DEMO is here
About particles-bg-vue
This project uses the react particle background component library It's very simple. Anyone can be a Musketeer with it.
This project forks from, I made some modifications and adjustments, thanks to the author.
Check the full documentation here 👉 Guide
Make sure you have Node.js and yarn installed.
# Clone the repo
$ git clone
$ cd vuepress-homepage
# Install dependencies
$ yarn # or npm install
# Run
$ yarn dev # or npm run dev
Check your site at
- Markdown and emoji supported 😃
- Elegant and minimalistic
- Customizable and mobile-friendly
- Multi-language support
- Powered by VuePress and Vue.js
It's static, which means once generated, your site could be deployed anywhere, like Netlify or GitHub Pages
Released under the MIT License.