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New dune ocaml debug command
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Add a new command, `dune ocaml debug` to set a
mapping environment variable and then invoke
the OCaml debugger, ocamldebug.

For the deployment phase, we need the inverse of the
BUILD_PATH_PREFIX_MAP. I've decided that this should use a different
environment variable, so I've chosen DEPLOY_PATH_PREFIX_MAP.
The reason two variables are needed is that the new dune command,
`dune ocaml debug` is similar to `dune exec`,
except instead of invoking the executable directory, it
gives the executable to the OCaml debugger. But before doing that,
it builds the executable, if necessary, to make sure it is up-to-date.
During the building, BUILD_PATH_PREFIX_MAP maps build-time
absolute paths to abstract paths, but the debugger needs the inverse
mapping, so will use DEPLOY_PATH_PREFIX_MAP.

This PR assumes a simplified forward mapping, namely,
the build root, source root and the install root (usually
~/.opam/switch) map to `/workspace_root`.

The inverse mapping used is (in priority order, highest

- /workspace_root -> source root
- /workspace_root -> build root
- /workspace_root -> install root

Because of `dune ocaml debug`, dune requires the location of
ocamldebug. Some test cases which set up special paths had to be
modified to make sure that ocamldebug could be found.

Signed-off-by: Richard L Ford <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
richardlford committed Jun 1, 2023
1 parent d4ceaa9 commit b4d3189
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Showing 18 changed files with 426 additions and 5 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions bin/dune
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; Kept to keep implicit_transitive_deps false working in 4.x
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360 changes: 360 additions & 0 deletions bin/ocaml/
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open Stdune
open Import

let doc =
"Debug a bytecode program in a similar environment as if installation was \

let man =
; `P
{|$(b,dune debug -- COMMAND) should behave in the same way as if you
; `Pre " \\$ dune install\n \\$ ocamldebug COMMAND"
; `P
{|In particular if you run $(b,dune exec ocaml), you will have
access to the libraries defined in the workspace using your usual
directives ($(b,#require) for instance). In addition the
BUILD_PATH_PREFIX_MAP is set to map abstract path names
to paths in your runtime environment, so tha the debugger
can find your source code.|}
; `P
{|When a leading / is present in the command (absolute path), then the
path is interpreted as an absolute path|}
; `P
{|When a / is present at any other position (relative path), then the
path is interpreted as relative to the build context + current
working directory (or the value of $(b,--root) when ran outside of
the project root)|}
; `Blocks Common.help_secs
; Common.examples
[ ("Debug the executable named `my_exec'", "dune debug my_exec")
; ( "Run the executable defined in `' with the argument `arg'"
, "dune exec -- ./foo.exe arg" )

let info = "debug" ~doc ~man

let build_prog ~no_rebuild ~prog p =
if no_rebuild then
if Path.exists p then Memo.return p
[ Pp.textf
"Program %S isn't built yet. You need to build it first or remove \
the --no-build option."
let open Memo.O in
let+ () = Build_system.build_file p in

let not_found ~dir ~prog =
let open Memo.O in
let+ hints =
(* Good candidates for the "./x.exe" instead of "x.exe" error are
executables present in the current directory. Note: we do not
check directory targets here; even if they do indeed include a
matching executable, they would be located in a subdirectory of
[dir], so it's unclear if that's what the user wanted. *)
let+ candidates =
Build_system.files_of ~dir:( dir)
>>| Path.Set.to_list
>>| List.filter ~f:(fun p -> Path.extension p = ".exe")
>>| ~f:(fun p -> "./" ^ Path.basename p)
User_message.did_you_mean prog ~candidates
User_error.raise ~hints [ Pp.textf "Program %S not found!" prog ]

let get_path_and_build_if_necessary sctx ~no_rebuild ~dir ~prog =
let open Memo.O in
match Filename.analyze_program_name prog with
| In_path -> (
Super_context.resolve_program sctx ~dir ~loc:None prog >>= function
| Error (_ : Action.Prog.Not_found.t) -> not_found ~dir ~prog
| Ok p -> build_prog ~no_rebuild ~prog p)
| Relative_to_current_dir -> (
let path = Path.relative_to_source_in_build_or_external ~dir prog in
(Build_system.file_exists path >>= function
| true -> Memo.return (Some path)
| false -> (
if not (Filename.check_suffix prog ".exe") then Memo.return None
let path = Path.extend_basename path ~suffix:".exe" in
Build_system.file_exists path >>| function
| true -> Some path
| false -> None))
>>= function
| Some path -> build_prog ~no_rebuild ~prog path
| None -> not_found ~dir ~prog)
| Absolute -> (
let prog = Path.of_string prog in
if Path.exists prog then Some prog
else if not Sys.win32 then None
let prog = Path.extend_basename prog ~suffix:Bin.exe in
Option.some_if (Path.exists prog) prog
| Some prog -> Memo.return prog
| None -> not_found ~dir ~prog)

module Exec_context = struct
type t =
{ common : Common.t
; config : Dune_config.t
; ocamldebug : string Fiber.t
; debug_args : string list
; maps : ( * Fiber.t
; args : string list
; env : Env.t Fiber.t
; get_path_and_build_if_necessary : (unit -> Path.t Memo.t) Fiber.t

let init ~common ~context ~debugger ~debug_args ~no_rebuild ~prog ~args =
(* The initialization of some fields is deferred until the fiber scheduler
has been started. *)
let config = Common.init common in
let sctx =
let open Fiber.O in
let* setup = Import.Main.setup () in
let+ setup = setup in
Import.Main.find_scontext_exn setup ~name:context
let dir = sctx ~f:(fun sctx ->
let context = Dune_rules.Super_context.context sctx in
Path.Build.relative context.build_dir (Common.prefix_target common ""))
let env = sctx ~f:Super_context.context_env in
let get_path_and_build_if_necessary =
let open Fiber.O in
let* sctx = sctx in
let+ dir = dir in
fun () -> get_path_and_build_if_necessary sctx ~no_rebuild ~dir ~prog
let ocamldebug = sctx ~f:(fun sctx ->
let context = Dune_rules.Super_context.context sctx in
match debugger with
| Some debugger -> (
if Sys.file_exists debugger then debugger
match Bin.which ~path:context.path debugger with
| Some debugger -> Path.to_string debugger
| None -> Dune_engine.Utils.program_not_found debugger ~loc:None)
| None -> Path.to_string context.ocaml.ocamldebug)
let maps = sctx ~f:(fun sctx ->
let context = Dune_rules.Super_context.context sctx in
let src_dir = Sys.getcwd () in
let build_dir =
Filename.concat src_dir (Path.Build.to_string context.build_dir)
let install_root =
context.ocaml.bin_dir |> Path.parent_exn |> Path.to_string
let forward_map =
[ Some
{ = "/workspace_root"
; source = install_root
; Some
{ = "/workspace_root"
; source = src_dir
; Some
{ = "/workspace_root"
; source = build_dir
let inverse_map =
[ Some
{ Build_path_prefix_map.source = "/workspace_root"
; target = install_root
; Some
{ Build_path_prefix_map.source = "/workspace_root"
; target = build_dir
; Some
{ Build_path_prefix_map.source = "/workspace_root"
; target = src_dir
(forward_map, inverse_map))

{ common
; config
; ocamldebug
; debug_args
; maps
; env
; args
; get_path_and_build_if_necessary

let run_once
{ common
; config
; ocamldebug
; debug_args
; maps
; env
; args
; get_path_and_build_if_necessary
; _
} =
Scheduler.go ~common ~config @@ fun () ->
let open Fiber.O in
let* get_path_and_build_if_necessary = get_path_and_build_if_necessary in
let* ocamldebug = ocamldebug in
let* env = env in
let* forward_map, inverse_map = maps in
let+ path = Build_system.run_exn get_path_and_build_if_necessary in [ Pp.textf "In run_once" ];
let prog = Path.to_string path in
let args = prog :: args in
let prog = ocamldebug in
let argv = (prog :: debug_args) @ args in
let env =
Dune_util.Build_path_prefix_map0.extend_build_path_prefix_map env
`New_rules_have_precedence forward_map
let env =
Dune_util.Build_path_prefix_map0.extend_deploy_path_prefix_map env
`New_rules_have_precedence inverse_map
in [ Pp.textf "prog=%s,argv=%s" prog (String.concat ~sep:"||" argv) ];
restore_cwd_and_execve common prog argv env

let term =
let+ common = Common.term
and+ context =
Common.context_arg ~doc:{|Run the command in this build context.|}
and+ prog =
Arg.(required & pos 0 (some string) None ( [] ~docv:"PROG"))
and+ no_rebuild =
value & flag
& info [ "no-build" ] ~doc:"don't rebuild target before executing")
and+ emacs =
value & flag
& info [ "emacs" ]
~doc:"For running the debugger under emacs; implies -machine-readable")
and+ machine_readable =
value & flag
& info [ "machine-readable" ]
~doc:"Print information in a format more suitable for machines")
and+ no_version =
value & flag
& info [ "no-version" ] ~doc:"Do not print version at startup")
and+ no_prompt =
Arg.(value & flag & info [ "no-prompt" ] ~doc:"Suppress all prompts")
and+ no_time =
Arg.(value & flag & info [ "no-time" ] ~doc:"Do not print times")
and+ topdirs_path =
value & flag
& info [ "topdirs-path" ]
~doc:"Set path to the directory containing topdirs.cmi")
and+ no_breakpoint_message =
value & flag
& info
[ "no-breakpoint-message" ]
~doc:"Do not print message at breakpoint setup and removal")
and+ debugger_help =
value & flag
& info [ "debugger-help" ] ~doc:"Print the debugger's help message")
and+ debugger_version =
value & flag
& info [ "debugger-version" ] ~doc:"Print the debugger's version")
and+ cd_dir =
let doc = "Change working directory" in
value & opt (some string) None & info [ "cd" ] ~docv:"<dir>" ~doc)
and+ socket =
let doc = "Set the name of the communication socket" in
value & opt (some string) None & info [ "s" ] ~docv:"<filename>" ~doc)
and+ count =
let doc = "Set max number of checkpoints kept" in
value & opt (some int) None & info [ "c" ] ~docv:"COUNT" ~doc)
and+ includes =
let doc =
"Add <dir> to the list of include directories."
^ " May be used multiple times"
value & opt_all (some dir) [] & info [ "I" ] ~docv:"<dir>" ~doc)
and+ debugger =
let doc = "A debugger to use instead of ocamldebug" in
value & opt (some string) None & info [ "debugger" ] ~docv:"DEBUGGER" ~doc)
and+ debugger_option =
let doc = "Add debugger options <opt>. May be used multiple times." in
value & opt_all (some string) [] & info [ "do" ] ~docv:"<opt>" ~doc)
and+ args = Arg.(value & pos_right 0 string [] ( [] ~docv:"ARGS")) in

let debug_args = ref [] in
if emacs then debug_args := "-emacs" :: !debug_args;
if machine_readable then debug_args := "-machine_readable" :: !debug_args;
if no_version then debug_args := "-no-version" :: !debug_args;
if no_prompt then debug_args := "-no-prompt" :: !debug_args;
if no_time then debug_args := "-no-time" :: !debug_args;
if topdirs_path then debug_args := "-topdirs-path" :: !debug_args;
if no_breakpoint_message then
debug_args := "-no_breakpoint_message" :: !debug_args;
if debugger_help then debug_args := "-help" :: !debug_args;
if debugger_version then debug_args := "-version" :: !debug_args;
(match cd_dir with
| None -> ()
| Some dir -> debug_args := "-cd" :: dir :: !debug_args);
(match count with
| None -> ()
| Some c -> debug_args := "-c" :: Int.to_string c :: !debug_args);
(match socket with
| None -> ()
| Some dir -> debug_args := "-s" :: dir :: !debug_args);
List.iter includes ~f:(fun dir_opt ->
match dir_opt with
| None -> ()
| Some dir -> debug_args := "-I" :: dir :: !debug_args);
List.iter debugger_option ~f:(fun dir_opt ->
match dir_opt with
| None -> ()
| Some str -> debug_args := str :: !debug_args);
debug_args := List.rev !debug_args;

(* TODO we should make sure to finalize the current backend before exiting dune.
For watch mode, we should finalize the backend and then restart it in between
runs. *)
let exec_context =
Exec_context.init ~common ~context ~debugger ~debug_args:!debug_args
~no_rebuild ~prog ~args
(* We do not support watch mode for the debugger. *)
match common with
| Yes Passive ->
User_error.raise [ Pp.textf "passive watch mode is unsupported by debug" ]
| Yes Eager ->
User_error.raise [ Pp.textf "eager watch mode is unsupported by debug" ]
| No -> Exec_context.run_once exec_context

let command = Cmd.v info term
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions bin/ocaml/debug.mli
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
open Import

val command : unit Cmd.t
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions bin/ocaml/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,5 +9,6 @@ let group =
; Ocaml_merlin.Dump_dot_merlin.command
; Top.command
; Top.module_command
; Debug.command
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/dune_engine/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -580,7 +580,7 @@ let exec
| false -> env
| true ->
Dune_util.Build_path_prefix_map.extend_build_path_prefix_map env
Dune_util.Build_path_prefix_map0.extend_build_path_prefix_map env
[ Some
{ source = Path.to_absolute_filename root
Expand Down

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