The challenge is to build a metadata extractor from project Gutenberg
titles which are available here:
Each book has an RDF file which will need to be processed to extract the:
* id (will be a number with 0-5 digits)
* title
* author/s
* publisher (value will always be Gutenberg)
* publication date
* language
* subject/s
* license rights
Note: For some books all of the data won't be available.
YouTube link:
Install deps:
npm install
Configure proper database connection string in .env
DATABASE_CONNECTION_STRING=mysql://root:[email protected]:3306/rdf
Login to database interface and create database (for MySQL):
mysql -u root -p
> exit;
or use favourite database GUI (IDE) to create the database:
- MySQL Workbench,
- Toad MySQL
- JetBrains DataGrip
- Sequel Pro
Run database migrations:
npm run db:migrate
Download and import all RDFs:
npm run import
Import RDF file(s):
npm run parse path/to/file.rdf path/to/another.rdf ...
example (single):
npm run parse test/samples/pg1.rdf
File: test/samples/pg1.rdf
id: "1"
title: "The Declaration of Independence of the United States of America"
authors: [{"id":"1638","name":"Jefferson, Thomas","aliases":["United States President (1801-1809)"]}]
publisher: "Project Gutenberg"
published: "1971-12-01"
language: "en"
rights: "Public domain in the USA."
example (multiple):
npm run parse test/samples/pg1.rdf test/samples/pg2.rdf
File: test/samples/pg1.rdf
id: "1"
title: "The Declaration of Independence of the United States of America"
authors: [{"id":"1638","name":"Jefferson, Thomas","aliases":["United States President (1801-1809)"]}]
publisher: "Project Gutenberg"
published: "1971-12-01"
language: "en"
rights: "Public domain in the USA."
File: test/samples/pg2.rdf
id: "2"
title: "The United States Bill of Rights\r\nThe Ten Original Amendments to the Constitution of the United States"
authors: [{"id":"1","name":"United States","aliases":["U.S.A."]}]
publisher: "Project Gutenberg"
published: "1972-12-01"
language: "en"
rights: "Public domain in the USA."
npm test
npm run coverage