Coffee Shop is a Foods & Beverages ordering application.
This apps give you (customers) some features to order your favorite foods or beverages.
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Coffee Shop is a Foods & Beverages ordering application. This apps give you (customers) some features to order your favorite foods or beverages. The customers also have some opportunity to use some promo code before directly checkout to the payment page. In payment page you can pick your payments method so it's flexible what kind of payment do you have. Also the customers will be able to edit their profile such as photo, username, address, and phone number if they have to change their identity.
This is an example of how to list things you need to use the software and how to install them.
- Clone These 2 Repos (Backend and Frontend)
git clone
- Go To Folder Repo
cd coffe-shop-next
- Install Module
npm install
- Add .env file at root folder project, and add following
- Start website
npm run dev
Novi Dwi Cahya Leader | Front End Developer |
Arya Irama Wahono Full Stack Web Developer |
Chandra Kurniawan Full Stack Web Developer |
Canda Muammal Back End Developer |
My Email : [email protected]
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