This tool will help you to quickly purge your HTML, jsx and other template files without having to install and set up tailwind yourself.
Tailwindfy is pretty straight forward to set up and use. First, you install using:
npm install tailwindfy
yarn add tailwindfy
Yarn is the preffered and much developer friendly option so if you haven't been using yarn, then you have to install yarn by running
npm install -g yarn
to install yarn globally
Since tailwindfy is a command line npm package, you simply need to use the node's npx command to get it up and running.
Tailwindfy offers the core tailwind functionalities in two broad ways:
Tailwindfy offers the large development CSS that comes with several configurations and variants, carefully put together by Kitwinds's Kometa UI. To get this CSS (~8MB), you run the follwing command in the shell
npx tailwindfy large
This will output the CSS file tailwinddevcss.css
inside a styles/output folder in your working directory. Which can then be linked with the desired javascript HTML
or imported into javascript .jsx
The development CSS is quite large and rightly so because of the several breakpoints and colors multiplied to offer smooth developement experience. However, you would obviously not want to ship that large CSS for production and tailwindfy offers just that.
After tweaking the project to taste, you will likely want to ship the project into production. It is quite unacceptable to send ~8MB of CSS to the user over the bandwidth. Therefore to reduce the CSS file size to exactly the ones utilized, you simply use the javascript npx
command to purge unused CSS. On the Shell or command line, run:
npx tailwindfy small [name of file]
for example:
npx tailwindfy small index.html
Some couple of things to note: 1. The file should be in the root of the project directory. But if not, then the file relative url from the root directory should be used, for example, this will work quite well
npx tailwindfy small src/index.html
for a file in the src folder, with the src folder located in the root folder.
This command will output a purged CSS file into the styles/output folder in the root directory. The filename will be javascript tailwindminicss.css
.(bear with us on that naming).
Tailwindfy is meant for developers who just want to spin up a project quickly without having to worry about setting up tailwind config and still want to use the full tailwind capacity, because let's face it, the CDN version is rarely enough for your use case and comes with a lot of unnneccesary css. You will need all the optimization your webpage can get.
That is pretty much all there is about as far as tailwindfy is concerned, you can report all bugs here. Contributions are highly encouraged. Thanks for taking your time to use my first contribution to open source and I am looking to connect. Thank you!.