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Process (include ...) before (subdir ...)
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Signed-off-by: Nicolás Ojeda Bär <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
nojb committed Aug 5, 2020
1 parent 92240aa commit 08e5fa6
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Showing 8 changed files with 148 additions and 79 deletions.
58 changes: 5 additions & 53 deletions src/dune/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,13 +13,6 @@ module Jbuild_version = struct
let decode = enum [ ("1", V1) ]

let relative_file =
plain_string (fun ~loc fn ->
if Filename.is_relative fn then
User_error.raise ~loc [ Pp.textf "relative filename expected" ])

let () =
Dune_project.Extension.register_deleted ~name:"library_variants"
~deleted_in:(2, 6)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1977,60 +1970,19 @@ module Stanzas = struct
let parser = parser project in
parse parser sexp

exception Include_loop of Path.Source.t * (Loc.t * Path.Source.t) list

let rec parse_file_includes ~stanza_parser ~lexer ~current_file ~include_stack
sexps =
let rec parse_file_includes ~stanza_parser ~context sexps =
List.concat_map sexps ~f:(parse stanza_parser)
|> List.concat_map ~f:(function
| Include (loc, fn) ->
let include_stack = (loc, current_file) :: include_stack in
let dir = Path.Source.parent_exn current_file in
let current_file = Path.Source.relative dir fn in
if not (Path.exists (Path.source current_file)) then
User_error.raise ~loc
[ Pp.textf "File %s doesn't exist."
(Path.Source.to_string_maybe_quoted current_file)
List.exists include_stack ~f:(fun (_, f) ->
Path.Source.equal f current_file)
raise (Include_loop (current_file, include_stack));
let sexps =
Dune_lang.Parser.load ~lexer (Path.source current_file) ~mode:Many
parse_file_includes ~stanza_parser ~lexer ~current_file
~include_stack sexps
let sexps, context = Include.load_sexps ~context (loc, fn) in
parse_file_includes ~stanza_parser ~context sexps
| stanza -> [ stanza ])

let parse ~file (project : Dune_project.t) sexps =
let stanza_parser = parser project in
let lexer = Dune_lang.Lexer.token in
let stanzas =
parse_file_includes ~stanza_parser ~lexer ~include_stack:[]
~current_file:file sexps
| Include_loop (_, []) -> assert false
| Include_loop (file, last :: rest) ->
let loc = fst (Option.value (List.last rest) ~default:last) in
let line_loc (loc, file) =
sprintf "%s:%d"
(Path.Source.to_string_maybe_quoted file)
User_error.raise ~loc
[ Pp.text "Recursive inclusion of dune files detected:"
; Pp.textf "File %s is included from %s"
(Path.Source.to_string_maybe_quoted file)
(line_loc last)
; Pp.vbox
(Pp.concat_map rest ~sep:Pp.cut ~f:(fun x -> ~indent:3
(Pp.seq (Pp.verbatim "-> ")
(Pp.textf "included from %s" (line_loc x)))))
let context = Include.in_file file in
parse_file_includes ~stanza_parser ~context sexps
List.filter_map stanzas ~f:(function
Expand Down
12 changes: 7 additions & 5 deletions src/dune/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -78,8 +78,10 @@ module Dune_file = struct
| None -> Sub_dirs.default
| Some t -> Sub_dirs.or_default t.plain.contents.subdir_status

let load_plain sexps ~from_parent ~project =
let decoder = Dune_project.set_parsing_context project Sub_dirs.decode in
let load_plain sexps ~file ~from_parent ~project =
let decoder =
Dune_project.set_parsing_context project (Sub_dirs.decode ~file)
let active =
let parsed =
Dune_lang.Decoder.parse decoder Univ_map.empty
Expand All @@ -95,15 +97,15 @@ module Dune_file = struct
let load file ~file_exists ~from_parent ~project =
let kind, plain =
match file_exists with
| false -> (Plain, load_plain [] ~from_parent ~project)
| false -> (Plain, load_plain [] ~file ~from_parent ~project)
| true ->
Io.with_lexbuf_from_file (Path.source file) ~f:(fun lb ->
if Dune_lexer.is_script lb then
let from_parent = load_plain [] ~from_parent ~project in
let from_parent = load_plain [] ~file ~from_parent ~project in
(Ocaml_script, from_parent)
let sexps = Dune_lang.Parser.parse lb ~mode:Many in
(Plain, load_plain sexps ~from_parent ~project))
(Plain, load_plain sexps ~file ~from_parent ~project))
{ path = file; kind; plain }
Expand Down
53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions src/dune/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -99,3 +99,56 @@ module Pkg = struct

let modules_field name = Ordered_set_lang.field name

module Include = struct
type context =
{ current_file : Path.Source.t
; include_stack : (Loc.t * Path.Source.t) list

let in_file file = { current_file = file; include_stack = [] }

let error { current_file = file; include_stack } =
let last, rest =
match include_stack with
| [] -> assert false
| last :: rest -> (last, rest)
let loc = fst (Option.value (List.last rest) ~default:last) in
let line_loc (loc, file) =
sprintf "%s:%d"
(Path.Source.to_string_maybe_quoted file)
User_error.raise ~loc
[ Pp.text "Recursive inclusion of dune files detected:"
; Pp.textf "File %s is included from %s"
(Path.Source.to_string_maybe_quoted file)
(line_loc last)
; Pp.vbox
(Pp.concat_map rest ~sep:Pp.cut ~f:(fun x -> ~indent:3
(Pp.seq (Pp.verbatim "-> ")
(Pp.textf "included from %s" (line_loc x)))))

let load_sexps ~context:{ current_file; include_stack } (loc, fn) =
let include_stack = (loc, current_file) :: include_stack in
let dir = Path.Source.parent_exn current_file in
let current_file = Path.Source.relative dir fn in
if not (Path.exists (Path.source current_file)) then
User_error.raise ~loc
[ Pp.textf "File %s doesn't exist."
(Path.Source.to_string_maybe_quoted current_file)
List.exists include_stack ~f:(fun (_, f) ->
Path.Source.equal f current_file)
error { current_file; include_stack };
let sexps =
Dune_lang.Parser.load ~lexer:Dune_lang.Lexer.token
(Path.source current_file) ~mode:Many
(sexps, { current_file; include_stack })
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions src/dune/stanza_common.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,3 +12,12 @@ module Pkg : sig

val modules_field : string -> Ordered_set_lang.t Dune_lang.Decoder.fields_parser

module Include : sig
type context

val in_file : Path.Source.t -> context

val load_sexps :
context:context -> Loc.t * string -> Dune_lang.Ast.t list * context
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions src/dune/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -304,3 +304,34 @@ let decode =
Dir_map.singleton { Dir_map.sexps = rest; subdir_status } :: subdirs)
enter (fields (decode ~allow_ignored_subdirs:true))

let decode_includes ~context =
let open Dune_lang.Decoder in
let rec subdir ~context =
let* loc = loc in
let* name =
plain_string (fun ~loc s -> Atom (loc, Dune_lang.Atom.of_string s))
let+ nodes = fields (decode ~context) in
(loc, Atom (Loc.none, Dune_lang.Atom.of_string "subdir") :: name :: nodes)
and decode ~context =
let* includes =
multi_field "include"
(let* loc = loc
and+ fn = relative_file in
let sexps, context =
Stanza_common.Include.load_sexps ~context (loc, fn)
fields (with_input sexps (decode ~context)))
let+ subdirs = multi_field "subdir" (subdir ~context)
and+ sexps = leftover_fields in
List.concat (sexps :: subdirs :: includes)
enter (fields (decode ~context))

let decode ~file =
let open Dune_lang.Decoder in
let* sexps = decode_includes ~context:(Stanza_common.Include.in_file file) in
with_input [ List (Loc.none, sexps) ] decode
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/dune/sub_dirs.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -69,4 +69,4 @@ module Dir_map : sig
val root : t -> per_dir

val decode : Dir_map.t Dune_lang.Decoder.t
val decode : file:Path.Source.t -> Dir_map.t Dune_lang.Decoder.t
57 changes: 37 additions & 20 deletions src/dune_lang/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -184,6 +184,35 @@ let parse t context sexp =
let ctx = Values (Ast.loc sexp, None, context) in
result ctx (t ctx [ sexp ])

let fields_of_values sexps =
let unparsed =
List.fold_left sexps ~init:Name.Map.empty ~f:(fun acc sexp ->
match sexp with
| List (_, name_sexp :: values) -> (
match name_sexp with
| Atom (_, A name) ->
Name.Map.set acc name
{ Fields.Unparsed.values
; entry = sexp
; prev = Name.Map.find acc name
| List (loc, _)
| Quoted_string (loc, _)
| Template { loc; _ } ->
User_error.raise ~loc [ Pp.text "Atom expected" ] )
| _ ->
User_error.raise ~loc:(Ast.loc sexp)
[ Pp.text "S-expression of the form (<name> <values>...) expected" ])
{ Fields.unparsed; known = [] }

let with_input : type a k. ast list -> (a, k) parser -> k context -> k -> a * k
fun sexps t context _ ->
match context with
| Values _ -> t context sexps
| Fields _ -> t context (fields_of_values sexps)

let capture ctx state =
let f t = result ctx (t ctx state) in
(f, [])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -273,6 +302,13 @@ let filename =
[ Pp.textf "'.' and '..' are not valid filenames" ]
| fn -> fn)

let relative_file =
plain_string (fun ~loc fn ->
if Filename.is_relative fn then
User_error.raise ~loc [ Pp.textf "relative filename expected" ])

let enter t =
next_with_user_context (fun uc sexp ->
match sexp with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -577,27 +613,8 @@ let multi_field name t (Fields (_, _, uc)) (state : Fields.t) =
(res, Fields.consume name state)

let fields t (Values (loc, cstr, uc)) sexps =
let unparsed =
List.fold_left sexps ~init:Name.Map.empty ~f:(fun acc sexp ->
match sexp with
| List (_, name_sexp :: values) -> (
match name_sexp with
| Atom (_, A name) ->
Name.Map.set acc name
{ Fields.Unparsed.values
; entry = sexp
; prev = Name.Map.find acc name
| List (loc, _)
| Quoted_string (loc, _)
| Template { loc; _ } ->
User_error.raise ~loc [ Pp.text "Atom expected" ] )
| _ ->
User_error.raise ~loc:(Ast.loc sexp)
[ Pp.text "S-expression of the form (<name> <values>...) expected" ])
let ctx = Fields (loc, cstr, uc) in
let x = result ctx (t ctx { Fields.unparsed; known = [] }) in
let x = result ctx (t ctx (fields_of_values sexps)) in
(x, [])

let leftover_fields_generic t more_fields (Fields (loc, cstr, uc)) state =
Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions src/dune_lang/decoder.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ type 'a fields_parser = ('a, fields) parser
information such as versions to individual parsers. *)
val parse : 'a t -> Univ_map.t -> ast -> 'a

val with_input : ast list -> ('a, 'k) parser -> ('a, 'k) parser

val return : 'a -> ('a, _) parser

val ( >>= ) : ('a, 'k) parser -> ('a -> ('b, 'k) parser) -> ('b, 'k) parser
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -170,6 +172,9 @@ val plain_string : (loc:Loc.t -> string -> 'a) -> 'a t
(** A valid filename, i.e. a string other than "." or ".." *)
val filename : string t

(** A relative filename *)
val relative_file : string t

val fix : ('a t -> 'a t) -> 'a t

val located : ('a, 'k) parser -> (Loc.t * 'a, 'k) parser
Expand Down

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