allows you to subscribe to firebase data via firebase-nest
subscriptions and have the data flow into mobx
observable maps.
See live: storybook
npm install mobx mobx-react firebase firebase-nest mobx-firebase-store --save
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import MobxFirebaseStore from 'mobx-firebase-store';
import {observer} from 'mobx-react';
import {createAutoSubscriber} from 'firebase-nest';
import firebase from 'firebase';
const fbApp = firebase.initializeApp({
apiKey: 'yourApiKey',
authDomain: "localhost",
databaseURL: '',
storageBucket: ''
}, "chatApp");
const store = new MobxFirebaseStore(firebase.database(fbApp).ref());
/* Real-time messages */
class MessageList extends Component {
renderMessage(messageKey, messageData) {
return (
<div style={{border:'1px grey solid'}} key={messageKey}>
<div>Posted {new Date(messageData.timestamp).toString()}</div>
render() {
const messages = store.getData('myMsgs'); //'myMsgs' matches the subKey below
//autoSubscriber keeps track of loading and error status when using store.subscribeSubsWithPromise
const { _autoSubscriberFetching: fetching, _autoSubscriberError: fetchError, error } = this.state
//store.getData returns mobx observable map - use keys(), get(), entries(), etc. to render the data
//do NOT use set() or other mutations on the map -- updates should be written directly to firebase, and will get reflected in the observable map automatically.
if (!messages) {
return <div>Loading messages...</div>
return (
{messages.keys().map(messageKey => this.renderMessage(messageKey, messages.get(messageKey)))}
//Subscribe to and observe firebase data
export default createAutoSubscriber({
getSubs: (props, state) => [{
subKey: 'myMsgs', //any unique string describing this subscription; must match getData call
asList: true, //or asValue: true. asList will internally subscribe via firebase child_added/removed/changed; asValue via onValue.
path: 'samplechat/messages', //firebase location,
//Optional - get data callbacks after store data is already updated:
onData: (type, snapshot) => console.log('got data: ', type, 'myMsgs', snapshot.val())
}], //can add more than one subscription to this array
subscribeSubs: (subs, props, state) => store.subscribeSubsWithPromise(subs)
export default createAutoSubscriber({
getSubs: (props, state) => [{
subKey: 'myMsgs',
asValue: true, //have to use asValue if using orderBy* and want to preserve the ordering in the observable map
resolveFirebaseRef: () => fbRef.child('samplechat/messages').orderByChild('sentTimestamp')
subscribeSubs: (subs, props, state) => store.subscribeSubsWithPromise(subs)
With asValue
sub, define transformValue : (val) => ...
on the sub.
Or with asList
, define transformChild: (val) => ...
For example, for each message, subscribe to its author (message.uid).
getSubs: (props, state) => [{
subKey: 'myMsgs',
asValue: true,
resolveFirebaseRef: () => fbRef.child('samplechat/messages'),
childSubs: (messageKey, messageData) => [{
subKey: 'user_' + messageData.uid,
asValue: true,
resolveFirebaseRef: () => fbRef.child('samplechat/users').child(messageData.uid)
If we have getSubs
defined as above and 2 messages by 2 users, fred
and barney
, the subscription graph can be pictured something like this:
Also can nest subscriptions for specific fields - for example, parent subscription is for a blog, nested subscription is for its author.
getSubs: (props, state) => {
return [{
subKey: 'blog_'+props.blogKey,
asValue: true,
resolveFirebaseRef: () => fbRef.child('blogs').child(props.blogKey),
fieldSubs: {
authorKey: (authorKey) => [{subKey: 'user_' + authorKey, asValue: true, path: 'users/' + authorKey}]
See chat for examples of how to display the firebase subscription graph.
chat - includes auth
next.js example - server-side rendering with firebase-admin, firebase and mobx, and auth
react-native-gifted-chat example
Inspired by react-native-web-starter examples.
cd examples-storybook-firebase3
To run firebase3 examples, you need to set your API key in index.js. You can create one at, credentials->create credentials->API key->browser key.
npm install
npm run storybook
Firebase 3.x is supported (
Allows to differentiate between data not being subscribed or loaded (
store.getData(...) === undefined
) vs being empty. -
Writes to maps are done inside transactions for better performance.
Throttles writes by default - this helps if we want to avoid re-rendering too frequently, such as during initial load of data.
To turn off:
const store = new MobxFirebaseStore(fb, {throttle: {shouldThrottle: false}})
.Throttling params can also be tweaked.
subscriptions allow subscribing to whole graphs of data.For example, via a single subscription, subscribe to
and to eachitems
. If an item is ever deleted or its category is changed, the nested category subscription is deleted/changed automatically. -
provides a promise that resolves when initial data, including nested/child data, is loaded. -
can be extended to optionally implement various callbacks:onData(type, snapshot, sub)
-- be notified on every data update coming in from firebase after it has already been applied to observable maps.onWillSubscribe(sub)
which shows how many subscribers are currently listening to each piece of data. -
can be used to unsubscribe from all data & reset the store (for example on user logout) -
to allow React components to specify their prop- and state-dependent subscriptions and be automatically subscribed/unsubscribed.If your component's props or state is updated, the subscriptions will be updated automatically.
both minimize unnecessary flickering. -
By default, data is removed from fbStore cache when it no longer has any subscribers.
When subscribing
with type=FB_INIT_VAL
gets the whole initial list as one update. -
Firebase queries are supported via resolveFirebaseRef function you can set on each sub. Otherwise you can set path:
resolveFirebaseQuery: () => fbRef.child('yourPath')
path: 'yourPath'