This is UI component for iOS Application. By using it you can easy implement ratings in your application.
The component is simple and customizing.
The recommended approach for installing AGRateView is via the CocoaPods package manager, as it provides flexible dependency management and dead simple installation. For best results, it is recommended that you install via CocoaPods **>= ** usin0.19.1g Git >= 1.8.0 installed via Homebrew.
Install CocoaPods if not already available:
$ [sudo] gem install cocoapods
$ pod setup
Change to the directory of your Xcode project, and Create and Edit your Podfile and add AGRateView:
$ cd /path/to/MyProject
$ touch Podfile
$ edit Podfile
platform :ios, '7.0'
# Or platform :osx, '10.7'
pod 'AGRateView'
Install into your project:
$ pod install
Open your project in Xcode from the .xcworkspace file (not the usual project file)
$ open MyProject.xcworkspace
AGRateView is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. Please see the LICENSE file for full details.