Morpheus Experimental is a staging/collaboration/experimental area for development. This directory contains prototypes of cybersecurity workflows and pipelines which are still being developed and are in the alpha testing stage.
Prototype contributions from the community are welcome. A prototype should include at minimum a tutorial-style notebook, model file, sample data, training script, inference script, and documentation. More information can be found in the Contributing Guide.
We recommend building morpheus experimental from source in an environment with a modern GPU with at least 16GB of memory.
To assist in building a Morpheus Experimental container, several scripts have been provided in the ./docker
directory. To build the "release" container, run the following:
This will create an image named${MORPHEUS_EXPERIMENTAL_VERSION}-runtime
is replaced by the output of git describe --tags --abbrev=0
To run the built "release" container, use the following:
You can specify different Docker images and tags by passing the script the DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG
variables respectively. For example, to run version v22.09.00a
use the following:
DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG="v22.09.00a-runtime" ./docker/
To get started with a specific prototype additional requirements must be installed into your environment. Each prototype directory contains its own requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
To run the morpheus pipeline for the prototype follow the instructions for setting up your morpheus environment found in the main morpheus repo
This model is a convolution neural network model trained to classify URL domains generated by Domain-Generation-Algorithms. Domain generation algorithms (DGA) are algorithms seen in various families of malware that are used to periodically generate a large number of domain names that can be used as rendezvous points with their command and control servers. Input data comes from AppShield.
This model is a binary classifier to label phishing URLs and non-phishing URLs obtained from host process data. Input data comes from AppShield.
This technique syntactically groups system log messages and finds group representatives for data exploration and triage.
This model shows an application of a graph neural network for anomalous authentication detection in Azure-AD signon heterogeneous graph. An Azure-AD signon dataset includes four types of nodes, authentication, user, device and service application nodes are used for modeling. A relational graph neural network (RGCN)is used to identify anomalous authentications from azure-ad signon input.
This model is a clustering algorithm to assign each host present in the dataset to a cluster based on aggregated and derived features from Windows Event Logs of that particular host.
This model is a sequence binary classifier trained with vector representation of log messages. The task is to identify abnormal log sequence of alerts from sequence of normally generated logs.
This model is an XGBoost classifier that predicts each event on a power system based on dataset features.
The model is a Loda anomaly detector for detecting an intrusion attack in the form of bots in a network using a netflow dataset.
This model is a GPT that generates realistic synthetic raw Azure AD logs.
Each prototype has its own directory that contains everything belonging to the specific prototype. Directories can include the following subfolders and documentation:
Model files for public release (ONNX preferred to pytorch/tensorflow)
Samples of training data and inference dataset with model output to be used to test training and inference scripts. Links to publicly available datasets are also welcome.
A script and python notebook showing how to train or fine-tune the model. The tutorial-style notebook takes sample training data file as an input and creates a model file. It is reliable and repeatable (ie. set seed values). If variables are used in script (ie. epochs, learning_rate) set defaults to those used to achieve metrics reported in documentation. It includes a requirements.txt
file with dependencies and versions used for training.
A non-morpheus pipeline script that contains data loading, preprocessing, model loading, inference, postprocessing, and serialized output file. It uses desired morpheus pipeline variables as input variables to the script (ie. threshold=0.6). It produces a reliable and repeatable output file from the inference dataset. It includes requirements.txt
file with dependencies and versions used for non-morpheus inference.
All the necessary files for a full Morpheus pipeline of the prototype similar to pipelines found in Morpheus Examples with it's own requirements.txt
A that contains the following information for each model:
- Model/prototype name - Name of the model
- Use case - Specific use case the model targets
- Version - Version of the model (major.minor.patch)
- Model overview - General description
- Model architecture - General model architecture
- Requirements - text file containing dependencies
- Training - Training dataset and paradigm
- Training data - description of training data
- Training epochs - Number of epochs used during training
- Training batch size - Batch size used during training
- GPU model - Family of GPU used during training
- Training script - How to run training script
- Model accuracy - Accuracy of the model when tested (Precision, Recall, F1, etc)
- Memory footprint - Memory required by the model
- How to use this model - Circumstances where this model is useful
- Input data - Typical data that is used as input to the model
- Output - Type and format of model output
- Out-of-scope use cases - Use cases not envisioned during development
- Ethical considerations - Ethical analysis of risks and harms
- References - Resources used in model development