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gh-not 🔕

GitHub rule-based notifications management

Go Reference CI CodeQL


Under heavy development, expect nothing. PRs/issues welcome!



  • Install via gh (preferred method):

    gh extension install nobe4/gh-not

    It is then used with gh not.

  • Download a binary from the release page.

  • Build from sources

    go generate ./...
    go build ./cmd/gh-not

    See version.go for custom build info.

Getting started

Run the following commands to get started and see the available commands and options:

gh-not --help
gh-not config --init
gh-not sync
gh-not --filter '.author.login | contains("4")'
gh-not --repl

How it works

gh-not fetches the notifications from GitHub and saves them in a local cache.

The synchronization between local and remote notifications is described in sync.go.

The sync command applies the rules to the notifications and performs the specified actions. It's recommended to run this regularly, see this section.

The other commands are used to interact with the local cache. It uses gh api-equivalent to modify the notifications on GitHub's side.


gh-not uses gh's built-in authentication, meaning that if gh works, gh-not should work.

If you want to use a specific PAT, you can do so with the environment variable GH_TOKEN. The PAT requires the scopes: notifications, and repo.


# gh's authentication for
gh-not ...

# Using a PAT for
GH_TOKEN=XXX gh-not ...

gh-not also respects GH_HOST and GH_ENTERPRISE_TOKEN if you need to use a host.


# gh's authentication for gh-not ...

# Using a PAT for GH_ENTERPRISE_TOKEN=XXX gh-not ...

See the gh environment documentation.


If you plan on using gh-not with more than one host, you might want to create a separate cache for it. See cache.



The cache is where the notifications are locally stored.

It contains 2 fields:

  • path: the path to the JSON file.

  • TTLInHours: how long before the cache needs to be refreshed.

If you use multiple hosts, you might want to have separate configurations and caches to prevent overrides. Create one config file per host you want to use and point the cache's path to a different file.


  • config.github.yaml

      path: cache.github.json

    Use it with gh-not --config config.github.yaml.

  • config.gheio.yaml

      path: cache.gheio.json

    Use it with gh-not --config config.gheio.yaml.


The configuration file contains the rules to apply to the notifications. Each rule contains three fields:

  • name: the display name

  • action: the action to perform on the notification

    The current list of action is found in actions.go.

  • filters: a list of jq filters1 to filter notifications with.

    Each filter is inserted into the following pattern: .[] | select(%s).

    Each filter in the list is run one after the other, making it similar to joining them with and.

    It means that if you want to specify conditions with or, you need to write them directly in the filter.


      - filters:
          - (.author.login == "dependabot[bot]") or (.author.login == "nobe4")
          - .repository.full_name == "nobe4/gh-not"

    Filters like:

    jq '.[] | select((.author.login == "dependabot[bot]") or (.author.login == "nobe4"))' | jq '.[] | select(.repository.full_name == "nobe4/gh-not")'

    See more at config.go and rule.go.

Automatic fetching

To automatically fetch new notifications and apply the rules, it is recommended to set up an automated process to run gh-not sync regularly.


  • cron

    0 * * * *  gh-not sync --config=/path/to/config.yaml --verbosity=4 >> /tmp/gh-not-sync.out 2>> /tmp/gh-not-sync.err
  • launchd (macOS)

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
    <plist version="1.0">
          <string>gh-not sync --config=/path/to/config.yaml --verbosity=4</string>

    It is recommended to use for generating such Plist.


  1. Technically, gojq is used.