glatos is an R package with functions useful to members of the Great Lakes Acoustic Telemetry Observation System Functions may be generally useful for processing, analyzing, simulating, and visualizing acoustic telemetry data, but are not strictly limited to acoustic telemetry applications.
glatos is hosted by the Ocean Tracking Network on github.
For recent changes, see NEWS.
To report a bug, ask a question, or propose something new, submit an Issue or email the maintainer (Chris Holbrook): [email protected].
To install the latest release (0.8.0 'very-refreshing-lemonade'):
library(remotes) # for install_github
install_github('ocean-tracking-network/glatos', build_vignettes = TRUE)
To install the development version, an earlier version, or to see frequently asked questions about installation, see
provide fast data loading from standard GLATOS and OTN data files to a single structure that is compatible with other glatos functions. -
reads receiver location histories from standard GLATOS and OTN data files to a single structure that is compatible with other glatos functions. -
reads project-specific receiver history and fish taggging and release data from a standard glatos workbook file. -
reads transmitter (tag) specifications and operating schedule. -
converts 'raw' transmitter sensor (e.g., depth, temperature) to 'real'-scale values (e.g., depth in meters) using transmitter specification data (e.g., from read_vemco_tag_specs). -
load OTN metadata sheets for Tagging and Deployment of Receivers and formats them for converting to ATT Data. -
extracts data from proprietary receiver files (.vrl, .vdat) using Innovasea's VUE and VDAT software (packaged with Fathom Connect software). -
reads data from a CSV file produced by Innovasea's Fathom Connect or VDAT software (or withvdat_convert()
). Data from an "interleaved" (not "split") Fathom CSV format are read into R as avdat_list
object. -
, andread_vue_event_csv
read data from a CSV file exported from Innovasea's VUE software.
facilitates identification and removal of false positive detections by calculating the minimum time interval (min_lag) between successive detections. -
removes potential false positive detections using "short interval" criteria (see min_lag). -
distills detection data down to a much smaller number of discrete detection events, defined as a change in location or time gap that exceeds a threshold. -
calculates number of fish detected, number of detections, first and last detection timestamps, and/or mean location of receivers or groups, depending on specific type of summary requested. -
calculates the relative proportion of time spent at each location. -
calculates the relative activity at each receiver based on number of unique species and individual animals. -
for estimating detection range at which a certain detection efficiency is expected, using output from Innovasea's range testing software.
estimates the probability of collisions for pulse-position-modulation type co-located telemetry transmitters. This is useful for determining the number of fish to release or tag specifications (e.g., delay). -
simulates detection of acoustic-tagged fish crossing a receiver line (or single receiver). This is useful for determining optimal spacing of receviers in a line and tag specifications (e.g., delay). -
, anddetect_transmissions
individually simulate random fish movement paths within a water body (crw_in_polygon: a random walk in a polygon), tag signal transmissions along those paths (transmit_along_path: time series and locations of transmissions based on tag specs), and detection of those transmittions by receivers in a user-defined receiver network (detect_transmissions: time series and locations of detections based on detection range curve). Collectively, these functions can be used to explore, compare, and contrast theoretical performance of a wide range of transmitter and receiver network designs.
is useful for exploring movement patterns of individual tagged animals through time. -
is useful for exploring distribution of tagged individuals among receivers. -
, andmake_video
Interpolate spatio-temporal movements, between detections, create video frames, and stitch frames together to create animated video file. -
modify playback speed of videos and optionally convert between video file formats.
converts the glatos detection and receiver objects to a format supported by VTrack/ATT. -
converts the OTN detection and ERDDAP csvs of OTN animals, tags and stations to a format supported by VTrack/ATT. -
converts the OTN detections and metadata sheets to the ATT format. Also accepts deployment metadata from the OTN website in CSV format.