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Merge pull request #379 from shym/pp
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Improve `Util.Pp` pretty-printers
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jmid authored Aug 25, 2023
2 parents 582f514 + 13d87f8 commit 448c059
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- #379: Extend the set of `Util.Pp` pretty-printers and teach them to
add break hints similar to ``; teach `to_show` to
generate truncated strings when `$MCTUTILS_TRUNCATE` environment
variable is set
- #368: Switch `STM_domain.agree_prop_par_asym` from using
`Semaphore.Binary` to using an `int Atomic.t` which improves
the error rate across platforms and backends
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8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion dune
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@@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
(debug-runtime (link_flags :standard -runtime-variant=d))
(link_flags :standard -runtime-variant=d)

;; make `dune build` target a recursive default target
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197 changes: 174 additions & 23 deletions lib/
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Expand Up @@ -80,28 +80,77 @@ module Pp = struct

type 'a t = bool -> Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit

let to_show f x = asprintf "%a" (f false) x
type pp_thunk = Format.formatter -> unit

let truncate_message = "... (truncated)"

let truncate_length =
let truncate_env = "MCTUTILS_TRUNCATE" in
let ( let* ) = Option.bind in
let* l = Sys.getenv_opt truncate_env in
let* l = int_of_string_opt l in
(* it does not make sense to truncate at less than the length of
[truncate_message] *)
if l > 0 then Some (max l (String.length truncate_message - 1)) else None

let to_show f x =
match truncate_length with
| None ->
let buf = Buffer.create 512 in
let fmt = formatter_of_buffer buf in
pp_set_margin fmt max_int;
fprintf fmt "@[<h 0>%a@]@?" (f false) x;
let s = Buffer.contents buf in
Buffer.reset buf;
| Some trlen ->
(* if we overflow, we'll have the [truncate_message] at the end of the
buffer, filling it until [trlen + 1]: we'll use the fact that the
buffer contains more than [trlen] to indicate that it has already
overflown *)
let buf = Buffer.create (trlen + 1) in
let msglen = String.length truncate_message in
let out str ofs len =
let blen = Buffer.length buf in
(* if we didn't overflow yet... *)
if blen <= trlen then
if blen + len > trlen then (
let fits = trlen - blen - msglen + 1 in
if fits > 0 then Buffer.add_substring buf str ofs fits
else Buffer.truncate buf (trlen + 1 - msglen);
Buffer.add_string buf truncate_message)
else Buffer.add_substring buf str ofs len
let ppf = make_formatter out ignore in
pp_set_margin ppf max_int;
fprintf ppf "@[<h 0>%a@]@?" (f false) x;
let s = Buffer.contents buf in
Buffer.reset buf;

let of_show f par fmt x =
fprintf fmt (if par then "(%s)" else "%s") (f x)
fprintf fmt (if par then "@[(%s)@]" else "@[%s@]") (f x)

let cst0 name fmt = pp_print_string fmt name

let cst1 (pp : 'a t) name par fmt x =
fprintf fmt (if par then "(%s %a)" else "%s %a") name (pp true) x
let o, c = if par then ("(", ")") else ("", "") in
fprintf fmt "%s@[<2>%s@ %a@]%s" o name (pp true) x c

let cst2 (pp1 : 'a t) (pp2 : 'b t) name par fmt x y =
fprintf fmt (if par then "(%s (%a, %a))" else "%s (%a, %a)") name (pp1 false) x (pp2 false) y
let o, c = if par then ("(", ")") else ("", "") in
fprintf fmt "%s@[<2>%s (@,%a,@ %a)@]%s" o name (pp1 false) x (pp2 false) y c

let cst3 (pp1 : 'a t) (pp2 : 'b t) (pp3 : 'c t) name par fmt x y z =
fprintf fmt
(if par then "(%s (%a, %a, %a))" else "%s (%a, %a, %a)")
name (pp1 false) x (pp2 false) y (pp3 false) z
let o, c = if par then ("(", ")") else ("", "") in
fprintf fmt "%s@[<2>%s (@,%a,@ %a,@ %a)@]%s" o name (pp1 false) x
(pp2 false) y (pp3 false) z c

let pp_exn = of_show Printexc.to_string
let pp_unit _ fmt () = pp_print_string fmt "()"
let pp_bool _ fmt b = fprintf fmt "%B" b
let pp_int par fmt i = fprintf fmt (if par && i < 0 then "(%d)" else "%d") i
let pp_int32 par fmt i = fprintf fmt (if par && i < 0l then "(%ldl)" else "%ldl") i
let pp_int64 par fmt i = fprintf fmt (if par && i < 0L then "(%LdL)" else "%LdL") i
let pp_float par fmt f = fprintf fmt (if par && f < 0.0 then "(%F)" else "%F") f
let pp_char _ fmt c = fprintf fmt "%C" c
Expand All @@ -110,42 +159,144 @@ module Pp = struct

let pp_option (pp_s : 'a t) par fmt o =
match o with
| None -> pp_print_string fmt "None"
| Some s -> fprintf fmt (if par then "(Some %a)" else "Some %a") (pp_s true) s
| None -> cst0 "None" fmt
| Some s -> cst1 pp_s "Some" par fmt s

let pp_result (pp_o : 'o t) (pp_e : 'e t) par fmt r =
let open Result in
match r with
| Ok o -> fprintf fmt (if par then "(Ok %a)" else "Ok %a") (pp_o true) o
| Error e -> fprintf fmt (if par then "(Error %a)" else "Error %a") (pp_e true) e
| Ok o -> cst1 pp_o "Ok" par fmt o
| Error e -> cst1 pp_e "Error" par fmt e

type pp_tuple_item = pp_thunk

let pp_tuple_item pp x fmt = pp false fmt x

let pp_tuple _ fmt items =
fprintf fmt "(@[";
pp_print_list ~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> fprintf fmt ",@ ") (fun fmt ppf -> ppf fmt) fmt items;
fprintf fmt "@])"

let pp_tuple2 pp1 pp2 p fmt (x1, x2) =
pp_tuple p fmt [ pp_tuple_item pp1 x1; pp_tuple_item pp2 x2 ]

let pp_tuple3 pp1 pp2 pp3 p fmt (x1, x2, x3) =
pp_tuple p fmt
[ pp_tuple_item pp1 x1; pp_tuple_item pp2 x2; pp_tuple_item pp3 x3 ]

let pp_tuple4 pp1 pp2 pp3 pp4 p fmt (x1, x2, x3, x4) =
pp_tuple p fmt
pp_tuple_item pp1 x1;
pp_tuple_item pp2 x2;
pp_tuple_item pp3 x3;
pp_tuple_item pp4 x4;

let pp_tuple5 pp1 pp2 pp3 pp4 pp5 p fmt (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5) =
pp_tuple p fmt
pp_tuple_item pp1 x1;
pp_tuple_item pp2 x2;
pp_tuple_item pp3 x3;
pp_tuple_item pp4 x4;
pp_tuple_item pp5 x5;

let pp_tuple6 pp1 pp2 pp3 pp4 pp5 pp6 p fmt (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6) =
pp_tuple p fmt
pp_tuple_item pp1 x1;
pp_tuple_item pp2 x2;
pp_tuple_item pp3 x3;
pp_tuple_item pp4 x4;
pp_tuple_item pp5 x5;
pp_tuple_item pp6 x6;

let pp_tuple7 pp1 pp2 pp3 pp4 pp5 pp6 pp7 p fmt (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7) =
pp_tuple p fmt
pp_tuple_item pp1 x1;
pp_tuple_item pp2 x2;
pp_tuple_item pp3 x3;
pp_tuple_item pp4 x4;
pp_tuple_item pp5 x5;
pp_tuple_item pp6 x6;
pp_tuple_item pp7 x7;

let pp_tuple8 pp1 pp2 pp3 pp4 pp5 pp6 pp7 pp8 p fmt
(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8) =
pp_tuple p fmt
pp_tuple_item pp1 x1;
pp_tuple_item pp2 x2;
pp_tuple_item pp3 x3;
pp_tuple_item pp4 x4;
pp_tuple_item pp5 x5;
pp_tuple_item pp6 x6;
pp_tuple_item pp7 x7;
pp_tuple_item pp8 x8;

let pp_tuple9 pp1 pp2 pp3 pp4 pp5 pp6 pp7 pp8 pp9 p fmt
(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9) =
pp_tuple p fmt
pp_tuple_item pp1 x1;
pp_tuple_item pp2 x2;
pp_tuple_item pp3 x3;
pp_tuple_item pp4 x4;
pp_tuple_item pp5 x5;
pp_tuple_item pp6 x6;
pp_tuple_item pp7 x7;
pp_tuple_item pp8 x8;
pp_tuple_item pp9 x9;

let pp_tuple10 pp1 pp2 pp3 pp4 pp5 pp6 pp7 pp8 pp9 pp10 p fmt
(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10) =
pp_tuple p fmt
pp_tuple_item pp1 x1;
pp_tuple_item pp2 x2;
pp_tuple_item pp3 x3;
pp_tuple_item pp4 x4;
pp_tuple_item pp5 x5;
pp_tuple_item pp6 x6;
pp_tuple_item pp7 x7;
pp_tuple_item pp8 x8;
pp_tuple_item pp9 x9;
pp_tuple_item pp10 x10;

let pp_pair (pp_f : 'a t) (pp_s : 'b t) _ fmt (x,y) =
fprintf fmt "(%a, %a)" (pp_f false) x (pp_s false) y
let pp_pair = pp_tuple2

let pp_list (pp_e : 'a t) _ fmt l =
pp_print_string fmt "[";
fprintf fmt "@[<2>[";
pp_print_list ~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> fprintf fmt ";@ ") (pp_e false) fmt l;
pp_print_string fmt "]"
fprintf fmt "@,]@]"

let pp_seq (pp_e : 'a t) _ fmt s =
pp_print_string fmt "<";
fprintf fmt "@[<2><";
pp_print_seq ~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> fprintf fmt ";@ ") (pp_e false) fmt s;
pp_print_string fmt ">"
fprintf fmt "@,>@]"

let pp_array (pp_e : 'a t) _ fmt a =
pp_print_string fmt "[|";
fprintf fmt "@[<2>[|";
pp_print_seq ~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> fprintf fmt ";@ ") (pp_e false) fmt (Array.to_seq a);
pp_print_string fmt "|]"
fprintf fmt "@,|]@]"

type pp_field = Format.formatter -> unit
type pp_field = pp_thunk

let pp_field name (pp_c : 'a t) c fmt =
fprintf fmt "%s =@ %a" name (pp_c false) c
fprintf fmt "@[%s =@ %a@]" name (pp_c false) c

let pp_record _ fmt fields =
pp_print_string fmt "{ ";
fprintf fmt "@[<2>{ ";
pp_print_list ~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> fprintf fmt ";@ ") (fun fmt ppf -> ppf fmt) fmt fields;
fprintf fmt "@ }"
fprintf fmt "@ }@]"

module Equal = struct
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95 changes: 92 additions & 3 deletions lib/util.mli
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Expand Up @@ -51,7 +51,10 @@ module Pp : sig
if it produces a non-atomic expression. *)

val to_show : 'a t -> 'a -> string
(** [to_show pp] converts a pretty-printer to a simple ['a -> string] function. *)
(** [to_show pp] converts a pretty-printer to a simple ['a -> string] function
that generate everything on one line. If the environment variable
[MCTUTILS_TRUNCATE] is set to a length, it will truncate the resulting
string if it exceeds that length. *)

val of_show : ('a -> string) -> 'a t
(** [of_show show] uses a simple ['a -> string] function as a pretty-printer.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -90,6 +93,9 @@ module Pp : sig
val pp_int : int t
(** Pretty-printer for type [int] *)

val pp_int32 : int32 t
(** Pretty-printer for type [int32] *)

val pp_int64 : int64 t
(** Pretty-printer for type [int64] *)

Expand All @@ -114,10 +120,93 @@ module Pp : sig
using [pp_ok] to pretty-print values of type ['o] and [pp_error] for
values of type ['e]. *)

type pp_tuple_item
(** The abstract type for the pretty-printer of a tuple item *)

val pp_tuple_item : 'a t -> 'a -> pp_tuple_item
(** [pp_tuple_item pp v] builds a pretty-printer for a tuple item using [pp]
to pretty-print its value [v]. *)

val pp_tuple : pp_tuple_item list t
(** [pp_tuple] pretty-prints a tuple taken as a list of [pp_tuple_item]s. *)

val pp_pair : 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t
(** [pp_pair pp_a pp_b] pretty-prints a value of type ['a * 'b] using [pp_a]
to pretty-print values of type ['a] and [pp_b] for values of type ['b]. *)

val pp_tuple2 : 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t
(** [pp_tuple2] pretty-prints pairs, synonym for [pp_pair]. *)

val pp_tuple3 : 'a t -> 'b t -> 'c t -> ('a * 'b * 'c) t
(** [pp_tuple3] pretty-prints triples. *)

val pp_tuple4 : 'a t -> 'b t -> 'c t -> 'd t -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd) t
(** [pp_tuple4] pretty-prints tuples of 4 elements. *)

val pp_tuple5 :
'a t -> 'b t -> 'c t -> 'd t -> 'e t -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e) t
(** [pp_tuple5] pretty-prints tuples of 5 elements. *)

val pp_tuple6 :
'a t ->
'b t ->
'c t ->
'd t ->
'e t ->
'f t ->
('a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e * 'f) t
(** [pp_tuple6] pretty-prints tuples of 6 elements. *)

val pp_tuple7 :
'a t ->
'b t ->
'c t ->
'd t ->
'e t ->
'f t ->
'g t ->
('a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e * 'f * 'g) t
(** [pp_tuple7] pretty-prints tuples of 7 elements. *)

val pp_tuple8 :
'a t ->
'b t ->
'c t ->
'd t ->
'e t ->
'f t ->
'g t ->
'h t ->
('a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e * 'f * 'g * 'h) t
(** [pp_tuple8] pretty-prints tuples of 8 elements. *)

val pp_tuple9 :
'a t ->
'b t ->
'c t ->
'd t ->
'e t ->
'f t ->
'g t ->
'h t ->
'i t ->
('a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e * 'f * 'g * 'h * 'i) t
(** [pp_tuple9] pretty-prints tuples of 9 elements. *)

val pp_tuple10 :
'a t ->
'b t ->
'c t ->
'd t ->
'e t ->
'f t ->
'g t ->
'h t ->
'i t ->
'j t ->
('a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e * 'f * 'g * 'h * 'i * 'j) t
(** [pp_tuple10] pretty-prints tuples of 10 elements. *)

val pp_list : 'a t -> 'a list t
(** [pp_list pp] pretty-prints a list using [pp] to pretty-print its elements. *)

Expand All @@ -128,10 +217,10 @@ module Pp : sig
(** [pp_array pp] pretty-prints an array using [pp] to pretty-print its elements. *)

type pp_field
(** The abtract type for the pretty-printer of a record field *)
(** The abstract type for the pretty-printer of a record field *)

val pp_field : string -> 'a t -> 'a -> pp_field
(** [pp_field name pp v] build a pretty-printer for a record field of given
(** [pp_field name pp v] builds a pretty-printer for a record field of given
[name] using [pp] to pretty-print its content value [v]. *)

val pp_record : pp_field list t
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