RAPID: a Real-time, GPU-Accelerated Parallelized Image processing software for large-scale multiplexed fluorescence microscopy Data
Lu G, Baertsch MA, Hickey JW, Goltsev Y, Rech AJ, Mani L, Forgó E, Kong C, Jiang S, Nolan GP, Rosenthal EL. A real-time GPU-accelerated parallelized image processor for large-scale multiplexed fluorescence microscopy data. Front Immunol. 2022 Sep 23;13:981825. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.981825. PMID: 36211386; PMCID: PMC9539451.
RAPID deconvolves large-scale, high-dimensional fluorescence imaging data, stitches and registers images with axial and lateral drift correction, and minimizes tissue autofluorescence such as that introduced by erythrocytes.
- Processing computer
- Matlab
- Fiji
- Download RAPID
1. During installation during, include Image Processing Toolbox, Parallel Computing Toolbox, Signal Processing Toolbox, etc.
Step 2: Download Fiji (https://imagej.net/software/fiji/) and install the "MIST" plugin
1. Download ImageJ plugin PSF generator (http://bigwww.epfl.ch/algorithms/psfgenerator/) and save it to your Fiji plugin path:
- Example: pluginpath = 'C:\Program Files\fiji-win64\Fiji.app\plugins';
- Examples of parameter settings using Keyence microscope for CODEX imaging:
- 20x objective, NA 0.75, Working distance = 350 um
- XY resolution(pixel size) = 377.442 nm; Z-step = 1500 nm
- Wavelength (nm; emission): input emission wavelength: DAPI: 425; GFP: 525; Cy3: 595; Cy5: 670
- Image size per tile: 1920 x 1440
- Number of z planes
- Display: grays
- Save the PSF to a path (path_psf) using the following names:
- PSF_BW_GFP.tif
- PSF_BW_Cy3.tif
- PSF_BW_Cy5.tif
(Reference: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/47545-mij-running-imagej-and-fiji-within-matlab)
- mjipath = 'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2021a\java\mij.jar';
- ijpath = 'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2021a\java\ij.jar';
- specify the directory of raw data: path_input
- specify directory of processed data: path_output
- specify directory of PSF: path_psf
- specify path for using imageJ within matlab: mjipath, ijpath, pluginpath
- Specify image size, number of cycles, regions, tiles, z stacks, filter channels, number of row and column tiles, overlapratio, region range, cycle range, tile range, etc.
- Define exposure time
- Define image acquisition mode: memopoint or multipoint
See examples below:
%% set up the following path
% -------------------------------------------------------------------
% specify the directory of raw data
path_input = 'Z:\Guolan\codex_test_data_raw\';
% specify directory of processed data
path_output = 'Z:\Guolan\codex_test_data__processed\';
% specify directory of PSF
path_psf = 'C:\Guolan\PSF\PSF6\';
% specify path for using imageJ within matlab
mjipath = 'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2021a\java\mij.jar';
ijpath = 'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2021a\java\ij.jar';
pluginpath = 'C:\Program Files\fiji-win64_Guolan\Fiji.app\plugins\';
%% Change the following parameters for each experiment
% -------------------------------------------------------------------
im_row = 1440; im_col = 1920; % define the image size of each tile; 20x
nCyc = 9; % number of cycles
nReg = 4; % number of regions
nTil = 9; % number of tiles
nZ = 6; % number of z stacks
nCh = 1:4; % filter channels
nTilRow = 3; % number of row tiles
nTilCol = 3; % number of column tiles
overlapRatio = 30; % microscope overlapping ratio in precentage
reg_range = 2; % the range of regions to process
cyc_range = 1:nCyc; % the range of cycles to process
til_range = 1:nTil; % the range of titles to process
cpu_num = nCyc; % number of CPU workers to use for parallel computing
neg_flag = 1; % set to 1 means: make negative values after bg subtraction zeros
% gpu_id = 2; % set the id of GPU as 1 or 2 (two GPUs in this computer)
% specify background cycle to subtract
cyc_bg = 1;
% exposure time table
texp = [1,6.667,500.000,500.000,500.000
% image acquisition mode: multipoint or memopoint
mode = 'memopoint';
(1) 3D deconvolution and axial drift compensation
(2) within-cycle and betwee-cycle lateral drift compensation
(3) Background subtraction and concatenation of all the images into a hyperstack
- Note: imageJ will be running for image stitching and concatenation step. Do not interrupt it while it is running.
(1) For Keyence - memopoint mode, the input format and structure is:
- cyc001_reg001
- 1.bcf
- 1_00001_Z001_CH1.tif
- 1_00001_Z001_CH2.tif
- 1_00001_Z001_CH3.tif
- 1_00001_Z001_CH4.tif
- .....
- 1_00009_Z006_CH1.tif
- 1_00009_Z006_CH2.tif
- 1_00009_Z006_CH3.tif
- 1_00009_Z006_CH4.tif
(2) For Keyence - multipoint mode, the input format and structure is:
- cyc001_reg001
- XY01
- 1_XY01.bcf
- 1_XY01_00001_Z001_CH1.tif
- 1_XY01_00001_Z001_CH2.tif
- 1_XY01_00001_Z001_CH3.tif
- 1_XY01_00001_Z001_CH4.tif
- XY01
3. The output images of each module are saved in three seperate folders for each tissue region. This allows user to check the quality of output images after each step.
Step 7: Additional module to improve marker detection by reducing intense tissue autofluorescence from images such as those from red blood cells (RBC)
2. In RAPID.m, run bgSubtractRBC instead of bgSubtract to set the intensity of RBC contaminated pixels to zero
- For CODEX users, if you are using a different microscope than Keyence BZX-700, please change the image directory and name accordingly
- For different imaging settings (image size, NA, wavelength, z-step, etc.), you need to generate new PSF images following the above instructions.
- For other multiplexed imaging technologies, if there is no z-stack, you can skip the deconvolution and start from image stitching step.
Steps to reproduce Windows AMI 635198895848/codex-preprocess-1.0.0, ami-xxx
Following this guide is only required to re-create a CODEX analysis server from a base Windows 2019 server image. The Amazon Machine image described in the README is preconfigured for CODEX processing.
The base Amazon Machine Image used is the latest official Microsoft Windows Server 2019 with NVIDIA Tesla Driver
image, described here.
For security, we rely on incoming connection restriction at the AWS Security Group level. Under Server Management
, disable for all regions:
- Windows Defender Firewall
- IE Enhanced Security Configuration
- Windows Defender Antivirus
- install pipeline dependencies
- (NVIDIA Tesla drivers compatible with G5 instances are pre-installed)
- CUDA (latest 11.x)
- Matlab 2021b
- additional toolboxes
- Simulink
- Bioinformatics
- Computer Vision
- Databse
- Deep learning
- GPU Coder
- Image Aquisition
- Image Processing
- Matlab Coder
- Matlab Compiler
- Optimization
- Parallel Computing
- Spreadsheet link
- Statistics and Machine learning
- additional toolboxes
- ImageJ (pinned, custom version), extracted to
\C:\Program Files
- install dependencies for parallelization and mounting remote file storage
- git bash (latest), used to run Unix pipeline tools on Windows
- GNU Parallel via git bash
- rclone (latest), used to mount remote storage to the instance
drive to avoid copying files over the network in bulk - WinFSP (latest), an
You will be required to activate Matlab using your own license and configure access via rclone to input data.
- mysys2, used for Unix shell emulation
- AWS command line interface
- Google Chrome
- VS Code
Finally, download this repository and extract to \C:\Program Files\codex-preprocess
. Then move the two *.jar
files in the source code top level directory to the Matlab jar folder as described in the README.
Current dev AMI with latest dev version installed: ami-0eed9af897571b732