- Login/Register using FB and Local
- Automatic generation of unique IDs for all users on successfull registration (INNO-ID)
- Admin and Event Manager(EM) accounts with special functions
- Events create and udate operations for EMs
- Ability to register for events by users
- View participants and export to Excel for EMs
- Automatic mailing through Mailgun on registration
- Mass mailing to all registered users through Mailgun
Should work on other versions too, but mongodb is not officially supported on 15.x for now and requires some work arounds.
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_5.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
After Installation
sudo apt-get install nodejs-legacy
Check that you have node and npm(comes with node) successfully installed:
$ node -v
$ npm -v
Installation : Follow the official instructions at: https://docs.mongodb.org/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-ubuntu/
Check mongo is installed by starting the server:
Required for mongoose (nodejs module)
sudo apt-get install libkrb5-dev
Clone the project using git and cd into it:
git clone https://github.com/rohit-95/inno.git
cd inno
Run npm install - this installs all the dependencies of the project (found in package.json) :
npm install
Create a new directory with the name of 'config' in the root directory. Add a 'default.json' file in this directory. This file is used to store API keys and various other variable configurations like : site-url, contact-form-email, etc. It needs to have the following format :
"mailgun": {
"auth": {
"api_key": "<your-mailgun-api-key>",
"domain": "<domain-registered-on-mailgun>"
"url": "<domain-name-on-which-this-is-setup>",
"hashids": {
"secret": "<hash-secret-for-unique-id-generation>",
"no_chars": 4,
"contactEmail": "<email-for-contact-form>",
"dbhost": "<mongodb-host-url",
"sessionSecret": "<session-secret>",
"fb": {
"clientID": "<FB-app-id-for-login>",
"clientSecret": "<fb-app-secret>",
"callbackURL": "<site-url> + /login/fb/callback"
Start Mongo
Start App
npm start
Or wif you are using pm2
pm2 start pm2_debug.json