Demo App (SPA) for Mashroom Server that shows a random Chuck Norris joke from This App comes with its own server and BFF (Backend For Frontend) and can be integrated as a Remote App into Mashroom Portal.
This demo is similar to but additionally shows how server-side rendering can be used in Remote Apps.
It also runs on if you want to test the Remote App capabilities of Mashroom Portal without installing this first.
npm install
npm run dev
Open in your browser the test page: http://localhost:6089/
To just get the initial HTML: http://localhost:6089/test_ssr
To test the route Mashroom uses to get the initial HTML: POST a JSON body with an empty portalAppSetup like this:
"portalAppSetup": {
"appConfig": {}
to: http://localhost:6089/api/ssr
- Clone, setup and start the Mashroom Portal Quickstart project
- Open http://localhost:5050/mashroom/admin/ext/remote-portal-apps
- Copy http://localhost:6089 into the URL input and click Add
- Open http://localhost:5050/portal and place the Mashroom Demo Remote Portal App on any page via Drag'n'Drop
NOTE: Requires Mashroom >=2.0.0
npm install
npm run build
docker build -t mashroom-demo-ssr-remote-portal-app .
docker run --rm -p 6089:6089 mashroom-demo-ssr-remote-portal-app