- The
keyword allows a template to extend a layout or parent template. - Can override certain pre-defined blocks of content.
//- layout.jade
doctype html
block title
title Default title
block content
//- index.jade
extends ./layout.jade
block title
title Article Title
block content
h1 My Article
Filters let you use other languages within a jade template.
- Take a block of plain text as an input.
- All JSTransformers can be used as jade filters. Popular filters include: :coffee-script, :babel, :uglify-js, :less, and :markdown-it.
# Markdown
I often like including markdown documents.
console.log 'This is coffee script'
<!-- Output -->
<p>I often like including markdown documents.</p>
<script>console.log('This is coffee script')</script>
Filters are compile time. This makes them fast but means they cannot support dynamic content. Built in filters are not available in the browser as they would not all work. Providing you compile your templates server side, they will still work fine though.
- Allow to insert the contents of one jade file into another.
- Including files that are not jade just includes the raw text.
- Can combine filters with includes to filter things as you include them.
//- index.jade
doctype html
title An Article
include:markdown article.md
- Supports template inheritance via the block and extends keywords.
- A block is simply a “block” of Jade that may be replaced within a child template.
- This process is recursive.
Jade allows to replace (default), prepend, or append blocks. Example:
// layout.jade
block head
block content
extends layout
// index.jade
block append head
When using block append or block prepend the block is optional:
- the code in between #{ and } is evaluated, escaped,
- and the result buffered into the output of the template being rendered.
- This can be any valid JavaScript expression.
Keep in mind that buffering unescaped content into your templates can be mighty risky if that content comes fresh from your users. Never trust user input!
Two primary methods of iteration, each and while.
Iterate over arrays and objects within a template:
// iterating array
each val, index in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
li= val
// iterating object
each val, index in {1:'one',2:'two',3:'three'}
li= index + ': ' + val
The object or array to iterate over is just plain JavaScript so it can be a variable or the result of a function call or almost anything else. e.g.
- var values = [];
each val in values.length ? values : ['There are no values']
li= val
can also use for
as an alias of each.
Can also use while to create a loop:
- var n = 0
while n < 4
li= n++
Mixins allow you to create reusable blocks of jade.
//- Declaration
mixin list
li foo
li bar
li baz
//- Use
Compiled to functions and can take arguments:
mixin pet(name)
li.pet= name
Can also take a block of jade to act as the content.
// Declaration
mixin article(title)
h1= title
if block
p No content provided
+article('Hello world')
+article('Hello world')
// take below block as block parameter of mixins
p This is my
p Amazing article
- Mixins also get an implicit attributes argument taken from the attributes passed to the mixin.
mixin link(href, name)
//- attributes == {class: "btn"}
a(class!=attributes.class, href=href)= name
+link('/foo', 'foo')(class="btn")
The values in attributes are already escaped so you should use != to avoid escaping them a second time.
- You can also use with
mixin link(href, name)
a(href=href)&attributes(attributes)= name
+link('/foo', 'foo')(class="btn")
// output HTML
<a href="/foo" class="btn">foo</a>
Take an unknown number of arguments using the “rest arguments” syntax.
mixin list(id, ...items)
each item in items
li= item
+list('my-list', 1, 2, 3, 4)
Three common ways.
Prefix the line with a | character (pronounced “pipe”).
| Plain text can include <strong>html</strong>
| It must always be on its own line
// Output HTML
Plain text can include <strong>html</strong>
<p>It must always be on its own line</p>
Put text in a tag just by adding it inline after a space.
p Plain text can include <strong>HTML</strong>
Add a .
after the tag (with no preceding space)
if (usingJade)
console.log('you are awesome')
console.log('use jade')
Text at the start of a line (or after only white space) represents an HTML tag. Indented tags are nested.
To save space, jade provides an inline syntax for nested tags.
a: img
When using the xml doctype, you can also explicitly self close a tag by simply appending the / character. Only do this if you know what you’re doing
<foo bar="baz"/>