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A JSON Web Token (JWT) workflow for APIs using the Friend middleware for authentication.


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A JSON Web Token (JWT) workflow for APIs using the Friend middleware for authentication.

friend-jwt is work in progress, please report any issues you might encounter.


friend-jwt provides a JWT-based workflow for APIs using the Friend middleware for authentication and authorization. This workflow is intended to be used in an authentication microservice.

Important characteristics:

  • based on the clj-jwt library
  • generated tokens contain a user-record-string claim
    • it contains the subject's identiy (friend username) and roles encoded as an edn string
    • this claim can be used to authorize a request without access to the friend user database, improving simplicity and scalability
  • generated tokens are not stored in any way
    • this makes it impossible to retract tokens, therefore token lifetime should be limited to a reasonable short duration (e.g. 1 to 10 minutes)
    • system clocks of both the authentication micro-service and of services that use tokens to authorize requests must be reliable
    • token lifetime can be extended without providing friend credentials again, see the usage example below


friend-jwt is available in Clojars. Add this :dependency to your Leiningen project.clj:

[sourcewerk/friend-jwt "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]


The following code implements a very basic authentication service (also available in the repo):

(ns sourcewerk.friend-jwt.examples.auth-service
  (:require [sourcewerk.friend-jwt.core :as friend-jwt]
            [ring.adapter.jetty :as jetty]
            [ring.middleware.defaults :refer :all]
            [ring.util.request :as req]
            [compojure.core :refer :all]
            [compojure.route :as route]
            [cemerick.friend :as friend]
            [cemerick.friend.credentials :as creds]
            [cemerick.friend.util :refer [gets]]
            [clj-jwt.key :refer [public-key private-key]]
            [clj-time.core :refer [minutes]]
            [clj-jwt.intdate :refer [intdate->joda-time]]))

(def users {"friend" {:username "friend"
                      :password (creds/hash-bcrypt "clojure")
                      :roles #{::user}}
            "greg" {:username "greg"
                    :password (creds/hash-bcrypt "kaktus")
                    :roles #{::admin}}})

(derive ::admin ::user) ; admins are considered to be also users

(def jwt-service-config
  {:algorithm :HS256
   :private-key "secret" ; FIXME never put a plain text secret in the source code!
   :token-time-to-live (minutes 2)})

(def jwt-client-config
  {:algorithm :HS256
   :public-key "secret"}) ; FIXME never put a plain text secret in the source code! 

(defroutes app-routes
  (GET "/" [] "Unauthenticated: Hello to you, stranger!\n")
  (GET "/all" req (friend/authenticated (str "Authenticated: Hello to you " (friend/current-authentication req) ", my good friend!!\n")))
  (GET "/user" [] (friend/authorize #{::user} "Authorized: Welcome, dear user!\n"))
  (GET "/admin" [] (friend/authorize #{::admin} "Authorized: Welcome, MASTER!\n"))
  (route/resources "/")
  (route/not-found "Not Found"))

(def secured-app (friend/authenticate
                   {:allow-anon? true
                    :unauthenticated-handler friend-jwt/workflow-deny
                    :login-uri "/authenticate"
                    :workflows [(friend-jwt/workflow
                                  :token-header "X-Auth-Token"
                                  :service-config jwt-service-config
                                  :client-config jwt-client-config 
                                  :credential-fn (partial creds/bcrypt-credential-fn users)
                                  :get-user-fn users)]}))

(def app
  (wrap-defaults secured-app api-defaults))

(defn -main [& args]
  (jetty/run-jetty app {:port 3000}))

You can also use lein run to start this example service. It can then be consumed via JSON requests. The following examples use cURL:

Authenticate with username greg and password kaktus by POSTing JSON-encoded credentials to the friend-configured login-uri:

curl -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"username": "greg", "password": "kaktus"}' http://localhost:3000/authenticate -i

This should return a HTTP response with status 200 (OK) and a token valid for 2 minutes provided in the X-Auth-Token header. You can check this token at the JWT website.

This token can then be used to authenticate requests be providing it in the X-Auth-Token header:

curl -i 'http://localhost:3000/all' -H "Accept: application/json" -H "X-Auth-Token: <the token>"

To extend the token's lifetime, POST to the friend-configured login-uri
with the token provided in the X-Auth-Token header:

curl -X POST -H "X-Auth-Token: <the token>" http://localhost:3000/authenticate -i


Copyright © 2015 sourcewerk GmbH, Oliver Flasch

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License version 1.0.


A JSON Web Token (JWT) workflow for APIs using the Friend middleware for authentication.







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