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refactor(lsp): batch updates with a zipper
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rgrinberg committed Jan 12, 2023
1 parent 77625a9 commit af0b870
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Showing 14 changed files with 829 additions and 37 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
- Fix race condition when a document was being edited and dune in watch mode
was running (#1004, fixes #941, #1003)

- Fix a document syncing issue when utf-16 is the position encoding (#1004)

# 1.15.0-4.14

## Features
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions lsp/src/
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@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
module List = Stdlib.ListLabels
module Option = Stdlib.Option
module Array = Stdlib.ArrayLabels
module Bytes = Stdlib.BytesLabels
module Map = Stdlib.MoreLabels.Map

module Result = struct
include Stdlib.Result
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions lsp/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,4 +15,6 @@ module Diff = Diff

module Private = struct
module Array_view = Array_view
module Substring = Substring
module String_zipper = String_zipper
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions lsp/src/
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@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
include Types.Position

let zero = create ~line:0 ~character:0

let subtract x y =
let line = x.line - y.line in
let character = if line = 0 then x.character - y.character else x.character in
create ~character ~line

let is_zero (t : t) = t.line = zero.line && t.character = zero.character
256 changes: 256 additions & 0 deletions lsp/src/
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@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
open! Import
module Range = Types.Range

module T = struct
type t =
{ left : Substring.t list
; (* the cursor's position *)
rel_pos : int
(* [current] needed to prevent fragmentation of the substring. E.g. so
that moving inside the substring doesn't create unnecessary
splits *)
; current : Substring.t
; (* the number of '\n' characters traversed past the current position *)
line : int
; right : Substring.t list

include T

let of_string s =
{ left = []
; rel_pos = 0
; current = Substring.of_string s
; right = []
; line = 0

let length =
let f acc sub = acc + Substring.length sub in
fun { current; left; right; rel_pos = _; line = _ } ->
let init = Substring.length current in
let init = List.fold_left ~init ~f left in
List.fold_left ~init ~f right

let to_string t =
let dst = Bytes.make (length t) '\000' in
let dst_pos = ref 0 in
let f sub =
Substring.blit sub ~dst ~dst_pos:!dst_pos;
dst_pos := !dst_pos + Substring.length sub
List.iter (List.rev t.left) ~f;
f t.current;
List.iter t.right ~f;
Bytes.unsafe_to_string dst

let empty = of_string ""

let to_string_debug t =
let left, right = Substring.split_at t.current t.rel_pos in
List.rev_append t.left (left :: Substring.of_string "|" :: right :: t.right)
|> ~f:Substring.to_string
|> String.concat ~sep:""

let cons sub list = if Substring.length sub = 0 then list else sub :: list

let is_end t =
let res = Substring.length t.current = t.rel_pos in
(if res then
match t.right with
| [] -> ()
| _ :: _ ->
(sprintf "invalid state: current = %S" (Substring.to_string t.current)));

let is_begin t =
match t.left with
| [] -> t.rel_pos = 0
| _ :: _ -> false

let insert t (x : string) =
if String.length x = 0 then t
let current = Substring.of_string x in
let rel_pos = 0 in
if t.rel_pos = 0 then
{ t with current; rel_pos; right = cons t.current t.right }
else if t.rel_pos = Substring.length t.current then
{ t with current; rel_pos; left = cons t.current t.left }
let l, r = Substring.split_at t.current t.rel_pos in
{ t with current; rel_pos; left = l :: t.left; right = r :: t.right }

let forward_char t =
if is_end t then t
let line =
match Substring.get_exn t.current t.rel_pos with
| '\n' -> t.line + 1
| _ -> t.line
let rel_pos = t.rel_pos + 1 in
if rel_pos < Substring.length t.current then { t with rel_pos; line }
match t.right with
| [] -> { t with rel_pos; line }
| current :: right ->
{ left = t.current :: t.left; current; line; right; rel_pos = 0 }

let rec find_next_nl t =
if is_end t then t
match Substring.index_from t.current ~pos:t.rel_pos '\n' with
| Some rel_pos -> { t with rel_pos }
| None -> (
match t.right with
| [] -> { t with rel_pos = Substring.length t.current }
| current :: right ->
{ t with left = t.current :: t.left; current; right; rel_pos = 0 }
|> find_next_nl)

let rec goto_line_forward t n =
if n = 0 then t
else if is_end t then t
let t = find_next_nl t in
let t = forward_char t in
goto_line_forward t (n - 1)

(* put the cursor left of the previous newline *)
let rec prev_line t =
if is_begin t then t
match Substring.rindex_from t.current ~pos:t.rel_pos '\n' with
| Some rel_pos -> { t with rel_pos; line = t.line - 1 }
| None -> (
match t.left with
| [] -> { t with rel_pos = 0 }
| current :: left ->
{ t with
; left
; rel_pos = Substring.length current
; right = t.current :: t.right

let beginning_of_line t =
let t = prev_line t in
if is_begin t then t else forward_char t

let rec goto_line_backward t = function
| 0 -> beginning_of_line t
| n -> goto_line_backward (prev_line t) (n - 1)

let goto_line t n =
if t.line = n then beginning_of_line t
else if t.line > n then goto_line_backward t (t.line - n)
else goto_line_forward t (n - t.line)

let newline = Uchar.of_char '\n'

let nln = `ASCII newline

module Forward (Char : sig
val units_of_char : Uchar.t -> int
end) : sig
val forward : t -> code_units:int -> t
end = struct
open Char

let feed_current_chunk dec t = Substring.Uutf.src t.current ~pos:t.rel_pos dec

let finish_chunk (t : t) consumed =
let rel_pos = t.rel_pos + consumed in
if rel_pos < Substring.length t.current then { t with rel_pos }
else (
assert (rel_pos = Substring.length t.current);
match t.right with
| [] -> { t with rel_pos }
| current :: right ->
{ t with current; left = t.current :: t.left; right; rel_pos = 0 })

let rec loop dec (t : t) byte_count_ex_this_chunk (remaining : int) : t =
if remaining = 0 then
finish_chunk t (Uutf.decoder_byte_count dec - byte_count_ex_this_chunk)
match Uutf.decode dec with
| `Malformed _ -> assert false
| `End | `Await -> next_chunk dec t remaining
| `Uchar u ->
if Uchar.equal u newline then
(Uutf.decoder_byte_count dec - byte_count_ex_this_chunk - 1)
let remaining = remaining - units_of_char u in
loop dec t byte_count_ex_this_chunk remaining

and next_chunk dec (t : t) remaining =
match t.right with
| [] -> { t with rel_pos = Substring.length t.current }
| current :: right ->
let t =
{ t with left = t.current :: t.left; current; right; rel_pos = 0 }
feed_current_chunk dec t;
loop dec t (Uutf.decoder_byte_count dec) remaining

let forward t ~code_units =
if code_units = 0 then t
let dec = Uutf.decoder ~nln ~encoding:`UTF_8 `Manual in
feed_current_chunk dec t;
loop dec t 0 code_units

let forward_utf16 =
let module Char = struct
let units_of_char u = Uchar.utf_16_byte_length u / 2
end in
let module F = Forward (Char) in

let forward_utf8 =
let module Char = struct
let units_of_char = Uchar.utf_8_byte_length
end in
let module F = Forward (Char) in

let drop_until from until =
if is_end from then from
let right = cons (Substring.drop until.current until.rel_pos) until.right in
let left = cons (Substring.take from.current from.rel_pos) from.left in
match right with
| current :: right -> { from with left; right; current; rel_pos = 0 }
| [] -> (
match left with
| [] -> empty
| current :: left ->
{ from with left; right; current; rel_pos = Substring.length current })

let apply_change t (range : Range.t) encoding ~replacement =
let forward =
match encoding with
| `UTF8 -> forward_utf8
| `UTF16 -> forward_utf16
let t = goto_line t range.start.line in
let t = forward t ~code_units:range.start.character in
let t' =
let delta = Position.subtract range.end_ range.start in
let t = if delta.line = 0 then t else goto_line t range.end_.line in
forward t ~code_units:delta.character
insert (drop_until t t') replacement

module Private = struct
include T

let reflect x = x
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions lsp/src/string_zipper.mli
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@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
type t

val of_string : string -> t

val to_string : t -> string

val to_string_debug : t -> string

(* [insert t s] right of the current position *)
val insert : t -> string -> t

val goto_line : t -> int -> t

val drop_until : t -> t -> t

val apply_change :
t -> Types.Range.t -> [ `UTF16 | `UTF8 ] -> replacement:string -> t

module Private : sig
type zipper := t

type nonrec t =
{ left : Substring.t list
; rel_pos : int
; current : Substring.t
; line : int
; right : Substring.t list

val reflect : zipper -> t

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