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Add documentation for client namespace
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nogden committed Nov 6, 2015
1 parent 8a3278d commit c3319ba
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Showing 2 changed files with 206 additions and 22 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions build.boot
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Expand Up @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
{:project 'multimedia.streaming/rtsp
:version "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "A client and server for the Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP)
as described by RFC 2326."
:description "An asynchronous client and server for the Real Time
Streaming Protocol (RTSP) as described by RFC 2326."
:url ""
:scm {:url ""}
:license {"Eclipse Public License"
Expand Down
224 changes: 204 additions & 20 deletions src/multimedia/streaming/rtsp/client.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,14 +1,41 @@
(ns multimedia.streaming.rtsp.client
"The `multimedia.streaming.rtsp.client` namespace defines the published
interface for the client API."
interface for the client."
(:require [clojure.string :as string]
[multimedia.streaming.rtsp.protocol :as rtsp]
[multimedia.streaming.rtsp.transport :refer [request! connect-to IRequest]]))
[multimedia.streaming.rtsp.transport :refer [request!

(def ^:private default-session
{:c-seq (atom 1)
:version "RTSP/1.0"})
;; # What is RTSP?
;; The Real Time Streaming Protocol, or RTSP, is an application-level
;; protocol for control over the delivery of data with real-time
;; properties. RTSP provides an extensible framework to enable
;; controlled, on-demand delivery of real-time data, such as audio and
;; video. Sources of data can include both live data feeds and stored
;; clips. This protocol is intended to control multiple data delivery
;; sessions, provide a means for choosing delivery channels such as UDP,
;; multicast UDP and TCP, and provide a means for choosing delivery
;; mechanisms based upon RTP (RFC 1889).

;; # The RTSP Session
;; A `Session` represents a single communication session between a
;; client and server. It identifies the peer to connect to and the
;; protocol version to use. It also holds the protocol state required
;; for RTSP communication to take place.
;; The lifecycle of a session is as follows.
;; 1. A `Session` is created with the `session` construction function.
;; 1. Requests are made within the session via the `request!` function
;; of the `multimedia.streaming.rtsp.transport.IRequest` protocol.
;; 1. The `Session` is closed via the `.close` method of the
;; `` interface.
(defrecord Session [url version connection c-seq]
(request! [this {:keys [path method headers body timeout]
Expand All @@ -25,30 +52,156 @@
(.close connection)
(reset! c-seq 0)))

(defn- print-session [session writer]
(.write writer (str "#Session" (select-keys session [:url :version]))))
;; ## Session Construction

(defmethod print-method Session [session ^ writer]
(print-session session writer))
(def ^:private default-session
"`default-session` provides the default values for a `Session`.
These may be overridden with options to the `session` construction
{:c-seq (atom 1)
:version "RTSP/1.0"})

(defmethod print-dup Session [session ^ writer]
(print-session session writer))
(defn session
"`session` starts a new RTSP session with the peer at `url`. If
`options` is provided, it must be a map with one or more of the
following keys.
(.addMethod clojure.pprint/simple-dispatch Session
#(print-session % *out*))
`:version` is optional and specifies the version of the RTSP
protocol to use for the session. Its value must be a string. The
default is `\"RTSP/1.0\"`.
(defn session
"`session` creates a new RTSP session object, optionally with the
specified `options`, that may be used to commnicate with the RTSP
server at `url`."
`:c-seq` is optional and sepcifies the starting CSeq sequence
number. Its value must be an intager. The default value is `1`
Note that `session` is a pure function that simply returns a data
structure representation of the session, the actual connection is
established upon first request.
(def peer (session \"rtsp://\"))
The transport and port are determined by the scheme and port
segements of the provided URL respectively. If no port is provided,
the default RTSP port of `554` is used."
([url] (session url {}))
([url options]
(let [url (rtsp/split-url url)
options (assoc options :url url
:connection (connect-to url))]
:connection (connect-to url))
options (if-let [c-seq (:c-seq options)]
(assoc options :c-seq (atom c-seq))
(map->Session (merge default-session options)))))

(defmacro ^:private def-rtsp-method [method-name]
;; # Making Requests
;; Once a session has been obtained, RTSP requests can be made by
;; calling the `request!` function, with a ring-like map
;; describing the request.
;; (request! peer {:method "DESCRIBE" :path "media.mkv"})
;; Alternatively, there are convenience functions defined for each of
;; the RTSP methods. See [Convenience Functions][].

;; ## The Request Map
;; The RTSP request map may contain the following fields.
;; `:method` is required and specifies the RTSP method (verb) to use
;; in the request. Its value is a case-sensitive string. For example
;; `"PLAY"`.
;; `:path` is required and specifies the path section of the RTSP URI
;; to which the request is addressed. Its value must be one of the
;; followi1ng.
;; - The path component of a URI. E.g. "media/stream-1". The leading
;; `/` is optional, so `"/media/stream-1"` is semantically equiverlent
;; in this case.
;; - The value `"*"` if the request is for the peer itself and
;; addresses no particular presentation or stream.
;; `:headers` is optional and specifies the RTSP headers to be sent
;; with the request. Its value must be a map of header names to
;; header values. For example:
;; {:accept "application/sdp" :cache-control "none"}
;; Header names may be either strings or keywords, but should be
;; lowercase. Case conversion as per the RTSP standard is performed
;; automatically. Values are case sensitive strings.
;; `:body` is optional and specifies the body for the request. Its
;; value must be a string.
;; `:timeout` is optional and specifies the maximum number of
;; milliseconds that that library will wait for a response. The
;; default value is `30000` (30 seconds).

;; # Response Handling
;; The RTSP library implements all communication asynchronously.
;; Calls to `request!` and to the convenience functions return a
;; [manifold]( deferred that will
;; yeild the response once it has been received. To retrieve the
;; response, simply call `clojure.core/deref` or use the reader
;; literal `@`. If the response is available it will be returned
;; immediately, otherise the call to `deref` will block until the
;; response has been received, or until the request times out. This
;; allows very easy switching between synchronous and asynchronous
;; programming.
;; ;; Asynchronous
;; (request! peer {:method "DESCRIBE" :path "media.mkv"})
;; ;; Synchronous
;; @(request! peer {:method "DESCRIBE" :path "media.mkv"})
;; This also allows all of manifold's asynchronous programming
;; constructs to be used for response handling.
;; ## The Response Map
;; Like requests, responses take the form of a simple map structure
;; with the following keys.
;; `:version` is the version of the RTSP protocol used to encode the
;; message.
;; `:status` is the integer status code of the response.
;; `:reason` is the textual description associated with the status
;; code.
;; `:headers` is a map of header names to header values representing
;; the headers sent by the peer.
;; `:body` is the body of the message.
;; For example:
;; @(request! peer {:method "OPTIONS" :path "*"})
;; ;=> {:version "RTSP/1.0",
;; :status 200,
;; :reason "OK",
;; :headers {:c-seq "2",
;; :date "Fri, Nov 06 2015 14:52:22 GMT",
;; :body ""}

;; # Convenience Functions

(defmacro ^:private def-rtsp-method
"`def-rtsp-method` defines a function that will call `request!`,
with an RTSP request map whose method is set to `method-name`, and
return a deferred representing the response. Note that the defined
function has an exlamation mark appended to the name to reflect its
stateful effects."
(let [verb# (-> method-name
(string/replace \- \_)
Expand All @@ -62,6 +215,14 @@
(request! ~s (assoc ~o :method ~verb#
:path ~p))))))

;; Convenience functions are provided for each of the methods defined
;; in the RTSP specification and may be used instead of the lower
;; level `request!` function.
;; (def response (describe! peer "path/to/media"))
;; Note that each function has an exlamation mark appeneded to its
;; name.
(def-rtsp-method options)
(def-rtsp-method describe)
(def-rtsp-method announce)
Expand All @@ -74,4 +235,27 @@
(def-rtsp-method set-parameter)
(def-rtsp-method teardown)

(defn close! [session] (.close session))
(defn close!
"`close!` closes the specified session and terminates its connection
to the peer. A closed session can be reused by issuing another
request, all state will be as if `session` has just been called with
the original parameters."
(.close session))

(defn- print-session
"`print-session` defines the textual representation of a `Session`."
[session writer]
(.write writer (str "#Session" (select-keys session [:url :version]))))

;; Printing support for the `Session` record.
(defmethod print-method Session [session ^ writer]
(print-session session writer))

;; Serialisation support for the `Session` record.
(defmethod print-dup Session [session ^ writer]
(print-session session writer))

;; Pretty printing support for the `Session` record.
(.addMethod clojure.pprint/simple-dispatch Session
#(print-session % *out*))

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