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Simple Communication API for the code running inside/outside Web Workers


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BL-Layer-Loader (Bridge API)

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Large frontend codebase is difficult to manage. We can separate frontend code into UI Layer and BL Layer.

I have wrote a blog on this topic -, Business Layer (BL) layer can be executed inside Web workers.

Both Layer can communicate with each other using postMessage API.

What about browser who do not support Web Workers

Loading BL Layer (Flux) inside Web Workers is good, but what about the browsers who do have support of Web workers. In such cases, BL Layer can be loaded on UI thread itself along with UI Layer. Both can communicate using a "shared event bus or message broker". Lets have a 3rd case, when BL Layer is executing on server. Then Both Layer can communicate using WebSocket.

So we now have 3 methods of communication.

"Bridge API" is a wrapper over all 3 methods.

Basic Concept

"Bridge API" is basically a communication wrapper between two isolated code. One JavaScript Code can communicate to another JavaScript Code running in same or different environment. This isolated code can present anywhere. An Application can have multiple Bridge.


Bridge is created mainly for UI-BL Layer communication, but It can be useful in many places.

Current Implementation

  • Worker - done
  • Local - done
  • WebSocket - TODO


            UI-BL Layer Bridge

 UI Layer      <------------->          BL Layer
  • Bridge will use == "Websocket" when BL is executing on Server
  • Bridge will use == "postMessage API" when BL is executing inside WebWorker
  • Bridge will use == "internal pubsub" when BL is executing directly on UI Thread.


npm install bl-layer-loader


var BLLayerLoader = require('bl-layer-loader');
var bridge = BLLayerLoader.load({
  url: '',
  method: "Local"
var bridge = BLLayerLoader.load({
  url: './dist/worker.bundle.js',
  method: "Local"
var bridge = BLLayerLoader.load({
  url: '',
  method: "Worker"
var bridge = BLLayerLoader.load({
  url: 'ws://',
  method: "WebSocket"


UI Layer call BLLayerLoader.load method to load BLLayer. It return bridge variable which will be used in UI Layer. BL Layer also need bridge variable. In order to get bridge variable, you need use .getBLBridge method.

//ON BL Layer
var bridge = BLLayerLoader.getBLBridge();


Because we need to load remote script, we cannot use bridge in sync way. isBridgeReady is a parameter which can check that bridge is ready to use or not.

bridge.isBridgeReady // boolean - true/false

.onReady method

It accept callback and fire when bridge is ready, if bridge is already ready then it fire immediately


if bridge is not ready, you can subscribe but you cannot publish anything. bridge may or may not hold messages in queue. [To be decided]

.on method

bridge.on(path, callback) it accept callback, whenever any message comes, it will be fired. "*" means, get all messages !

on method is used to subscribe events. Please note that this is not equivalent to EventBus. In EventBus, you can publish or subscribe events. but In bridge we have two ends. Message published at one end will be delivered to other end.

BL Layer may subscribe to some events with some callbacks but your BL layer cannot publish those event, It is UI Layer who will publish those events.

Similarly UI Layer may subscribe to some events with some callback but your UI layer cannot publish those events, It is the BL Layer who will publish those events.

var id = bridge.on("*", function(payload, sendBack){
  var newData = process(payload);

id will be used to unsubscribe.

.post method

.post term is derived from .postMessage, payload)
//OR, payload, callback)
  • path is like /actions/Store/etc, string
  • payload is any object
  • callback - [Optional] executed when other layer sendBack some data.

.off method

Unsubscribe, receiving message !

Example 1 = UI Layer need some data processing on BL Layer

//On UI Layer"/actions/add", {first: 3, second: 5}, function(data){
  console.log("Sum is - " + data);
//On BL Layer
var id = bridge.on("/actions/add", function(payload, sendBack){
  var r = payload.first + payload.second; 

Example 2 = BL Layer need to 'push' some stateChange to UI Layer

//On UI Layer
var id = bridge.on("/models/usersModel", function(payload , sendBack){
  console.log("User Information got Changed - ", payload);
  //sendBack is optional, sometimes we do not need to send anything to server.
//On BL Layer
function ChangeEmail(userModel, newEmail){ = userModel;"/models/usersModel", userModel);
    //Third Parameter is not needed because many times other layer don't need sent anything back.

Example 3 = UI Layer ask for Current State of Store of Data on BL Layer

//On UI Layer"/models/usersModel/get", {}, function(data){
  console.log("Current User Information is - ", data);
//On BL Layer
bridge.on("/models/usersModel/get", function(payload, sendBack){
    var userModel = SomeAPI.GetUserModel();

Example 4 = Real Time Chat

//On UI Layer
bridge.on("/message/chat", function(payload, sendBack){
  console.log(payload.user + ":" +  payload.text);
    var text = $("input#message").val();"/server/message", text);
//On BL Layer on Server
bridge.on("/server/message", function(payload, sendBack){"/message/chat", {
         user: userInfo.userName,
         text: payload

Example 5 = Subscribing multiple paths

bridge.on("/actions/*", function(payload, sendBack){
  var newData = process(payload);


Master branch at using this package !



Simple Communication API for the code running inside/outside Web Workers







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