The idea is to have a single system that manages data. The front end - based in Jekyll - will be easy to edit by the end user. It will use React to display and edit data. The back end database will be decoupled and eventually a YAML RESTful server.
- Jekyll for workflow and compiling source into a working system
- Bootstrap for the layout
- Bootswatch for some colour
- SASS for themes and CSS
- Contact page with VerifyJS](
- Navbar with current page active
- ReactJS for JS interaction and components
- ReactJS Router
- FireBase is a hosted database system that uses document format to store data in what ever structure we want
- jQuery
- to include JS files from a CDN. Try and use a single CDN for as much as possible to limit the need for DNS lookups.
- Throw in the Towel transcribes ES2015 into ES5
Designed by Facebook for their own systems, React uses custom HTML components to display and interact with the DOM. It is good for complex sites but only has one way binding of data - so edit pages will be harder
- React for JS interaction and components
- Documentation
To access pages by the data handle, we need a router component
FireBase is both database and file store (hosted). The database is document style.
- [Firebase](
- ReactFire interface for ReactJS
The Firebase database we are using is.
This will be made up of the following data stores.
- locations
- units
- users
- tenants
- plans
- tenancies
- invoices
Ultimately the invoices will get their data from the PT database
This is used for other assets like images
The NPM CDN version fails with error Firebase is not defined
and they files are different between the two CDNs
JS is written in ES2015 - which cannot be read by normal browsers. So we want to transcribe it into ES5 version on the fly.
A big brother includes React and React Dom is
In production, we will want to compile it.