This is a very(!) experimental kernel for Jupyter for running Nushell. It currently requires 0.11.1 or later.
To install and run the kernel:
> cd nu_jupyter
nu_jupyter> jupyter kernelspec install ../nu_jupyter --user
nu_jupyter> jupyter lab
- State is not kept between runs. This is something that will change in future versions.
This step is only needed if you've made changes to the nushell kernelspec.
To create the egg file do the following:
> cd nu_jupyter
nu_jupyter> python.exe bdist_egg
This creates an egg file in the dist
folder that pipenv can utilize.
From within your pipenv environment folder, mine is called me/jup
jup> pipenv install -e git+
This should add the nu_jupyter kernelspec and insert entries in your pipfile and pipfile.lock file.
From within your pipenv env folder, mine is called /me/jup
# To activate your pipenv environment, run
jup> pipenv shell
# To add the new jupyter kernel
jup> jupyter kernelspec install ../nu_jupyter --user
# To launch jupyter lab, run
jup> jupyter lab
After launching you should have jupyter lab looking similar to this.
The last thing is to ensure that NuShell is somewhere in your path. Jupyter requires access to it in order to run the commands in the notebook.