This script increases the priority of all edge pixels in the canvas.
This is to make sure the autoplacers place any outlines first before filling in any of the other spaces. The larger areas with the same color can then be filled by non autoplacer users.
The priority is determined by calculting prio = red << 16 | green << 8 | blue
The priority of all edge pixels is then increased by 10.000, which is the randomness value that gets added by the UserScript from PlaceNL
It can also lower the priority in a checkboard pattern (thanks ArcticDolphin in Discord for the idea) This will lower half the pixels priority value by 10.000
Install depedencies (Pillow)
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python <templatefile_path> <priofile_path> [-o output_file] [-l]
To generate the enhanced map use:
python image.png prio.png -o enhanced_prio.png
To generate the enhanced map with lowered checkerboard pattern use:
python image.png prio.png -o enhanced_prio.png -l
To only show the image, and not store it, you can exlude the output variable:
python image.png prio.png -l