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This was a final project for CS50P. I would like to build upon it.

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Emergency Supply

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The main file uses several conditional functions to store and retrieve information about food and water emergency supplies. Each line on the two csv files contains comma seperated descriptions of a unit of the real wold supply. 5 options are presented after running the main file "get supply total", "get next expiration", "add supply", "get breakdown", and "exit". If statements direct to the respective functions. Following the user's completion of each request the program self references tha main() function so that the original options are available again.


This program originated as the final project assignment for CS50P Introduction to Programming with Python. It is the first program I have written in any language and attempts to showcase the skills learned in class if not a few more inpired by rabbitholes on stackexchange. When brainstorming needs I have in my personal life, I first thought of my family and a reocurring interest iv'e had in creating emergency plans and water storage. Soon after my first Costco trip to purchase bulk food items I realised that shelf lives are often sooner than permanent storage would allow. And so it is neccessary when storing food to rotate items that are expiring into ones regular food supply. With so many dates to remember however, keeping track of 5 gallons of peanut butter can be difficult. certainly an excel spreadsheet would solve the problem but that wouldnt be much fun and hardly showcase my capacity beyond point and click.

With this assignment I hope to track all items stored and have a better understanding of when items expire.

Because this is my first creative attempt in programming I welcome criticism and advice. I do not want to think of this project as complete once the course ends but continue to improve upon it as my skill in the language increases. Unavoidably there will be code written that is completely rediculous and the least efficient route to its goal. I hope that more experienced programmers will point these errors out to me so that I can learn to be a more efficient programmer.


  • store data about supply in csv file
  • input entries of supply and update csv
  • get total supply
  • get days current supply should last
  • get supply deficit
  • get soonest expiration date


Start Program

To begin the program open the terminal and on the command line type python space and then the file path of the script.

Select From Main Menu

1 - Display Current Totals
2 - Display Closest Expiration Date
3 - Add Inventory
4 - Remove Inventory
5 - Get Data Breakdown
e - EXIT

After starting the program 5 options will be presented in the form of a line starting with its choice number and a sentence describing the action to take.

If "1" is selected, the program will display the current volume of water in storage in gallons.


If "2" is selected, the program will display the next closest expiration date and how many days until it comes.

If "3" is selected, the program will request information about a unit of water entry to be added to the storage csv.

If "4" is selected, the program will request information about a unit of water of which some amount has been removed from storage to be documented in the storage csv.

If "5" is selected, the program will display information about the water supply and how that might effect the users of it according to standard recomendations for water consumption during an emergency.

If "e" is selected, the program will say "goodbye" and exit. Following each selection and completion of task, the program will return to the main screeen so that another selection can be made.

When inputing data for adding or removing a storage entry, enter dates MM-

Topics Used From Class

  • csv read write
  • loops, conditionals, variables, functions, classes, lists, datetime objects

Topics Requiring Further Study

  • csv writting without using dictionary, datetime manipulation


  • datetime
  • csv
  • sys

Test File

I created a test file to accomodate the main file to check that each function opperates normally.

Part of the testing includes returning csv files to previous states.

I am sure there is a convention for this type of scenario but I am not aware of it yet.

Test File Functions

This function makes sure that a csv file of a particular state returns the correct data


This function checks that the particular csv state returns total volume in gallons


This function returns the closest expiration date


The function will pass if a csv file with the test line added matches the csv file with the line added.


The function will pass if a csv file with the test line remove matches the csv file with the line removed.

I wonder if this is how I should test add as well


Frank O'Guin

GitHub: @oguinjr


This was a final project for CS50P. I would like to build upon it.






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