++++++++
.++++++++. ++++++++- :++++++++ ++++++++: -++++++++
.++++++++. ++++++++- :++++++++ ++++++++: -++++++++
.++++++++. ++++++++- :++++++++ ++++++++: -++++++++
.++++++++. ++++++++- :++++++++ ++++++++: -++++++++
.++++++++. ++++++++- :++++++++ ++++++++: -++++++++
.++++++++. ++++++++- :++++++++ ++++++++: -++++++++
.++++++++. ++++++++- :++++++++ ++++++++: -++++++++
.++++++++. ++++++++- :++++++++ ++++++++: -++++++++
.++++++++. ++++++++- :++++++++ ++++++++: -++++++++
.++++++++. ++++++++- :++++++++ ++++++++: -++++++++
.++++++++. ++++++++- :++++++++ ++++++++: -++++++++
.++++++++. ++++++++- :++++++++ ++++++++: -++++++++
.++++++++. ++++++++===========++++++++ ++++++++: -++++++++
.++++++++. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++: -++++++++
.++++++++. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++: -++++++++
.++++++++. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++: -++++++++
- The XML input file is the recommended input format as it allows for the must broad input specification
- The input must be stored as
files - Note: Not all parameters that can be specified work with all simulation types. Please refer to the overview in the project structure
- The input specification is as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<simulation xmlns:xsi="">
Simulation parameters
<!-- Domain params -->
<domainOrigin> <!-- Back-Bottom-Left corner of Domain -->
<z>sizeInZDirection</z> <!-- Set to 0 for 2D domain -->
<!-- Boundary params -> Choose periodic, soft_reflective, outflow -->
<!-- For 2D Domain use bound_four tag -->
<bound_four>yourBoundary</bound_four> <!-- Left Boundary -->
<bound_four>yourBoundary</bound_four> <!-- Right Boundary -->
<bound_four>yourBoundary</bound_four> <!-- Top Boundary -->
<bound_four>yourBoundary</bound_four> <!-- Bottom Boundary -->
<!-- For 3D Domain use bound_six tag -->
<bound_six>yourBoundary</bound_six> <!-- Left Boundary -->
<bound_six>yourBoundary</bound_six> <!-- Right Boundary -->
<bound_six>yourBoundary</bound_six> <!-- Top Boundary -->
<bound_six>yourBoundary</bound_six> <!-- Bottom Boundary -->
<bound_six>yourBoundary</bound_six> <!-- Front Boundary -->
<bound_six>yourBoundary</bound_six> <!-- Back Boundary -->
<!-- Thermostat params -->
<type>ThermostatType</type> <!-- Choose between individual or classic -->
<!-- Gravity params -->
<gravity>YourGravity</gravity> <!-- F = gravity * particleMass -->
<!-- Analyzer params -->
<pos> <!-- Lower-Left-Bottom Corner -->
Single Particles
This follows the VTK structure
<PointData dim="3">
xOfFirst yOfFirst zOfFirst xOfSecond yOfSecond zOfSecond ...
<VelData dim="3">
xVelOfFirst yVelOfFirst zVelOfFirst xVelOfSecond yVelOfSecond zVelOfSecond ...
<ForceData dim="3">
xForceOfFirst yForceOfFirst zForceOfFirst xForceOfSecond yForceOfSecond zForceOfSecond ...
<OldForceData dim="3">
xOldForceOfFirst yOldForceOfFirst zOldForceOfFirst xOldForceOfSecond yOldForceOfSecond zOldForceOfSecond ...
<MassData dim="1">
massOfFirst massOfSecond ...
<TypeData dim="1">
typeOfFirst typeOfSecond ...
Currently there is only the membrane available as molecule
<pos> <!-- Lower-Left-Bottom Corner -->
Different Particles
Specify different particle types and their LJ params + fixing them:
<ptype type="Particle Type">
For Examples see Input files