An api routes print tool for Cloud Foundry CCng (cloud_controller_ng)
The Cloud Foundry CCng (cloud_controller_ng) component generates its API routes dynamically. This tool prints the generated routes in Ruby-on-Rails "rake routes" style.
- git
- ruby
- bundler gem
- Clone this repository
git clone
- Change directory to the cloned repository and run
cd ccng-routes
You may specify a revision to generate api routes.
CCNG_REV=a_git_revision ./
Additionally, You may use an exsiting cloud_controller_ng repository.
CCNG_REPO=path/to/cloud_controller_ng ./
As the details described below, this tool touches the targetted cloud_controller_ng repository.
So it is recommended to use a newly cloned repository.
The script clones the cloud_controller_ng repository to directly under this tool's directory and use it if the environment variable CCNG_REPO is not given.
The routes info is printed to stderr. So if you want to write routes info alone to a file, just do like:
CCNG_REPO=path/to/cloud_controller_ng CCNG_REV=a_git_revision ./ 2> routes.txt
The script is based on 'routes' task in the Rakefile. You can run the task independently as:
BUNDLE_GEMFILE=path/to/cloud_controller_ng/Gemfile bundle exec rake routes
Because the task reuses gems used in cloud_controller_ng, BUNDLE_GEMFILE environment variable must be specified properly.
The rake task also accepts CCNG_REPO environment variable described above.
The task actually does following operations:
- (preparation)
- Use CCNG_REPO environment variable as cloud_controller_ng repo. If not defined, $PWD/cloud_controller_ng is set.
- Clone cloud_controller_ng repo if not exist.
- Apply the patch (routes.rb.patch), that adds printing facility into dynamic route generation process, to lib/cloud_controller/rest_controller/routes.rb in cloud_controller_ng repo.
- Execute the route-defining code by requiring lib/cloud_controller.rb in cloud_controller_ng repo.
- Unpatch the patch applied.
When you want to get CCng routes of a specific revision with the rake task, just cd to the cloud_controller_ng repo, checkout the revision, sync / update its submodule, run bundle install to install gems, then back to this tool's directory and run the rake task.
pushd path/to/cloud_controller_ng
git checkout a_git_revision
git submodule sync; git submodule update --init --recursive
bundle install --path vendor/bundle
CCNG_REPO=path/to/cloud_controller_ng BUNDLE_GEMFILE=path/to/cloud_controller_ng/Gemfile bundle exec rake routes
As a matter of fact, the script executes the process described above.
A generated route may contain an ID of Proc object and a path to the cloud_controller_ng repo when the action part of the route is defines as a Proc object. It's not convenient to compare two sets of API routes of different revisions and / or in different paths.
I am using the following script to remove those extra information:
cat routes.txt | perl -lane 's/Proc:0x[0-9a-f]+@.+\/cloud_controller_ng\//Proc:\@/; print $_' | sort > marshalled.routes.txt
(Assume routes.txt is a set of generated routes)
If you make another marshalled set of routes, then you can compare the two route sets.
Sometimes rake may fail because of version unmatch of nokogiri's dynamically compiled library.
rake aborted!
dlopen(cloud_controller_ng/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/nokogiri-1.6.1/lib/nokogiri/nokogiri.bundle, 9): Library not loaded: cloud_controller_ng/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/nokogiri-1.6.1/ports/x86_64-apple-darwin13.3.0/libxml2/2.8.0/lib/libxml2.2.dylib
A workaround is:
pushd $CCNG_REPO
rm vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/specifications/nokogiri-1.6.1.gemspec
rm -rf vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/nokogiri-1.6.1/
bundle install --path vendor/bundle