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Type enclosing query (#1304)
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Add `typeEnclosing` customRequest
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xvw authored Jul 3, 2024
1 parent 9601581 commit b73d822
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request (#1265)

- Add custom [`ocamllsp/typeEnclosing`]( request (#1304)

## Fixes

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59 changes: 59 additions & 0 deletions ocaml-lsp-server/docs/ocamllsp/
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@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
# Type Enclosing Request

## Description

Merlin has a concept of `type enclosing` that gets the type of ident under the
cursor. It will highlight the ident and display its type. You can climb the
typed-tree and display the type of bigger expressions surrounding the cursor. In
order to keep the request stateless, the manipulation related to growing or
shrinking enclosings is delegated to the client. This request allows to request
type enclosing under the cursor and then its surrounding enclosings.

## Client capability

There is no client capability relative to this request.

## Server capability

- property name: `handleTypeEnclosing`
- property type: `boolean`

## Request

- method: `ocamllsp/typeEnclosing`
- params:

"uri": TextDocumentIdentifier,
"at": (Position | Range),
"index": uinteger,
"verbosity?": uinteger,

- `index` can be used to print only one type information. This is useful to query
the types lazily: normally, Merlin would return the signature of all enclosing
modules, which can be very expensive.
- `verbosity` determines the number of expansions of aliases in answers.
- `at` :
- if a `Position` is given, it will returns all enclosing around the position
- if a `Range` is given, only enclosings that contain the range
`[range.start; range.end]` will be included in the answer

## Response

"enclosings": Range[],
"index": uinteger,
"type": string

- `enclosings`: The surrounding enclosings
- `index` The index of the provided type result: the index corresponds to a
zero-indexed enclosing in the `enclosings`' array. It is the same value as the
one provided in this request's `TypeEnclosingParams`
- `type`: The type of the enclosing `enclosings[index]` as a raw string
182 changes: 182 additions & 0 deletions ocaml-lsp-server/src/custom_requests/
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open Import
module TextDocumentPositionParams = Lsp.Types.TextDocumentPositionParams

let capability = ("handleTypeEnclosing", `Bool true)

let meth = "ocamllsp/typeEnclosing"

module Request_params = struct
type t =
{ text_document : TextDocumentIdentifier.t
; at : [ `Range of Range.t | `Position of Position.t ]
; index : int
; verbosity : int

let yojson_of_at = function
| `Range r -> Range.yojson_of_t r
| `Position p -> Position.yojson_of_t p

let yojson_of_t { text_document; index; at; verbosity } =
match TextDocumentIdentifier.yojson_of_t text_document with
| `Assoc assoc ->
let index = ("index", `Int index) in
let range_end = ("at", yojson_of_at at) in
let verbosity = ("verbosity", `Int verbosity) in
`Assoc (index :: range_end :: verbosity :: assoc)
| _ -> (* unreachable *) assert false

let create ?(verbosity = 0) ~text_document ~at ~index () =
{ text_document; index; at; verbosity }

let json_error json =
Json.error "invalid Req_type_enclosing.Request_params" json

let index_of_yojson json params =
match List.assoc_opt "index" params with
| Some (`Int index) -> index
| _ ->
(* If the parameter is incorrectly formatted or missing, we refuse to build
the parameter, [index] is mandatory. *)
json_error json

let verbosity_of_yojson params =
match List.assoc_opt "verbosity" params with
| Some (`Int verbosity) -> verbosity
| _ ->
(* If the parameter is incorrectly formatted or missing, it is assumed that
the we ask for a verbosity level set to 0. *)

let at_of_yojson json params =
match List.assoc_opt "at" params with
| Some at -> (
try `Position (Position.t_of_yojson at)
with _ -> `Range (Range.t_of_yojson at))
| _ ->
(* If the parameter is incorrectly formatted or missing, we refuse to build
the parameter, [at] is mandatory. *)
json_error json

let t_of_yojson = function
| `Assoc params as json ->
let verbosity = verbosity_of_yojson params in
let at = at_of_yojson json params in
let index = index_of_yojson json params in
let text_document = TextDocumentIdentifier.t_of_yojson json in
{ index; at; verbosity; text_document }
| json -> json_error json

type t =
{ index : int
; type_ : string
; enclosings : Range.t list

let yojson_of_t { index; type_; enclosings } =
[ ("index", `Int index)
; ("enclosings", `List ( ~f:Range.yojson_of_t enclosings))
; ("type", `String type_)

let config_with_given_verbosity config verbosity =
let open Mconfig in
{ config with query = { config.query with verbosity } }

let with_pipeline state uri verbosity with_pipeline =
let doc = Document_store.get uri in
match Document.kind doc with
| `Other -> Fiber.return `Null
| `Merlin merlin ->
let open Fiber.O in
let* config = Document.Merlin.mconfig merlin in
~config:(config_with_given_verbosity config verbosity)

let make_enclosing_command position index =
Query_protocol.Type_enclosing (None, position, Some index)

let get_first_enclosing_index range_end enclosings =
List.find_mapi enclosings ~f:(fun i (loc, _, _) ->
let range = Range.of_loc loc in
match range_end range.end_ with
| Ordering.Lt | Ordering.Eq -> Some i
| Ordering.Gt -> None)

let dispatch_command pipeline command first_index index =
let rec aux i acc = function
| (_, `String typ, _) :: _ as enclosings when i = index ->
( typ
~f:(fun (loc, _, _) -> Range.of_loc loc)
(List.rev_append acc enclosings) )
| curr :: enclosings -> aux (succ i) (curr :: acc) enclosings
| [] -> None
let result =
List.drop (Query_commands.dispatch pipeline command) first_index
aux 0 [] result

let dispatch_with_range_end pipeline position index range_end =
(* merlin's `type-enclosing` command takes a position and returns a list of
increasing enclosures around that position. If it is given the [index]
parameter, it annotates the corresponding enclosing with its type.
As the request would like to allow the target of an interval, we want to
truncate the list of enclosures that include the interval. Something merlin
cannot do.
We use a little hack where we use the `type-enclosing` command (with a
negative index, so as not to make unnecessary computations) to calculate
the enclosings around the given position. Then, we look for the index
corresponding to the first enclosing included in the range which will act
as an offset to calculate the real index, relative to the range *)
let dummy_command = make_enclosing_command position (-1) in
let enclosings = Query_commands.dispatch pipeline dummy_command in
(get_first_enclosing_index range_end enclosings)
~f:(fun first_index ->
let real_index = first_index + index in
let command = make_enclosing_command position real_index in
dispatch_command pipeline command first_index index)

let dispatch_without_range_end pipeline position index =
let command = make_enclosing_command position index in
dispatch_command pipeline command 0 index

let dispatch_type_enclosing position index range_end pipeline =
let position = Position.logical position in
let result =
match range_end with
| None -> dispatch_without_range_end pipeline position index
| Some range_end ->
dispatch_with_range_end pipeline position index range_end
let type_, enclosings =
match result with
| None -> ("<no information>", [])
| Some (typ, enclosings) -> (typ, enclosings)
yojson_of_t { index; type_; enclosings }

let on_request ~params state =
Fiber.of_thunk (fun () ->
let params = (Option.value ~default:(`Assoc []) params :> Json.t) in
let Request_params.{ index; verbosity; text_document; at } =
Request_params.t_of_yojson params
let position, range_end =
match at with
| `Position p -> (p, None)
| `Range r -> (r.start, Some r.end_)
let uri = text_document.uri in
let verbosity = Mconfig.Verbosity.Lvl verbosity in
with_pipeline state uri verbosity
@@ dispatch_type_enclosing position index range_end)
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions ocaml-lsp-server/src/custom_requests/req_type_enclosing.mli
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@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
open Import

module Request_params : sig
type t

val create :
-> text_document:Lsp.Types.TextDocumentIdentifier.t
-> at:[ `Position of Position.t | `Range of Range.t ]
-> index:int
-> unit
-> t

val yojson_of_t : t -> Json.t

type t

val capability : string * Json.t

val meth : string

val on_request : params:Jsonrpc.Structured.t option -> State.t -> Json.t Fiber.t
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions ocaml-lsp-server/src/
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Expand Up @@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ include struct

let findi xs ~f = List.findi xs ~f

let find_mapi xs ~f = List.find_mapi xs ~f

let sub xs ~pos ~len = List.sub xs ~pos ~len

let hd_exn t = List.hd_exn t
Expand All @@ -39,6 +41,8 @@ include struct
let filter t ~f = List.filter t ~f

let tl t = t

let drop xs i = List.drop xs i

module Map = Map
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions ocaml-lsp-server/src/
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Expand Up @@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ let initialize_info (client_capabilities : ClientCapabilities.t) :
; Dune.view_promotion_capability
; Req_hover_extended.capability
; Req_merlin_call_compatible.capability
; Req_type_enclosing.capability
] )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -521,6 +522,7 @@ let on_request :
; (Req_infer_intf.meth, Req_infer_intf.on_request)
; (Req_typed_holes.meth, Req_typed_holes.on_request)
; (Req_merlin_call_compatible.meth, Req_merlin_call_compatible.on_request)
; (Req_type_enclosing.meth, Req_type_enclosing.on_request)
; (Req_wrapping_ast_node.meth, Req_wrapping_ast_node.on_request)
; ( Semantic_highlighting.Debug.meth_request_full
, Semantic_highlighting.Debug.on_request_full )
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions ocaml-lsp-server/test/e2e-new/dune
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion ocaml-lsp-server/test/e2e-new/
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Expand Up @@ -92,7 +92,8 @@ let%expect_test "start/stop" =
"handleWrappingAstNode": true,
"diagnostic_promotions": true,
"handleHoverExtended": true,
"handleMerlinCallCompatible": true
"handleMerlinCallCompatible": true,
"handleTypeEnclosing": true
"foldingRangeProvider": true,
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