This Data Service Broker (DSB) provides a way to connect to, take copies and create new instances of a p-mysql data service running on Pivotal Cloud Foundry.
Most of the pre-reqs are around configuring your dev machine.
- CF cli installed.
- PCFDEV installed and running if planning to run tests locally.
- cd to your workspace.
- Clone the repository.
- Checkout a local branch if desired.
- If using local tools run
mvn clean install
to build the microservice.
After the build completes, a file mysql-dsb-deployer-[version].jar is generated under mysqldsb/deployer/target. This file needs to be pushed to PCF
Before pushing the deployer jar, the manifest file (manifest.yml) in the topmost folder needs to be modified based on the platform where the file is going to be pushed to.
The manifest file looks like the following,
applications: - name: pmysql_dsb --> The name of the DSB env: "CF_ORG": "pcfdev-org" --> The Org where the DSB should be pushed "CF_SPACE": "pcfdev-space" --> The space where the DSB should be pushed "CF_TARGET": "" --> The API endpoint of the PCF where the DSB is pushed "CF_ADMIN_USERNAME": "user" --> username of user with access to spaces where the data services need to be instantiated "CF_ADMIN_PASSWORD": "pass" --> password of user with access to spaces where the data services need to be instantiated
The default manifest is populated with PCFDEV credentials.