Nine to Five Guys is a review site whose purpose is to settle the age old question of "Where can I find a great burger?". Users can submit burgers into our database and provide reviews and ratings for them.
- Authenticated Users have access to a profile page to keep track of their burger submissions and reviews
- A live updating burger list that will keep you in the know about the latest and greatest burgers
- Our restaurants index will allow you to visit pages for dining establishments and seeing all of their corresponding burgers
- Authenticated Users can not only can post their own reviews, but also up vote or down vote other users reviews allowing for the community to govern the review section based off merit or helpfulness of the reviews.
- Admins can delete burgers or users at their discretion
- Authenticated Users can create a burger submission for our database, if they so choose later on they are also free to update or delete their submissions
- Authenticated Users can upload their own profile pictures to personalize their experience.
- A search bar is available for those looking to find a specific burger or restaurant entry
- On signup an email is sent to new users thanking them for choosing the service
- When Authenticated Users submit a review they receive a confirmation email if the review went through
- Live Updating Index pages and voting systems are handled through React.js
- Back end management handled through Ruby on Rails and PostgresSQL
- Photo Uploading is implemented through CarrierWave
- User Authentication is managed with Devise
Team Members:
- Samuel Burns
- Michael Canavan
- Nelson Lau
- Omar Jamal
- Joseph Strauss