Playground for Java Spring Boot
You need to add the private registry credentials to Docker
docker login <registry-url> <user> <pass>
Then push the image to it
$ ./gradlew dockerPush
Follow the setup instructions for bootit cluster. Then hit some endpoints, e.g. http://localhost:8002/api
- API versions to stable where possible
- Review/cleanup of yaml files in general
- Check if elk namespace should not be applied with the rest
- monitor postgresql with elk, alert on certain queries
- simplify port mapping: all endpoints for general use to 80
- check out for redeploying after configmap updates
- correlation ID (can it be sent to db queries as well?)
- authorization, oauth2 providers
- check if mq code can be mostly removed (besides listener)
- rest calls to elastic? (RestTemplate)
- javax.validation of params
- faster unit test (less spring init)
- check spring cloud and kubernetes integration
- circuit breaker with hystrix