Repository to develop the example for an upcoming conference talk at Strange Loop in September 2015.
Note these are not apples to apples comparison between packages at this time.
Package | GPU | CPU | Accuracy |
DL4JMLP | ********** | 2m20.88s | 0.80 |
Caffe | 7m49.10s | 7m43.87s | 0.99 |
Theano | 1m00.58s | 0m25.67s | 0.92 |
- DL4J: 60k train examples, 5 iterations, MLP
- Caffe: 60K train examples, 1000 iterations, CNN
- Theano: 60k train examples, early stopping, Linear
Using bash function time which reports real, user and sys results. Real is elapsed time from start to finish of the call.
Open source neural net package built for scale and speed and written in Java. Usess ND4J for core calculations. GPU code is being updated and thus Mac GPUs not currently working.
- Explanation at this link
Change pom.xml file to include jcublas backend
Run Examples:
$ mvn clean install
$ java -cp dl4j_examples/target/org.deeplearning-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar org.deeplearning4j.gpu.examples.MnistExample
$ java -cp dl4j_examples/target/org.deeplearning-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar org.deeplearning4j.gpu.examples.MnistCNNExample
Open source neural net package built for scale and speed and written in C.
Example Overview:
- MNIST at this link but the code is a little different. Best to stick to the code in the actuall repo when first starting.
Explanation at this link
Mac specific at this link
Key points to setup on Mac (some of this can be applied in general):
Update brew:
$ brew update
Setup correct boost version because incompatible with boost 1.58.0. Use the following as of June 2015:
$ brew uninstall boost boost-python $ cd $(brew --prefix) $ git checkout ab47508 Library/Formula/boost.rb $ git checkout 3141234 Library/Formula/boost-python.rb $ brew install --build-from-source --fresh -vd boost boost-python $ brew pin boost $ brew pin boost-python
Setup CUDA (see below for tips)
Setup caffe:
git clone the caffe repo
despite existing Makefile, copy the example (Makefile.config.example) and remove example from the name
Add path to homebrew python vs System. Anaconda is an alternative approach. Example on my computer but will be a little different on yours: /usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.10/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/include/python2.7
find and setup or dylib path. Example on my computer but may be different on yours: /usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.10/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/
cleanup path variables and ensure homebrew library comes first for python reference.
For example, I setup a syslink to Homebrew's python which is at: /usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.10/bin/python on my computer to /usr/local/bin/python and then I put /usr/local/bin at the beginning of my python path
if issues with installation be sure to use the following before trying again:
$ make clean
setup caffe alias in bash_profile to simplify exec call
load data with the commands from the setup site
Setup pycaffe:
install lmdb (light weight backend) for python bindings; otherwise an error is thrown
$ pip install lmdb
before make, install requirements file with:
$ for req in $(cat requirements.txt); do pip install $req; done
use make pycaffe if planning to use python
setup python path to point to PYTHONPATH=/path/to/caffe/python
To change between CPU & GPU, change the configuration in solver.protxt. Change in "solver_mode:". Checkout lenet_solver for an example
Run Examples:
// inside mnist_examples folder
$ cd caffe_examples/mnist_example/ && bash
$ cd caffe_examples/mnist_example/ && caffe train --solver=lenet_solver.prototxt
Open source neural net package in Python and based on NumPy for calculations.
Example Overview:
- MNIST at this link
- Explanation at this link
- Install libgpuarray if using gpuarray
- Homebrew install cmake if you don't alread have it for installation of libgpuarray
Reference at this link
Run Examples:
$ THEANO_FLAGS=mode=FAST_RUN,device=cpu,floatX=float32 python theano_examples/
$ THEANO_FLAGS=mode=FAST_RUN,device=gpu,floatX=float32 python theano_examples/
Open source machine learning (neural net) package based in the LuaJIT scripting language with an underlying copy C/CUDA implementation. Mac installation conflict requires Xcode 7 while Xcode 7 conflicts with Cuda
Examples Overview:
- MNIST at this link
- Explanation at this link
Reference at this link
Run Examples:
$ lua torch-example.lua
Open source neural net package based in python and C++ for numerical computation using data flow graphs originally developed by the Google Brain Team. Does not run on Mac GPUs yet and error prevents identifying MacCPU cores
Example Overview:
- Explanation at this link
Reference at this link Only CPU version available on Mac OS X
Run Examples:
$ python
Software driver to enable running neural nets on Nvidia GPUs. An alternative is OpenCL which enables running NNs on Nvidia and AMD. CUDNN is Nvidia library that adds additional optimization to run NNs on Nvidia chips.
Add path in .bash_profile or .bashrc
$ export CUDA_PATH="/usr/local/cuda"
$ export PATH=$CUDA_PATH/lib:$PATH
Check that cuda is working.
$ kextstat | grep -i cuda
If not then restart
$ sudo kextload /System/Library/Extensions/CUDA.kext
Check on Performance: - nvidia-smi doesn't work on Mac but istats (gui platform) gives insights - use ./deviceQuery and setup deviceQuery alias in bash_profile
Python wrapper for CUDA driver - allows meta-programing inside python code. It compiles source code and uploads to card as well as handles moving data to and from card as needed and allocating space. It infers cleanup automatically.
Use in python script:
import pycuda
Currently running the code locally on the following configuration:
Mac 15inch Powerbook
GeForce GT 750M
CUDA 7.0
926MHz clock rate
2508Mhz memory clock rate
2048 threads / multiprocessor
384 Cores
For one layer can have up to 2K neurons / block running at the that same time