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Merge pull request #1366 from ocaml/refactor-open-fixes
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Refactor open fixes
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trefis authored Jul 15, 2021
2 parents 44ac88c + 74a64af commit 7692405
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Showing 9 changed files with 302 additions and 110 deletions.
19 changes: 9 additions & 10 deletions src/analysis/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ let all_constructor_occurrences ({t_env = env; _},d) t =
aux [] t

let all_occurrences_of_prefix ~strict_prefix path node =
let all_occurrences_of_prefix path node =
let rec path_prefix ~prefix path =
Path.same prefix path ||
match path with
Expand All @@ -132,16 +132,15 @@ let all_occurrences_of_prefix ~strict_prefix path node =
let rec aux env node acc =
let acc =
let paths = Browse_raw.node_paths node in
let has_prefix {Location. txt; _} =
if not strict_prefix then path_prefix ~prefix:path txt
else match txt with
| Pdot (p, _) -> path_prefix ~prefix:path p
| _ -> false
let paths_and_lids = Browse_raw.node_paths_and_longident node in
let has_prefix ({Location. txt; _}, _) =
match txt with
| Path.Pdot (p, _) -> path_prefix ~prefix:path p
| _ -> false
match List.filter ~f:has_prefix paths with
| [] -> acc
| paths -> (node, paths) :: acc
List.fold_right paths_and_lids ~init:acc ~f:(fun elt acc ->
if has_prefix elt then elt :: acc else acc
Browse_raw.fold_node aux env node acc
Expand Down
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/analysis/browse_tree.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -50,5 +50,6 @@ val all_constructor_occurrences :
t * [ `Description of Types.constructor_description
| `Declaration of Typedtree.constructor_declaration ]
-> t -> t Location.loc list
val all_occurrences_of_prefix : strict_prefix:bool -> Path.t ->
Browse_raw.node -> (Browse_raw.node * Path.t Location.loc list) list

val all_occurrences_of_prefix :
Path.t -> Browse_raw.node -> (Path.t Location.loc * Longident.t) list
24 changes: 7 additions & 17 deletions src/analysis/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,34 +15,24 @@ let qual_or_unqual_path mode leftmost_ident path p =
aux (s :: acc) path'
| _ -> raise Not_found
aux [] p |> String.concat ~sep:"."

(* checks if the (un)qualified longident has a different length, i.e., has changed
XXX(Ulugbek): computes longident length using [loc_start] and [loc_end], hence
it doesn't work for multiline longidents because we can't compute their length *)
let same_longident new_lident { Location. loc_start; loc_end; _ } =
let old_longident_len = Lexing.column loc_end - Lexing.column loc_start in
loc_start.Lexing.pos_lnum = loc_end.Lexing.pos_lnum &&
String.length new_lident = old_longident_len
aux [] p

let same_longident new_lident old_lident =
List.length new_lident = List.length (Longident.flatten old_lident)

let get_rewrites ~mode typer pos =
match Mbrowse.select_open_node (Mtyper.node_at typer pos) with
| None | Some (_, _, []) -> []
| Some (orig_path, longident, ((_, node) :: _)) ->
let paths =
Browse_tree.all_occurrences_of_prefix ~strict_prefix:true orig_path node
let paths = List.concat_map ~f:snd paths in
let paths_and_lids = Browse_tree.all_occurrences_of_prefix orig_path node in
let leftmost_ident = Longident.flatten longident |> List.hd in
List.filter_map paths ~f:(fun {Location. txt = path; loc} ->
List.filter_map paths_and_lids ~f:(fun ({Location. txt = path; loc}, lid) ->
if loc.Location.loc_ghost || Location_aux.compare_pos pos loc > 0 then
match qual_or_unqual_path mode leftmost_ident orig_path path with
| s when same_longident s loc -> None
| s -> Some (s, loc)
| parts when same_longident parts lid -> None
| parts -> Some (String.concat ~sep:"." parts, loc)
| exception Not_found -> None
|> List.sort_uniq ~cmp:(fun (_,l1) (_,l2) -> l1 l2)
148 changes: 86 additions & 62 deletions src/ocaml/merlin_specific/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -79,7 +79,8 @@ type node =

| Method_call of expression * meth * Location.t
| Record_field of [`Expression of expression | `Pattern of pattern]
* Types.label_description * Location.t
* Types.label_description
* Longident.t Location.loc
| Module_binding_name of module_binding
| Module_declaration_name of module_declaration
| Module_type_declaration_name of module_type_declaration
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -116,7 +117,7 @@ let node_real_loc loc0 = function
| Expression {exp_loc = loc}
| Pattern {pat_loc = loc}
| Method_call (_, _, loc)
| Record_field (_, _, loc)
| Record_field (_, _, {loc})
| Class_expr {cl_loc = loc}
| Module_expr {mod_loc = loc}
| Structure_item ({str_loc = loc}, _)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -278,8 +279,8 @@ let of_record_field obj loc lbl =
fun env (f : _ f0) acc ->
app (Record_field (obj,lbl,loc)) env f acc

let of_exp_record_field obj loc lbl =
of_record_field (`Expression obj) loc lbl
let of_exp_record_field obj lid_loc lbl =
of_record_field (`Expression obj) lid_loc lbl

let of_pat_record_field obj loc lbl =
of_record_field (`Pattern obj) loc lbl
Expand All @@ -293,8 +294,8 @@ let of_pattern_desc (type k) (desc : k pattern_desc) =
| Tpat_tuple ps | Tpat_construct (_,_,ps) | Tpat_array ps ->
list_fold of_pattern ps
| Tpat_record (ls,_) ->
list_fold (fun ({Location. txt = _; loc},desc,p) ->
of_pat_record_field p loc desc ** of_pattern p) ls
list_fold (fun (lid_loc,desc,p) ->
of_pat_record_field p lid_loc desc ** of_pattern p) ls
| Tpat_or (p1,p2,_) ->
of_pattern p1 ** of_pattern p2

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -336,14 +337,14 @@ let of_expression_desc loc = function
option_fold of_expression extended_expression **
let fold_field = function
| (_,Typedtree.Kept _) -> id_fold
| (desc,Typedtree.Overridden (_,e)) ->
of_exp_record_field e loc desc ** of_expression e
| (desc,Typedtree.Overridden (lid_loc,e)) ->
of_exp_record_field e lid_loc desc ** of_expression e
array_fold fold_field fields
| Texp_field (e,{Location.loc},lbl) ->
of_expression e ** of_exp_record_field e loc lbl
| Texp_setfield (e1,{Location.loc},lbl,e2) ->
of_expression e1 ** of_expression e2 ** of_exp_record_field e1 loc lbl
| Texp_field (e,lid_loc,lbl) ->
of_expression e ** of_exp_record_field e lid_loc lbl
| Texp_setfield (e1,lid_loc,lbl,e2) ->
of_expression e1 ** of_expression e2 ** of_exp_record_field e1 lid_loc lbl
| Texp_ifthenelse (e1,e2,None)
| Texp_sequence (e1,e2) | Texp_while (e1,e2) ->
of_expression e1 ** of_expression e2
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -727,107 +728,123 @@ let string_of_node = function
let mkloc = Location.mkloc
let reloc txt loc = {loc with Location. txt}

let mk_lident x = Longident.Lident x

let type_constructor_path = function
| {Types.desc = Types.Tconstr (p,_,_)} -> p
| _ -> raise Not_found

(* Build a fake path for value constructors and labels *)
let fake_path typ name loc =
begin match type_constructor_path typ with
| Path.Pdot (p, _) ->
[mkloc (Path.Pdot (p, name)) loc]
| Path.Pident _ ->
[mkloc (Path.Pident (Ident.create_persistent name)) loc]
| _ -> []
| exception Not_found -> []
let fake_path {Location.loc ; txt = lid} typ name =
match type_constructor_path typ with
| Path.Pdot (p, _) ->
[mkloc (Path.Pdot (p, name)) loc, Some lid]
| Path.Pident _ ->
[mkloc (Path.Pident (Ident.create_persistent name)) loc, Some lid]
| _ | exception Not_found -> []

let pattern_paths (type k) { Typedtree. pat_desc; pat_extra; pat_loc } =
let init =
match (pat_desc : k pattern_desc) with
| Tpat_construct ({Location. loc},{Types. cstr_name; cstr_res; _},_) ->
fake_path cstr_res cstr_name loc
| Tpat_var (id, {Location. loc}) -> [mkloc (Path.Pident id) loc]
| Tpat_alias (_,id,loc) -> [reloc (Path.Pident id) loc]
| Tpat_construct (lid_loc,{Types. cstr_name; cstr_res; _},_) ->
fake_path lid_loc cstr_res cstr_name
| Tpat_var (id, {Location. loc; txt}) ->
[mkloc (Path.Pident id) loc, Some (Longident.Lident txt)]
| Tpat_alias (_,id,loc) ->
[reloc (Path.Pident id) loc, Some (Longident.Lident loc.txt)]
| _ -> []
List.fold_left ~init pat_extra
~f:(fun acc (extra,_,_) ->
match extra with
| Tpat_open (path,loc,_) | Tpat_type (path,loc) ->
reloc path loc :: acc
(reloc path loc, Some loc.txt) :: acc
| _ -> acc)

let module_expr_paths { Typedtree. mod_desc } =
match mod_desc with
| Tmod_ident (path, loc) -> [reloc path loc]
| Tmod_functor (Named (Some id, loc, _), _) -> [reloc (Path.Pident id) loc]
| Tmod_ident (path, loc) -> [reloc path loc, Some loc.txt]
| Tmod_functor (Named (Some id, loc, _), _) ->
[reloc (Path.Pident id) loc, mk_lident loc.txt]
| _ -> []

let expression_paths { Typedtree. exp_desc; _ } =
match exp_desc with
| Texp_ident (path,loc,_) -> [reloc path loc]
| Texp_new (path,loc,_) -> [reloc path loc]
| Texp_instvar (_,path,loc) -> [reloc path loc]
| Texp_setinstvar (_,path,loc,_) -> [reloc path loc]
| Texp_ident (path,loc,_) -> [reloc path loc, Some loc.txt]
| Texp_new (path,loc,_) -> [reloc path loc, Some loc.txt]
| Texp_instvar (_,path,loc) -> [reloc path loc, Some (Lident loc.txt)]
| Texp_setinstvar (_,path,loc,_) -> [reloc path loc, Some (Lident loc.txt)]
| Texp_override (_,ps) -> ~f:(fun (path,loc,_) -> reloc path loc) ps
| Texp_letmodule (Some id,loc,_,_,_) -> [reloc (Path.Pident id) loc]
| Texp_for (id,{Parsetree.ppat_loc = loc},_,_,_,_) ->
[mkloc (Path.Pident id) loc]
| Texp_construct ({Location. loc}, {Types. cstr_name; cstr_res; _}, _) ->
fake_path cstr_res cstr_name loc ~f:(fun (path,loc,_) ->
reloc path loc, Some (Longident.Lident loc.txt)
) ps
| Texp_letmodule (Some id,loc,_,_,_) ->
[reloc (Path.Pident id) loc, mk_lident loc.txt]
| Texp_for (id,{Parsetree.ppat_loc = loc; ppat_desc},_,_,_,_) ->
let lid =
match ppat_desc with
| Ppat_any -> None
| Ppat_var {txt} -> Some (Longident.Lident txt)
| _ -> assert false
[mkloc (Path.Pident id) loc, lid]
| Texp_construct (lid_loc, {Types. cstr_name; cstr_res; _}, _) ->
fake_path lid_loc cstr_res cstr_name
| Texp_open (od,_) -> module_expr_paths od.open_expr
| _ -> []

let core_type_paths { Typedtree. ctyp_desc } =
match ctyp_desc with
| Ttyp_constr (path,loc,_) -> [reloc path loc]
| Ttyp_class (path,loc,_) -> [reloc path loc]
| Ttyp_constr (path,loc,_) -> [reloc path loc, Some loc.txt]
| Ttyp_class (path,loc,_) -> [reloc path loc, Some loc.txt]
| _ -> []

let class_expr_paths { Typedtree. cl_desc } =
match cl_desc with
| Tcl_ident (path, loc, _) -> [reloc path loc]
| Tcl_ident (path, loc, _) -> [reloc path loc, Some loc.txt]
| _ -> []

let class_field_paths { Typedtree. cf_desc } =
match cf_desc with
| Tcf_val (loc,_,id,_,_) -> [reloc (Path.Pident id) loc]
| Tcf_val (loc,_,id,_,_) ->
[reloc (Path.Pident id) loc, Some (Longident.Lident loc.txt)]
| _ -> []

let structure_item_paths { Typedtree. str_desc } =
match str_desc with
| Tstr_class_type cls -> ~f:(fun (id,loc,_) -> reloc (Path.Pident id) loc) cls ~f:(fun (id,loc,_) ->
reloc (Path.Pident id) loc, Some (Longident.Lident loc.txt)
) cls
| Tstr_open od -> module_expr_paths od.open_expr
| _ -> []

let module_type_paths { Typedtree. mty_desc } =
match mty_desc with
| Tmty_ident (path, loc) | Tmty_alias (path, loc) ->
[reloc path loc]
[reloc path loc, Some loc.txt]
| Tmty_functor (Named (Some id,loc,_),_) ->
[reloc (Path.Pident id) loc]
[reloc (Path.Pident id) loc, mk_lident loc.txt]
| Tmty_with (_,ls) -> ~f:(fun (p,l,_) -> reloc p l) ls ~f:(fun (p,l,_) -> reloc p l, Some l.txt) ls
| _ -> []

let signature_item_paths { Typedtree. sig_desc } =
match sig_desc with
| Tsig_open { Typedtree. open_expr = (open_path, open_txt); _ } ->
[reloc open_path open_txt]
[reloc open_path open_txt, Some open_txt.txt]
| _ -> []

let with_constraint_paths = function
| Twith_module (path,loc) | Twith_modsubst (path,loc) ->
[reloc path loc]
[reloc path loc, Some loc.txt]
| _ -> []

let ci_paths {Typedtree. ci_id_name; ci_id_class } =
[reloc (Path.Pident ci_id_class) ci_id_name]
[reloc (Path.Pident ci_id_class) ci_id_name,
Some (Longident.Lident ci_id_name.txt)]

let node_paths =
let node_paths_full =
let open Typedtree in function
| Pattern p -> pattern_paths p
| Expression e -> expression_paths e
Expand All @@ -836,36 +853,43 @@ let node_paths =
| Module_expr me -> module_expr_paths me
| Structure_item (i,_) -> structure_item_paths i
| Module_binding_name { mb_id = Some mb_id; mb_name } ->
[reloc (Path.Pident mb_id) mb_name]
[reloc (Path.Pident mb_id) mb_name, mk_lident mb_name.txt]
| Module_type mt -> module_type_paths mt
| Signature_item (i,_) -> signature_item_paths i
| Module_declaration_name { md_id = Some md_id; md_name } ->
[reloc (Path.Pident md_id) md_name]
[reloc (Path.Pident md_id) md_name, mk_lident md_name.txt]
| Module_type_declaration_name { mtd_id; mtd_name } ->
[reloc (Path.Pident mtd_id) mtd_name]
[reloc (Path.Pident mtd_id) mtd_name, Some (Lident mtd_name.txt) ]
| With_constraint c -> with_constraint_paths c
| Core_type ct -> core_type_paths ct
| Package_type { pack_path; pack_txt } ->
[reloc pack_path pack_txt]
[reloc pack_path pack_txt, Some pack_txt.txt]
| Value_description { val_id; val_name } ->
[reloc (Path.Pident val_id) val_name]
[reloc (Path.Pident val_id) val_name, Some (Lident val_name.txt)]
| Type_declaration { typ_id; typ_name } ->
[reloc (Path.Pident typ_id) typ_name]
[reloc (Path.Pident typ_id) typ_name, Some (Lident typ_name.txt)]
| Type_extension { tyext_path; tyext_txt } ->
[reloc tyext_path tyext_txt]
[reloc tyext_path tyext_txt, Some tyext_txt.txt]
| Extension_constructor { ext_id; ext_name } ->
[reloc (Path.Pident ext_id) ext_name]
[reloc (Path.Pident ext_id) ext_name, Some (Lident ext_name.txt)]
| Label_declaration { ld_id; ld_name } ->
[reloc (Path.Pident ld_id) ld_name]
[reloc (Path.Pident ld_id) ld_name, Some (Lident ld_name.txt)]
| Constructor_declaration { cd_id; cd_name } ->
[reloc (Path.Pident cd_id) cd_name]
[reloc (Path.Pident cd_id) cd_name, Some (Lident cd_name.txt)]
| Class_declaration ci -> ci_paths ci
| Class_description ci -> ci_paths ci
| Class_type_declaration ci -> ci_paths ci
| Record_field (_,{Types.lbl_res; lbl_name; _},loc) ->
fake_path lbl_res lbl_name loc
| Record_field (_,{Types.lbl_res; lbl_name; _},lid_loc) ->
fake_path lid_loc lbl_res lbl_name
| _ -> []

let node_paths t = (node_paths_full t) ~f:fst
let node_paths_and_longident t =
List.filter_map (node_paths_full t) ~f:(function
| _, None -> None
| p, Some lid -> Some (p, lid)

let node_is_constructor = function
| Constructor_declaration decl ->
Some {decl.cd_name with Location.txt = `Declaration decl}
Expand Down
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -91,8 +91,10 @@ type node =
| Open_declaration of open_declaration

| Method_call of expression * meth * Location.t
| Record_field of [ `Expression of expression | `Pattern of pattern ] *
Types.label_description * Location.t
| Record_field of [ `Expression of expression
| `Pattern of pattern ]
* Types.label_description
* Longident.t Location.loc
| Module_binding_name of module_binding
| Module_declaration_name of module_declaration
| Module_type_declaration_name of module_type_declaration
Expand All @@ -109,6 +111,7 @@ val node_attributes : node -> attribute list
val string_of_node : node -> string

val node_paths : node -> Path.t Location.loc list
val node_paths_and_longident : node -> (Path.t Location.loc * Longident.t) list

val node_is_constructor : node ->
[ `Description of Types.constructor_description
Expand Down

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