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feat: update Tree-sitter highlights
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olimorris committed Jan 21, 2024
1 parent 5d0f52b commit 02c74db
Showing 1 changed file with 40 additions and 88 deletions.
128 changes: 40 additions & 88 deletions lua/onedarkpro/highlights/plugins/treesitter.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,104 +9,78 @@ function M.groups(theme)
-- Source:
return {
-- Misc
["@comment"] = { link = "Comment" }, -- line and block comments
["@error"] = { link = "Error" }, -- syntax/parser errors
--["@none"] -- completely disable the highlight
--["@preproc"] -- various preprocessor directives & shebangs
--["@define"] -- preprocessor definition directives
["@operator"] = { fg = theme.palette.cyan, style = config.styles.operators }, -- symbolic operators (e.g. `+` / `*`)
-- Identifiers
["@variable"] = { fg =, style = config.styles.variables }, -- various variable names
["@variable.builtin"] = { fg = theme.palette.yellow }, -- built-in variable names (e.g. `this`)
["@variable.parameter"] = { fg =, style = config.styles.parameters }, -- parameters of a function
["@variable.member"] = { fg = theme.palette.fg }, -- object and struct fields

-- Punctuation
["@punctuation.delimiter"] = { link = "Delimiter" }, -- delimiters (e.g. `;` / `.` / `,`)
["@punctuation.bracket"] = { fg = theme.palette.fg }, -- brackets (e.g. `()` / `{}` / `[]`)
["@punctuation.special"] = { fg = theme.palette.fg }, -- special symbols (e.g. `{}` in string interpolation)
["@constant"] = { fg =, style = config.styles.constants }, -- constant identifiers
["@constant.builtin"] = { fg = theme.palette.purple, style = config.styles.constants }, -- built-in constant values
["@constant.macro"] = { link = "@constant" }, -- constants defined by the preprocessor

["@module"] = { fg = theme.palette.yellow }, -- modules or namespaces
["@label"] = { link = "Label" }, -- GOTO and other labels (e.g. `label:` in C)

-- Literals
["@string"] = { fg =, style = config.styles.strings }, -- string literals
["@string.regex"] = { fg =, style = config.styles.strings }, -- regular expressions
["@string.escape"] = { fg = theme.palette.cyan, style = config.styles.strings }, -- escape sequences
["@string.special"] = { link = "Special" }, -- other special strings (e.g. dates)
["@string.special.symbol"] = { fg = }, -- symbols or atoms
["@string.special.url"] = { fg =, italic = true, underline = true }, -- URIs (e.g. hyperlinks)

["@character"] = { link = "Character" }, -- character literals
["@character.special"] = { fg = theme.palette.purple }, -- special characters (e.g. wildcards)

["@boolean"] = { link = "Boolean" }, -- boolean literals
["@number"] = { link = "Number" }, -- numeric literals
["@float"] = { link = "Float" }, -- floating-point number literals
["@number.float"] = { link = "Float" }, -- floating-point number literals

-- Types
["@type"] = { link = "Type" }, -- type or class definitions and annotations
["@type.builtin"] = { link = "@type" }, -- built-in types
["@type.definition"] = { link = "@type" }, -- type definitions (e.g. `typedef` in C)
["@type.qualifier"] = { link = "@type" }, -- type qualifiers (e.g. `const`)

["@attribute"] = { fg = theme.palette.purple }, --attribute annotations (e.g. Python decorators)
["@property"] = { fg = }, -- similar to `@field`

-- Functions
["@function"] = { fg =, style = config.styles.functions }, -- function definitions
["@function.builtin"] = { fg = theme.palette.yellow }, -- built-in functions
[""] = { link = "@function" }, -- function calls
["@function.macro"] = { fg = }, -- preprocessor macros

["@method"] = { fg =, style = config.styles.methods }, -- method definitions
[""] = { link = "@method" }, -- method calls
["@function.method"] = { fg =, style = config.styles.methods }, -- method definitions
[""] = { link = "@function.method" }, -- method calls

["@constructor"] = { fg = theme.palette.yellow }, -- constructor calls and definitions
["@parameter"] = { fg =, style = config.styles.parameters }, -- parameters of a function
["@operator"] = { fg = theme.palette.cyan, style = config.styles.operators }, -- symbolic operators (e.g. `+` / `*`)

-- Keywords
["@keyword"] = { link = "Keyword" }, -- For keywords that don't fall in previous categories.
["@keyword.function"] = { fg = theme.palette.purple, style = config.styles.functions }, -- For keywords used to define a function.
["@keyword.operator"] = { fg = theme.palette.purple, style = config.styles.operators }, -- For operators that are English words, e.g. `and`, `as`, `or`.
["@keyword.import"] = { link = "@keyword" }, -- keywords for including modules (e.g. `import` / `from` in Python)
["@keyword.repeat"] = { link = "@keyword" }, -- keywords related to loops (e.g. `for` / `while`)
["@keyword.return"] = { link = "@keyword" }, -- for the `return` and `yield` keywords.
["@keyword.exception"] = { link = "@keyword" }, -- keywords related to exceptions (e.g. `throw` / `catch`)

["@conditional"] = { fg = theme.palette.purple, style = config.styles.conditionals }, -- keywords related to conditionals (e.g. `if` / `else`)
-- ["@conditional.ternary"] -- Ternary operator: condition ? 1 : 2
["@repeat"] = { link = "Repeat" }, -- keywords related to loops (e.g. `for` / `while`)
-- ["@debug"] -- keywords related to debugging
["@label"] = { link = "Label" }, -- GOTO and other labels (e.g. `label:` in C)
["@include"] = { link = "Include" }, -- keywords for including modules (e.g. `import` / `from` in Python)
["@exception"] = { link = "Exception" }, -- keywords related to exceptions (e.g. `throw` / `catch`)
["@keyword.conditional"] = { fg = theme.palette.purple, style = config.styles.conditionals }, -- keywords related to conditionals (e.g. `if` / `else`)

-- Types
["@type"] = { link = "Type" }, -- type or class definitions and annotations
["@type.builtin"] = { link = "@type" }, -- built-in types
["@type.definition"] = { link = "@type" }, -- type definitions (e.g. `typedef` in C)
["@type.qualifier"] = { link = "@type" }, -- type qualifiers (e.g. `const`)

--["@storageclass"] -- visibility/life-time modifiers
["@attribute"] = { fg = theme.palette.purple }, --attribute annotations (e.g. Python decorators)
["@field"] = { fg = theme.palette.fg }, -- object and struct fields
["@property"] = { fg = }, -- similar to `@field`
-- Punctuation
["@punctuation.delimiter"] = { link = "Delimiter" }, -- delimiters (e.g. `;` / `.` / `,`)
["@punctuation.bracket"] = { fg = theme.palette.fg }, -- brackets (e.g. `()` / `{}` / `[]`)
["@punctuation.special"] = { fg = theme.palette.fg }, -- special symbols (e.g. `{}` in string interpolation)

-- Identifiers
["@variable"] = { fg =, style = config.styles.variables }, -- various variable names
["@variable.builtin"] = { fg = theme.palette.yellow }, -- built-in variable names (e.g. `this`)
-- Comments
["@comment"] = { link = "Comment" }, -- line and block comments
["@comment.error"] = { bg =, fg = }, -- error-type comments (e.g. `ERROR`, `FIXME`, `DEPRECATED:`)
["@comment.warning"] = { bg = theme.palette.yellow, fg = }, -- warning-type comments (e.g. `WARNING:`, `FIX:`, `HACK:`)
["@comment.todo"] = { bg =, fg = }, -- todo-type comments (e.g. `TODO:`, `WIP:`, `FIXME:`)
["@comment.note"] = { bg = theme.palette.cyan, fg = }, -- note-type comments (e.g. `NOTE:`, `INFO:`, `XXX`)

["@constant"] = { fg =, style = config.styles.constants }, -- constant identifiers
["@constant.builtin"] = { fg = theme.palette.purple, style = config.styles.constants }, -- built-in constant values
["@constant.macro"] = { link = "@constant" }, -- constants defined by the preprocessor
["@constant.comment"] = { fg = theme.palette.purple },

["@namespace"] = { fg = theme.palette.yellow }, -- modules or namespaces
["@symbol"] = { fg = }, -- symbols or atoms

-- Text
["@text"] = { fg = theme.palette.fg }, -- non-structured text
["@text.strong"] = { link = "Bold" }, -- bold text
-- ["@text.emphasis"] = { }, -- text with emphasis
["@text.underline"] = { link = "Underlined" }, -- underlined text
["@text.strike"] = { fg = theme.palette.fg, strikethrough = true }, -- strikethrough text
["@text.title"] = { link = "Title" }, -- text that is part of a title
["@text.literal"] = { fg = theme.palette.fg }, -- literal or verbatim text
["@text.uri"] = { fg =, italic = true, underline = true }, -- URIs (e.g. hyperlinks)
["@text.math"] = { fg = theme.palette.fg }, -- math environments (e.g. `$ ... $` in LaTeX)
["@text.environment"] = { link = "Macro" }, -- text environments of markup languages
[""] = { link = "Type" }, -- text indicating the type of an environment
["@text.reference"] = { fg = theme.palette.fg, bold = true }, -- text references, footnotes, citations, etc.

--["@text.todo] -- todo notes
["@text.todo.checked"] = { fg = },
["@text.todo.unchecked"] = { fg =, bg = theme.palette.fg },
["@text.note"] = { fg = theme.palette.fg }, -- info notes
["@text.warning"] = { fg = theme.palette.yellow }, -- warning notes
["@text.danger"] = { fg = }, -- danger/error notes

--["@text.diff.add"] -- added text (for diff files)
--["@text.diff.delete"] -- deleted text (for diff files)
-- Markup
["@markup.strong"] = { fg = theme.palette.yellow, bold = true }, -- bold text
["@markup.italic"] = { italic = true }, -- italic text
Expand All @@ -130,28 +104,6 @@ function M.groups(theme)
["@tag"] = { fg = }, -- XML tag names
["@tag.attribute"] = { link = "@property" }, -- XML tag attributes
["@tag.delimiter"] = { link = "Delimiter" }, -- XML tag delimiters

-- Spell
-- ["@spell"] -- for defining regions to be spellchecked
-- ["@nospell"] -- for defining regions that should NOT be spellchecked

-- Locals
-- ["@definition"] -- various definitions
-- ["@definition.constant"] -- constants
-- ["@definition.function"] -- functions
-- ["@definition.method"] -- methods
-- ["@definition.var"] --variables
-- ["@definition.parameter"] -- parameters
-- ["@definition.macro"] -- preprocessor macros
-- ["@definition.type"] -- types or classes
-- ["@definition.field"] -- fields or properties
-- ["@definition.enum"] -- enumerations
-- ["@definition.namespace"] -- modules or namespaces
-- ["@definition.import"] -- imported names
-- ["@definition.associated"] -- the associated type of a variable

-- ["@scope"] -- scope block
-- ["@reference"] -- identifier reference

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