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Extend mark/remove unused actions #1141

merged 13 commits into from
Sep 17, 2023
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
## Features

- Display text of references in doc strings (#1166)
- Add mark/remove unused actions for open, types, for loop indexes, modules,
match cases, rec, and constructors (#1141)

# 1.16.2

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293 changes: 266 additions & 27 deletions ocaml-lsp-server/src/code_actions/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,48 @@
open Import
open Option.O

let diagnostic_regex, diagnostic_regex_marks =
let msgs =
( Re.mark
[ Re.str "Error (warning 26)"
; Re.str "Error (warning 27)"
; Re.str "unused value"
, `Value )
:: ([ ("unused open", `Open)
; ("unused open!", `Open_bang)
; ("unused type", `Type)
; ("unused constructor", `Constructor)
; ("unused extension constructor", `Extension)
; ("this match case is unused", `Case)
; ("unused for-loop index", `For_loop_index)
; ("unused rec flag", `Rec)
; ("unused module", `Module)
|> ~f:(fun (msg, kind) -> (Re.mark (Re.str msg), kind)))
let regex =
(Re.seq [ Re.bol; Re.alt ( ~f:(fun ((_, r), _) -> r) msgs) ])
let marks = ~f:(fun ((m, _), k) -> (m, k)) msgs in
(regex, marks)

let find_unused_diagnostic pos ds =
let open Option.O in
List.filter ds ~f:(fun (d : Diagnostic.t) ->
match Position.compare_inclusion pos d.range with
| `Outside _ -> false
| `Inside -> true)
|> List.find_map ~f:(fun (d : Diagnostic.t) ->
let* group = Re.exec_opt diagnostic_regex d.message in
let+ kind =
List.find_map diagnostic_regex_marks ~f:(fun (m, k) ->
if Re.Mark.test group m then Some k else None)
(kind, d))

(* Return contexts enclosing `pos` in order from most specific to most
general. *)
let enclosing_pos pipeline pos =
Expand All @@ -14,7 +56,6 @@ let enclosing_pos pipeline pos =

(* `name` is an unused binding. `contexts` is a list of Mbrowse.t enclosing an
unused definition of `name`, in order from most general to most specific.

Returns an edit that silences the 'unused value' warning. *)
let rec mark_value_unused_edit name contexts =
match contexts with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -64,11 +105,11 @@ let rec mark_value_unused_edit name contexts =
| _ -> None

let code_action_mark_value_unused pipeline doc (diagnostic : Diagnostic.t) =
let open Option.O in
let* var_name = Document.substring doc diagnostic.range in
let pos = diagnostic.range.start in
let+ text_edit =
enclosing_pos pipeline pos
|> List.rev_map ~f:(fun (_, x) -> x)
enclosing_pos pipeline pos |> List.rev_map ~f:snd
|> mark_value_unused_edit var_name
let edit = Document.edit doc [ text_edit ] in
Expand All @@ -93,22 +134,23 @@ let enclosing_value_binding_range name =
; _
, body )
; exp_loc
, { exp_loc = { loc_start = let_end; _ }; _ } )
; exp_loc = { loc_start = let_start; _ }
; _
when name = name' ->
let* start = Position.of_lexical_position exp_loc.loc_start in
let+ end_ = Position.of_lexical_position body.exp_loc.loc_start in
let* start = Position.of_lexical_position let_start in
let+ end_ = Position.of_lexical_position let_end in
Range.create ~start ~end_
| _ -> None)

(* Create a code action that removes [range] and refers to [diagnostic]. *)
let code_action_remove_range doc (diagnostic : Diagnostic.t) range =
let code_action_remove_range ?(title = "Remove unused") doc
(diagnostic : Diagnostic.t) range =
let edit = Document.edit doc [ { range; newText = "" } ] in
~diagnostics:[ diagnostic ]
~title:"Remove unused"
Expand All @@ -121,25 +163,222 @@ let code_action_remove_value pipeline doc pos (diagnostic : Diagnostic.t) =
|> enclosing_value_binding_range var_name
|> ~f:(fun range -> code_action_remove_range doc diagnostic range)

let find_unused_diagnostic pos (ds : Diagnostic.t list) =
List.find ds ~f:(fun d ->
let in_range =
match Position.compare_inclusion pos d.range with
| `Outside _ -> false
| `Inside -> true
in_range && Diagnostic_util.is_unused_var_warning d.message)
(** [create_mark_action ~title doc pos d] creates a code action that resolves
the diagnostic [d] by inserting an underscore at [pos] in [doc]. *)
let create_mark_action ~title doc pos d =
let edit =
[ { range = Range.create ~start:pos ~end_:pos; newText = "_" } ]
~diagnostics:[ d ]

let action_mark_type pipeline doc pos (d : Diagnostic.t) =
let open Option.O in
let m_name_loc_start =
enclosing_pos pipeline pos
|> List.find_map ~f:(fun (_, node) ->
match node with
| Browse_raw.Type_declaration
{ typ_name = { loc = { loc_start; _ }; _ }; _ } -> Some loc_start
| _ -> None)
let* name_loc_start = m_name_loc_start in
let+ start = Position.of_lexical_position name_loc_start in
create_mark_action ~title:"Mark type as unused" doc start d

let code_action_mark pipeline doc (params : CodeActionParams.t) =
let pos = params.range.start in
let* d = find_unused_diagnostic pos params.context.diagnostics in
code_action_mark_value_unused pipeline doc d
let contains loc pos =
match Position.compare_inclusion pos (Range.of_loc loc) with
| `Outside _ -> false
| `Inside -> true

let action_mark_for_loop_index pipeline doc pos (d : Diagnostic.t) =
let open Option.O in
let module I = Ocaml_parsing.Ast_iterator in
let exception Found of Warnings.loc in
let iterator =
let expr iter (e : Parsetree.expression) =
if contains e.pexp_loc pos then
match e.pexp_desc with
| Pexp_for ({ ppat_loc; _ }, _, _, _, _) when contains ppat_loc pos ->
raise_notrace (Found ppat_loc)
| _ -> I.default_iterator.expr iter e
let structure_item iter (item : Parsetree.structure_item) =
if contains item.pstr_loc pos then
I.default_iterator.structure_item iter item
{ I.default_iterator with expr; structure_item }
let m_index_loc =
match Mpipeline.reader_parsetree pipeline with
| `Implementation parsetree -> (
iterator.structure iterator parsetree;
with Found task -> Some task)
| `Interface _ -> None
let* (index_loc : Warnings.loc) = m_index_loc in
let+ start = Position.of_lexical_position index_loc.loc_start in
create_mark_action ~title:"Mark for-loop index as unused" doc start d

let code_action_remove pipeline doc (params : CodeActionParams.t) =
let pos = params.range.start in
let* d = find_unused_diagnostic pos params.context.diagnostics in
code_action_remove_value pipeline doc pos d
let action_mark_open doc (d : Diagnostic.t) =
let edit =
let pos = { d.range.start with character = d.range.start.character + 4 } in
let range = Range.create ~start:pos ~end_:pos in
Document.edit doc [ { range; newText = "!" } ]
~diagnostics:[ d ]
~title:"Replace with open!"

let mark = Code_action.batchable QuickFix code_action_mark
let rec_regex =
[ Re.bos
; Re.rep Re.any
; (Re.str "rec")
; Re.rep
; Re.stop

let remove = Code_action.batchable QuickFix code_action_remove
let find_preceding doc pos regex =
let open Option.O in
let src = Document.source doc in
let (`Offset end_) = Msource.get_offset src @@ Position.logical pos in
let* groups = Re.exec_opt ~len:end_ regex (Msource.text src) in
let match_start, match_end = Re.Group.offset groups 1 in
let filename = Uri.to_path (Document.uri doc) in
let* start =
Msource.get_lexing_pos ~filename src (`Offset match_start)
|> Position.of_lexical_position
let+ end_ =
Msource.get_lexing_pos ~filename src (`Offset match_end)
|> Position.of_lexical_position
Range.create ~start ~end_

let action_remove_rec doc (d : Diagnostic.t) =
let open Option.O in
let+ rec_range = find_preceding doc d.range.start rec_regex in
code_action_remove_range ~title:"Remove unused rec" doc d rec_range

let bar_regex =
[ Re.bos
; Re.rep Re.any
; (Re.str "|")
; Re.rep
; Re.stop

let action_remove_case pipeline doc (d : Diagnostic.t) =
let open Option.O in
let case_range =
enclosing_pos pipeline d.range.start
|> List.find_map ~f:(fun (_, node) ->
match node with
| Browse_raw.Case
{ c_lhs = { pat_loc = { loc_start; _ }; _ }
; c_rhs = { exp_loc = { loc_end; _ }; _ }
; _
} -> Some (loc_start, loc_end)
| _ -> None)
let* case_start, case_end = case_range in
let* start = Position.of_lexical_position case_start in
let* end_ = Position.of_lexical_position case_end in
let+ preceding_bar = find_preceding doc start bar_regex in
let edit =
[ { range = Range.create ~start:preceding_bar.start ~end_; newText = "" }
~diagnostics:[ d ]
~title:"Remove unused case"

let action_remove_constructor pipeline doc (d : Diagnostic.t) =
let open Option.O in
let case_range =
enclosing_pos pipeline d.range.start
|> List.find_map ~f:(fun (_, node) ->
match node with
| Browse_raw.Constructor_declaration
{ cd_loc = { loc_start; loc_end; _ }; _ } ->
Some (loc_start, loc_end)
| _ -> None)
let* case_start, case_end = case_range in
let* start = Position.of_lexical_position case_start in
let+ end_ = Position.of_lexical_position case_end in
let edit =
Document.edit doc [ { range = Range.create ~start ~end_; newText = "" } ]
~diagnostics:[ d ]
~title:"Remove unused constructor"

let action_remove_simple kind doc (d : Diagnostic.t) =
code_action_remove_range ~title:("Remove unused " ^ kind) doc d d.range

let mark =
let run pipeline doc (params : CodeActionParams.t) =
let open Option.O in
let pos = params.range.start in
let* diagnostic = find_unused_diagnostic pos params.context.diagnostics in
match diagnostic with
| `Value, d -> code_action_mark_value_unused pipeline doc d
| `Open, d -> Some (action_mark_open doc d)
| `Type, d -> action_mark_type pipeline doc pos d
| `For_loop_index, d -> action_mark_for_loop_index pipeline doc pos d
| (`Open_bang | `Constructor | `Extension | `Case | `Rec | `Module), _ ->
(* these diagnostics don't have a reasonable "mark as unused" action *)
Code_action.batchable QuickFix run

let remove =
let run pipeline doc (params : CodeActionParams.t) =
let open Option.O in
let pos = params.range.start in
let* diagnostic = find_unused_diagnostic pos params.context.diagnostics in
match diagnostic with
| `Value, d -> code_action_remove_value pipeline doc pos d
| `Open, d -> Some (action_remove_simple "open" doc d)
| `Open_bang, d -> Some (action_remove_simple "open!" doc d)
| `Type, d -> Some (action_remove_simple "type" doc d)
| `Module, d -> Some (action_remove_simple "module" doc d)
| `Case, d -> action_remove_case pipeline doc d
| `Rec, d -> action_remove_rec doc d
| `Constructor, d -> action_remove_constructor pipeline doc d
| `Extension, _ ->
(* todo *)
| `For_loop_index, _ ->
(* these diagnostics don't have a reasonable "remove unused" action *)
Code_action.batchable QuickFix run
7 changes: 3 additions & 4 deletions ocaml-lsp-server/test/e2e-new/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
let extract_local_test src =
Code_actions.code_action_test ~title:"Extract local" ~source:src
let extract_local_test = Code_actions.code_action_test ~title:"Extract local"

let extract_function_test src =
Code_actions.code_action_test ~title:"Extract function" ~source:src
let extract_function_test =
Code_actions.code_action_test ~title:"Extract function"

let%expect_test "extract local constant" =
extract_local_test {|
Expand Down
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions ocaml-lsp-server/test/e2e-new/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
let inline_test src =
Code_actions.code_action_test ~title:"Inline into uses" ~source:src
let inline_test = Code_actions.code_action_test ~title:"Inline into uses"

let%expect_test "" =
inline_test {|
Expand Down