A minimal website that streamlines subscribing to a Notifi topic.
- From a single URL (the URL of the website plus the appropriate parameters in the query string),
you should be able to get a Notifi subscription card that you can link your wallet to and sign
up for notifications for.
- Essentially, it is the simplest possible integration of the
React component. - The query string specifies the dapp ID, the card ID, the chain name, and any other necessary parameters
- Essentially, it is the simplest possible integration of the
- We would like to be able to generate links to it from the Notifi Admin Portal, allowing Dapp owners to immediately subscribe to events that they create, without having to load a website with their Notifi card integrated. (This is especially important as the instructions for how to properly integrate with a Web3 signing interface is slightly different for each chain).
- We would also like to offer this site as an end-user subscription portal for basic use, so that Dapp owners can simply share this link directly with new customers (e.g. as a QR code on a business card).